Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Rothaus ()
Date: January 21, 2014 05:20AM

wonder now if there was something on those recordings that they didn't want anyone to know about, like subliminal messaging. Wouldn't that be perfect? What an opportunity to expose a community-center full of gullible and primed people to further indoctrination?
Been a long time since I been on this board.Subliminal Messages? Sorry to spell it out so harsh. The reason is quite simple - if anyone with a sane mind would get those DVDs in their hands they would see what it is - cult bs. Most of us just bought into that crap.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: meh ()
Date: January 21, 2014 06:23AM

Rothaus, do you know that to be a fact? The reason I ask is that I posed a speculation, and you stated what sounds like a fact based on documentation that you're aware of.

People can certainly make a pretty educated guess on the level of crazy in sgi just by spending some time on youtube, so it isn't like seeing one of the dvd's is going to give anyone a worse opinion.

Re: subliminal messaging in SGI video tapes?
Posted by: Spartacus ()
Date: January 21, 2014 09:58AM

Meh poses a legitimate question. I don't know if they embedded subliminal messages in their issued video tapes meant only for member-viewer's eyes, but I do know HQ was extremely paranoid regarding control of these produced videotapes of dear leader.

As I mentioned in a previous post, SGcult spent huge amounts of money (somewhere around 1990) to install satellite equipment in every CC across the country. We were told that we were going to enjoy sat meetings with dear leader every month. But after only a few sat conference meetings, the whole thing was quietly abandoned and eventually replaced with the tightly controlled distribution of video tapes. Why would they spend so much money on the satellite meetings only to quickly abandon the whole thing? I think the most plausible answer is this - the control-freak aspect took over when they suddenly realized that anybody could hack into and record the sat transmissions. But it is not impossible, or even that far-fetched to suggest, that they might also have been keen to make the changeover to facilitate the use of subliminal messaging in SGcult video tape productions. Mind control technology was proven to work effectively when used in television commercial advertising. That's why it was prohibited from use by advertisers.

When it comes to placing subliminal messages in pre-recorded video tapes, isn't that technically easier to accomplish than embedding them in satellite transmissions? And the wouldn't be breaking any FCC rules or criminal laws by doing that. Any question of ethical behavior certainly would not have inhibited or prevented SGcult psychopathic leaders from stooping to using modern high-tech mind control upon the membership.

But then again, isn't the use of old-fashioned low-tech subliminal messaging already overpoweringly present at every turn during any SGcult meeting? So just where would the draw the line?

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: meh ()
Date: January 21, 2014 10:13AM

If a little is good, isn't a lot better? I don't think there's a saturation point on that kind of mind-programming, and I'm quite sure that there's nothing das org wouldn't stoop to in order to keep control. All for the members' good, of course, gotta keep up that gung-ho spirit.

Hind-sight is always 20/20, isn't it? If only I'd had the foresight to tape one of those videos with my phone before I left! Of course, I don't know anyone who could do anything with it, but all the same . . . I would imagine that, if they were doing such a thing, any of their online or youtube videos would be clean.

I think the line would be drawn where hard evidence of wrong-doing would be created that would lead to prosecution

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Watchtower ()
Date: January 21, 2014 12:13PM

Around 1990 a member wanted to make a copy of a senseless video for another member to save a few bucks, the sgicult leader absolutely fobade him from doing such a thing because it would be cheating the org out of its money and that if he did make an illeagal copy that it would harm his eyes when he watched it. More phoney baloney, but of course the senseless clones swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
By the way, I submitted something on this forum last week which has never yet been posted. Why would something not be approved?

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: meh ()
Date: January 21, 2014 08:44PM

Can I just keep copying dvd's until I need glasses? Sorry ... that just made me think about a joke that was popular when I was younger about a boy whose mother caught him, um, taking liberties with himself and told him he'd go blind if he didn't stop ...

Watchtower, to the best of my knowledge, actions that would get you banned would be being nasty to one of the members here or posting something that looked like trolling or was super offensive. Maybe try re-posting it if you saved it on your computer? It may be something as simple as it slipping between the cracks ... that doesn't usually happen, but I'm sure it could.

We ladies were gently taken to task in early last year for not watching Linda Johnson's annual video together; the normal routine for us was to watch it after the discussion or study meeting that month, and nobody had time so we just sort of passed it around. Kind of funny to watch it on my own; in fact, I couldn't make it all the way through. In the past, I'd always enjoyed her videos, but watching it without that background of group-think ... Í can only say that I found her tedious, boring, self-aggrandizing and not just a little bit silly. At the time, I just thought that it wasn't as good a speech as she usually made, but now - in the context of the whole mind-control agenda we've all become so painfully aware of - I've come to the conclusion that there are so many subtle mechanics that go on within a group that I now understand why sgi's preference is that these dvd's are watched as a group.

Linda Johnson - now there's a piece of work. I suspect that only in sgi could a death-penalty prosecutor stoutly proclaim her Buddhism and apparently see no disconnect between the two. So typical of members, who have been trained to loudly proclaim their faith, belief and benefits while being blind to the truth of who they are and how they live. I had originally written "while denying the truth," but isn't that simple; they honestly do not see that chasm. As usual, I go to my old ex-friend Berni as an example, the consummate member who shakubu'd me; while claiming her deep faith in the protection of the gohonzon, she lives each day in fear and paranoia. Oh - and her blindness in one eye? That's karmic retribution because, before she was married, she used to look at other women's boyfriends with an eye to stealing them. Hmmm.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: meh ()
Date: January 22, 2014 01:33AM

I came across this while puttering around on the internet this morning. It's a very interesting read, and seems to consolidate a lot of the ideas that have been presented on this thread, along with a couple of new ones.


BTW, now this is what I call a wall of text! Maybe four walls and a ceiling . . .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2014 01:51AM by meh.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Spartacus ()
Date: January 22, 2014 09:46AM

Around 1990 the use of an embedded copyright protection device in VHS tapes became widespread. The embedded device scrambled the video signal (but not the audio) making it difficult to get a coherent picture. There were nefarious claims made that watching the scrambled screen (you could still see fleeting images) would blind you or severely damage the eyes, but those were only scare-monger tactics IMO. Counter-devices immediately appeared designed to defeat the copyright protection device, enabling both viewing and copying of protected VHS tapes. I often used such a device to make copies of SGcult videos, so that our circle of friends would have access to content which otherwise would not have been available. Poor destitute youth suffered from a distinct disadvantage when they could not afford the luxury of paid access to video that more affluent members took for granted. Money and profit for the was the bottom line for video sales, just like it was (and is) for everything else.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: meh ()
Date: January 22, 2014 09:15PM

But think of the good causes those destitute students were making by spending their food money on sgi crap!

Sgi doesn't give a rat's patoot about whether someone can afford their junk, including their loathsome publications. Sgi actually cut its own throat a bit a couple of years ago when they combined the WT and LB subscriptions and made e-versions available; the combined subscription was less that the individual subs were, and the e-versions cheaper yet. Prior to that, a lot of families had split the subs, with the wife getting one and the husband getting the other (leaders, of course, were expected to get both each, if they were a couple). Under the new arrangement, they seem to be losing money; for the paper pubs, it's $50 a year (40 WTs and 12 LBs), and the e-pubs are $30.

That doesn't really take the pressure to subscribe off, though - those monthly reports are reviewed, and slackers are contacted. Maybe sgi thought that with the reduced price, couples would be willing to get individual subscriptions (don't you want one of your very own?!), or at least have one partner get paper and the other go with the online version. That, thankfully, back-fired - as subs rolled into the new renewal format, an awful lot of couples just went with the single sub. Unless, of course, you're a leader - you are still expected to maintain your own, even if the other 20 people in your house have theirs.

Even if someone was unemployed and too poor to pay attention, they were still encouraged to make that cause by laying out their rent money for another year of BS and banality.

Re: SGI publication subscriptions
Posted by: Spartacus ()
Date: January 23, 2014 11:16AM

During phase one, the WT subscription campaigns were completely over the top. It was not unusual for one member to maintain 10, 20, even 25 or more multiple subscriptions to the World Tribune rag. Can't even begin to calculate how many stacks of untouched WT newspapers I threw away when they begin to stack up too high in my chapter house. The common excuse for such excess was "to provide free copies of the WT to give away during shakabuku (conversion) activities". But the real motivations sprang from the desire for more-more-more benefits by greedy members, and the desire for increased monetary income and indoctrination power by the

As a senior leader working at the center of the NSAcult universe back then, it was plain to see that the WT subscription campaigns were primarily a numbers game played for the sake of: 1.) increased profits and 2.) making NSA.cult organization appear larger than it actually was. HQ clearly wanted the highest possible WT numbers reported each month. There was an unrelenting pressure applied to the members to comply. It didn't matter at all if inflated WT subscription numbers rode roughshod upon the backs of zealous members. Of course, there was no shortage of brainwashed members (like me) more than willing to go without food or bill money in order to maintain their outlandish WT subscription bill. If someone was already taking 25 subs, they would be "encouraged" to increase their number to 30. What wasn't so obvious to me at the time was the indoctrination aspect. WT and all revenue-generating cult publications have always been a primary tool for indoctrinating SGcult members while simultaneously relieving them of their money.

The drive by cult leaders to sell ever-increasing WT subscriptions to members/marks was brutal and abusive, and was a direct cause of increased suffering by the poorer, already scraping to get by members desperately grasping for straws (benefits). The deviously tricked deluded members into a false hope of receiving huge benefits while stubbornly maintaining great pride (ego) at their monetary sacrifices given to the Mind control at its finest.

It is the blood sweat and tears of the members that primarily built the SGcult into one of, if not THE richest religious organization in the world. SGI has always been a self-centered cult that wouldn't lift a finger, much less provide a dime to help sick, destitute, hungry, or homeless members - even if they had previously sacrificed everything they had to provide unquestioning loyalty and monetary support to the Yet, the has no problem coming up with money for Marriott Hotel presidential suites to house their leaders in during "guidance tours".

So I say to those who are beginning to wake up: do not buy into the subscription lie. World peace can't be purchased with dollar bills issued from your purse. Do yourself a kindness and abandon the programmed illusions revolving around selfish expectations of big benefits to be had by simply reaching into your pockets when prompted. And PLEASE - don't help make the cocksuckers any richer. Remember this: purchasing SGcult subscriptions do not, and never will, equal supporting world peace or doing real human revolution.


Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2014 11:32AM by Spartacus.

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