Re: SGI, The richest cult in the world, over $1 BILLION in the USA
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 08, 2009 01:26AM

It certainly is outrageous SGI propaganda and lies that those lazy "Americans" were not giving enough money.
Its just another tactic meant to try to shame and guilt people into give more money to SGI-USA.

SGI-USA is an unbelievable cash-machine.
Who knows how many hundreds of millions they are collecting and leveraging in the US?
They have been around since 1968 in the USA.
What if their real estate and other holdings have increased to where SGI-USA is worth literally BILLIONS? Its possible, they have no expenses, they get everyone to work for free.
Soka University has only been around a few years, and its worth 1 billion.
So SGI-USA could easily be worth 5 billion, or more. Maybe its worth 10 billion in assets? Maybe even more.

Its a "religion" so they are allowed to keep all of their information "secret". (which is totally ridiculous by the way. If "religions" don't have to pay tax, then they should be forced by the government to publish their financials, to stop all of these religious scams going on).

And of course, the California "university" codes seem to be especially juicy for people to use to leverage assets.
(Maybe Byron Katie will set up her own "university" next too?)

But as far as SGI-USA.
Since Soka Gakkai International USA (952265667) does NOT PUBLISH A IRS 990 FORM, then no one knows what is going on with all of those hundreds of millions, billions, and even tens of billions of dollars.
Where is it? Its all secret.

So since SGI-USA does not publish the 990 Form, then no one should ever give them one dollar.
Never give one dollar to a charity or "religion" that does not openly publish exactly where all the money is going.
Why don't they publish that information?
What is SGI-USA hiding?
Its corruption to keep all of that information secret like that.

So the only solution is to never give a secretive organization "religion" like SGI-USA one dollar.
SGI-USA refuses to publish their financials, so they don't deserve one-penny from anyone.
That's real karma.

If anyone from SGI ever asks for money, just tell them that first SGI-USA has to first voluntarily publish the IRS 990 form.
They NEVER will, as they hide behind those ridiculous out-of-date laws that allow so-called "religions" to hide their assets from their own members, which is the source of massive financial corruption in the USA.

The only solution is to boycott and quit any organization or "religion" that refuses to publish their audited financials.
And if any former insiders have information, then they should do some whistleblowing.

Re: SGI, The richest cult in the world, over $1 BILLION in the USA
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: September 08, 2009 02:05AM

The Anticult
It certainly is outrageous SGI propaganda and lies that those lazy "Americans" were not giving enough money.
Its just another tactic meant to try to shame and guilt people into give more money to SGI-USA.

SGI-USA is an unbelievable cash-machine.
Who knows how many hundreds of millions they are collecting and leveraging in the US?
They have been around since 1968 in the USA.
What if their real estate and other holdings have increased to where SGI-USA is worth literally BILLIONS? Its possible, they have no expenses, they get everyone to work for free.

Absolutely. In the area I lived, we had no community center or paid leaders. And that's really most of the United States, due to how spread-out members are. Meetings and activities were held in people's homes or local parks -- and organized and led by members who did not get paid for their time. Remember, the national leaders get paid -- middle and lower-level leaders do not. These individuals are working for SGI for free -- on top of their regular job. So, how were the Japanese members paying our way? What was there to pay for?

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: quiet one ()
Date: September 08, 2009 02:57AM

Anticult, Just wanted to let you know that several universities offer free tuition to families that make less than $60,000. Johns Hopkins, Stanford, and a number of other large, well-known schools make this offer.

SGI, "The Soka Gakkai is the world's largest (richest) cult."
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 08, 2009 03:02AM

Exactly, SGI-USA has no real expenses. Its brilliantly designed, better than Amway.

In the main regions, where there is a SGI center, who pays for that? Guess who, they would recruit local people to pay the rent/mortgage, with some SGI song and dance.
You can be 100% certain, its SGI policy not to put ONE-CENT of SGI's money into a local area. Not one penny. Each area would be forced to sustain itself, and to push money back to SGI.
That is certainly a fact.

So SGI would try to shame SGI-USA people, with some ugly rhetoric that the lazy Americans were getting taken care of by the Japanese SGI members. Quite clever tactic, really.
Some research would show they do similar tactics in other countries.

And even some of the more senior SGI people don't get paid. For example, in Soka University, some of the directors are listed as making $0.00. []
Now it could be those same people get a nice fat paycheck from SGI-USA, which would be secret, and then list themselves at Soka U as "working for free". More propaganda, to encourage other SGI people to work for free.
But the bottom line, is only the most senior SGI people are going to make much money, not that many. The money goes to the top.

The only reason SGI wants people to work for free, is so they can make more billions.
There was a quote that Ikeda was a "money-sucking vampire" [] that appears to not be an exaggeration. All the money, ALL of it, gets sucked right to the top. Money-vampire is technically accurate, just replace "blood" with "money".

Take the example of the woman who gave $100,000, and lost everything to SGI-USA.
They sucked her dry.
That is literally money-vampirism.

"Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures. Although typically described as undead, a vampire could be a living person".

SGI, Soka University has 900 million invested, profits from war?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 08, 2009 03:20AM

And SGI employees who do make even a modest salary, are convinced to "donate" 1/3 of it back to SGI.
Some call it a donation, some call it a kick-back.

The donated money is NOT used for "world peace", its invested in the stock markets, money markets, and in real estate. Soka University has about 600 million invested in the markets, and 300 million in real estate. []
Much of that money would be invested in public companies that sell military arms and weapons, and components that go into them, also in oil, cigarettes, booze, and anything else that makes money.
Its raw capitalism. The financial people who invest the Soka University 900 million, do so for PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT, and make millions for themselves doing so, and hundreds of millions for SGI.

So investing hundreds of millions in the publically traded companies that profit from war, is World Peace?
The SGI would certainly have chunks of their massive portfolio's invested in companies like Halliburton [] which make billions from war contracts.

SGI members need to stop chanting, and start thinking. It really is beyond ridiculous what is going on

"At that time Mr. Ross, as well, threw himself into propagation activities, including donating to the Gakkai one-third of his $20,000 a year salary. "I naturally was often asked by believers, 'What's this money used for?' However, I had no authority over how the money was spent, so I could only answer, 'It's used for world peace.'"

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 08, 2009 03:30AM

Yes of course, but the devil is in the details.
Do they offer this to 1 student a year? who decides?
How many, and what are the criteria? That has to be researched. The SGI one sounds like its more about foreign students? Are these famly members of SGI people from overseas?

The entire thing sends up a red flag.
Especially since the "university" has 350 students. A grade school has more students.
Soka U has about 3 million invested for each student. (900 million / 350).

Stanford University appears to have about 7000 students, and its also a real university.
Soka University, what is that degree going to be worth in the real world?

quiet one
Anticult, Just wanted to let you know that several universities offer free tuition to families that make less than $60,000. Johns Hopkins, Stanford, and a number of other large, well-known schools make this offer.

SGI-USA, Soka University, Endowment by student
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: September 08, 2009 03:44AM

Look at, this, this needs more research.
Endowment by student. []

This list says Princeton is the highest, at 1.9 million per student.
Well, they missed Soka University, which appears to be about 2.6 million per student.

Of course, the numbers could be slightly different according to how its calculated, but the bottom line is that Soka University is obviously a mechanism that allows tax-free religious money from SGI-USA, to be transfered into Soka U, then invested in the markets and earn massive profits.
And also used to lobby politicians, and the rest of it.

Soka University Under Fire []
Anne Houtman: (Assistant Dean and then Acting Dean of the Faculty)
... "I didn't know - they didn't tell me, and I didn't know at the time - that any of them were Soka Gakkai. I assumed they weren't, because they referred to the Soka Gakkai as sort of the parent organisation, and referred to it as this thing far away - it was giving us the funding, but we were the experts so we were going to design everything. It turns out later that they were all Soka Gakkai, and when I spoke to them about the endowment, besides having a half-billion dollar campus that was already paid for and in the process of being built, they also had a half- billion dollar endowment. "
...For the early faculty, there were kind of red flags right away, there were really deep concerns by some of the early faculty - all of whom have left now, either by being fired or by choosing to leave - they were really concerned about the relationship between the funding organisation, Soka Gakkai, and Soka University, and they felt that decision-making was happening in a very secretive and hierarchical way, and we weren't being told a lot of what was going on, the faculty."

Anne Houtman: I don't want to talk too much about it, because my lawyer said not to  but there's real discrepancies in salary, and in hiring and firing decisions based on whether or not you were a member of the Soka Gakkai. And I saw those salary data as an Acting Dean of Faculty; it was very clear to me that there's a definite bonus attached to being a Soka Gakkai member."

"Now, the students are well over 90% Soka Gakkai themselves"

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2009 03:54AM by The Anticult.

Re: SGI-USA, Soka University, Endowment by student
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: September 08, 2009 04:37AM

------Begin Quote, from Soka University of America Website-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Board of Trustees

Steve Dunham, JD, Chair
Vice President and General Counsel, Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

Tariq Hasan, PhD, Vice Chair
Chief Operating Officer, SGI-USA
Morristown, New Jersey

Yoshihisa Baba, PhD
Vice President and Professor of Econometrics, Soka University
Hachioji, Japan

Matilda Buck
Los Angeles, California

Lawrence E. Carter, Sr, PhD, DD, DH, DRS
Dean, Professor of Religion, College Archivist and Curator, Morehouse College
Atlanta, Georgia

Maria Guajardo, PhD
Executive Director, Office for Education and Children, Office of the Mayor
Denver, Colorado

Clothilde V. Hewlett, JD
Partner, Nossaman LLP
San Francisco, California

Lawrence A. Hickman, PhD
Professor of Philosophy and Director
The Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois

Kris Knudsen, JD
Sherwood, Oregon

Karen Lewis, PhD
Sondheimer Professor of International Finance and Co-Director, Weiss Center for International Financial Research,
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Daniel Nagashima, MBA
Benefactor and General Director, SGI-USA
Los Angeles, California

Mitsunari Okamoto, MBA
Managing Director, Investment Banking Division, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.
Tokyo, Japan

David Roselle, PhD
President Emeritus and Director, University of Delaware and Winterthur Museum and Country Estate, respectively
Wilmington, Delaware

Kenji Yoshigo
Benefactor, Soka Gakkai
Tokyo, Japan

Daniel Y. Habuki, PhD
President, Soka University of America (ex-officio member)
Aliso Viejo, California
----------------------------------------End of Quote---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tariq Hasan is a senior Soka Gakkai leader, and also a member of the Soka Gakkai's board of directors. Clothilde Hewlett is also a member of the Soka Gakkai's board of directors. Matilda Buck is a senior Soka Gakkai leader. Daniel Nagashima is the director of SGI-USA. Maria Guajardo was a Soka Gakkai leader. So some of these people have two, or even three jobs for SGI. They may be getting paid for one (on the records)-- and, on the records, as getting paid nothing for the others.

I don't know the other individuals' names. Still, it would shock me if they were not SGI leaders...fairly senior ones. Soka University of America is VERY important to the SGI senior leadership, part of a strategy that they have. They're not about to allow people that they haven't scrutinized for years in ANY decision-making spot. Most of these people will be True Believers. If a couple are not -- then they've got some special connection that the university needs -- and they will still be outnumbered by the True Believers so that they can't do any harm.

Look at the connections that the trustees have: legal firms, Johns Hopkins University, Morehouse College, Goldman-Sachs Investment Banking in Tokyo, Weiss Center for International Financial Research, Wharton College, and the Denver mayor's Office of Education and Children. Very useful if you want to launder money, legally, start charter schools, present an image that your organization supports people of color.

I would also love to know the admissions process. Surely a lot of SGI-USA parents would love to send their children to Soka U. Who gets in -- and who doesn't? Who decides -- and on what basis?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2009 04:53AM by tsukimoto.

Re: SGI-USA, Soka University, Endowment by student
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: September 08, 2009 05:10AM

----------------------------Tuition and Fees for Soka University, 2009 -- 2010 School Year--------------------------------------------------------------------
Tuition & Fees

2009-2010 Tuition and Fees

Tuition $24,606
Room & Board $9,360
Health Insurance $766
2009-2010 Cost of Attendance / Budget

Domestic Students International Students
Tuition* $24,606 $24,606
Room & Board* $9,360 $9,360
Health Insurance* $766 $766
Books & Supplies $1,000 $1,000
Transportation $500 $1,500
Personal Expenses $734 $734
Total $36,966 $37,966

------------------------------------End of Quote-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I must confess, it's been decades since I went to college, and I don't have college-age kids. How does this compare with tuition for other four-year colleges? Would it be usual for international students to pay the same tuition as the American kids?

Re: SGI-USA, Soka University, Endowment by student
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: September 08, 2009 05:23AM

-----------Begin Quote: Soka University Website-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Profile

Soka University seeks students of intelligence and commitment who will provide leadership in the promotion of peace and human rights.

Soka is open to highly motivated students of all backgrounds and beliefs who have excelled academically. Admission is competitive and selective. Although all successful applicants will have strong academic records, good grades and test scores are not enough by themselves for an applicant to be accepted.

Admission Statistics:


Domestic 416
International 133
Domestic 151
International 37
Average GPA 3.80
Average SATR 567 (SAT Reading)
Average SATM 598 (SAT Math)
Total SATR and SATM 1169
Average SATWR 571 (SAT Writing Test)
Average SATWR/Essay 9
Average ACT Composite 26
---------------------------------------------End of Quote------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It didn't say which year this was. Whichever year it was, apparently, 416 American students applied and 151 were accepted. 133 international students applied and 37 of them were accepted. I would love to know how they determined how these students would be leaders in promoting peace and human rights. Their parents are SGI loyalists?

It's a very tiny college class, certainly, 188 kids. The site says that they also expect the students to live on campus all four years to get the full benefit of the program.

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