Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI: Ikeda and Wordsworth
Posted by: doubtful ()
Date: September 17, 2011 04:49AM

@tsukimoto who wrote, "The monument honored Ikeda, as well as Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, Italian poet Francesco Petrarca and British poet William Wordsworth. Can you believe this -- Ikeda's saying that he belongs in the company of such great poets as Tagore, Petrarca and Wordsworth?" Well, given that Ikeda and SGI have tried to classify Ikeda as the equal of Gandhi and King, it should come as no surpise. This claim was one of the biggest reasons I left SGI. I felt that even educated members and leaders had no trouble seeing Ikeda as even greater than the other two legitimately accomplished men. After speaking to many about this I knew that I either I was insane or they were a cult. I never read his poetry beyond the obligatory line or passage mentioned at meetings. I could see how awful it was, but I didn't see what I see now after reading recent posts. This has all been part of a plan to make Ikeda seem so much greater than he is, which is a pity. I used to have more respect for him and the organization despite our differences and my departure. I went home yesterday and threw out ALL SGI publications, FNCC materials, books, NMRK cards, notes, and intro materials. I don't want anyone ever to associate me with SGI or Ikeda. I can't help my past affiliation but I can leave the past in the past. The only reason that my Gohonzon is not in the mail, being sent back to them is that I want to locate a replacement before discarding this one. There's nothing I find objectionable with the scroll, but I don't want my name in their database and I know that returning the scroll is the only way to be taken off the membership list. I find SGI/Ikeda's slimy attempts to get him recognition for flimsy "accomplishments" sooo gross. Once upon a time I thought that his inspiring many to practice and and then their introducing so many others made him great, but I now see that's not enough, at least not for them. He has to be shown having tea with famous people; initiating peace with China; equated with Gandhi and King; designated "World Poet Laureate"; influencing the weather; having the final word on Nichiren's writings and example; getting monuments erected to him; ironically maligning the priesthood; and insisting that MDM is the ONLY way to practice Nichiren Buddhism!! The rationale I used to believe was that the more people became aware of Ikeda, the likelier they were to try the practice. I let myself believe that his association with famous people would grant the practice more publicity (and in my mind, legitimacy, perhaps). However, I was deluded since SGI's methods have been consistently and deliberately dishonest. Surely those who publish the books and periodicals or erect the statues or supply the SGI websites know this. Thankfully, many whom I tried to introduce weren't interested, but I did contribute in so many ways which now make me cringe. Thankfully, it's over.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2011 05:01AM by doubtful.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Shavoy ()
Date: September 17, 2011 05:17AM

In addition to the "joined a cult" experience that a leader shared during a contribution campaign time, the leader was talking about the members' contributions going to pay the leaders' salaries. "and believe me, they need it!" the leader said. I immediately thought 2 things (besides rage): I had heard about or read that "Believe me" is an obvious but effective command. I figured "they need it" was a way of suggesting just compensation for untold great hours of work for Kosen Rufu and World Peace rather than directly stating SGI does not have the money. If I had not already been critical and on my guard, believe me, I would've been getting all misty eyed for those leaders who would be doing all that work and not getting paid enough.

rattyboy...incredible. This is the first I have heard of a leader just saying flat out that contributions go to pay the leaders' salaries. I think elsewhere on this site it was posted the salaries of the SGI-UK's top leaders. Six-figure sums. Just incredible, and that was a bold admission from a leader to the flock. I wonder how many members besides you had their guards raised higher, or even a question mark-- there had to be more---let's hope.

@doubtful...your last post hit the mark. It reminds me of any day now, NMRK turning into "Sensei Ikeda is sooooo Great! Sensei Ikeda is soooo great!" as the new Chant of Enlightenment.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2011 05:21AM by Shavoy.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: bobze39 ()
Date: September 17, 2011 07:51AM

"'Sacrifice your own skin to slash the opponent's flesh. Surrender your
own flesh to saw off the opponent's bone.' With their faithful
implementation of this well-known Japanese fencing (kendo) strategy
into actual practice during the war, the Japanese military is able to
achieve her glorious, ever-victorious invincibility in the Sino-Japan
conflict and in the Pacific war, and thus, easing the minds of the Japa-
nese people. This [strategy of sacrifice] should be held as an ideal
lifestyle for those remaining on the home front and should be applied
in every aspect of our daily life." --Tsunesaburo makiguchi
From:"The Instruction Manual Summarizing the Experiments and Testimonials of
Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness."


Wow, that is powerful! Thank you for quoting this, Nichijew. That also reminds me of an actual meaning of Shakubuku - Break and Subdue. Fencing (Kendo) strategy applied to Buddhism? Looks like those guys opposed the war only in words, but in reality Soka Gakkai is a war fighting strategy applied in daily life. So far, this war was pretty successful - they accumulated over $100 billion and Broke and Subdued millions of people. Of course there were casualties, like in any war - people, who were brainwashed to the point of donating their last money to SGI and left homeless or without any means of buying medicine, but who cares about them? The goal of war is Victory!

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Rothaus ()
Date: September 20, 2011 02:55AM

maybe I was not explicit enough in my earlier post about the new hall in california. I actually meant the new concert hall (!!!!???)
Concert hall

technically etc a sound building, but using it is not for free and it just makes me wonder what sgi is all about ... with its prices it seems cheaper to rent than any other facilities in the area ... quick revenues financed by donations .... I guess the revenues do not go back to the "share holder" though do they? ... but they will get much "kodku" in return ... ermmm

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2011 03:08AM by Rothaus.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: backnforth ()
Date: September 21, 2011 09:55AM

Re: Nichijew's quote from Makiguchi:

I would not automatically give this any credence: "The Instruction Manual Summarizing the Experiments and Testimonials of
Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness."

I have never heard of this. Where is it available? My brief search only lead me to Nichijew himself.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Nichijew ()
Date: September 21, 2011 02:44PM

Re: Nichijew's quote from Makiguchi:

I would not automatically give this any credence: "The Instruction Manual Summarizing the Experiments and Testimonials of
Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness."

I have never heard of this. Where is it available? My brief search only lead me to Nichijew himself.

It is in Brian Victoria's Zen at War. Obviously you didn't do a very thorough search. Were the passage not true, the SGI would have been on Brian Victoria like white on rice or on me for quoting it many times. BTW are you still SGI backnforth?


Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: backnforth ()
Date: September 24, 2011 11:04AM

I don't attend anymore, kept the Gohonzon - rather like it. I just chant and study with sgi general members and some new friends too.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: rensvwik ()
Date: October 08, 2011 09:57AM

Hi, everyone. I left SGI about six months ago. I joined in '76 and I've been one of those "on again, off again" members for quite some time. There were several things that finally made me decide to leave this last time: 1. I'd had it with the pushiness and complaining of the other leaders (It seemed that even if the meeting was good, invariably someone would harp about we needed more shakubuku or more youth). 2. I felt that Mr. Williams has been betrayed. 3. The mentor-disciple relationship thing has gone way overboard. 4. Comparing the different versions of The Human Revolution has caused me to realize that President Ikeda is trying to re-write history. I'm practicing with a local Tibetan Buddhist group that also has ties with a Vietnamese temple. Amazingly enough, the group has another ex-SGI member. Also, we had two curious SGI members visit us recently (they came on their own).

As we used to say, "Thank you so much!"

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: doubtful ()
Date: October 14, 2011 05:31AM

@Jackie_Flash who wrote, "Comparing the different versions of The Human Revolution has caused me to realize that President Ikeda is trying to re-write history." Welcome Jackie. I am glad you posted. It seems like most of us have run out of interest, time, or willingness here. I never could understand how or why anyone would read The Human Revolution. The little of it I ever read--only at meetings when forced to--was so awful and self-serving that I had to overlook the esteem in which others appeared to hold it. That Ikeda or SGI has attempted to rewrite its own history or history in general comes as no surprise. I really believe that SGI would do anything to get him the Nobel Prize. In Chicago, SGI recently erected a statue to him re: a remark he made 40 years ago while visiting Lincoln Park. Simply because he observed an act of racism among children playing with a ball, he is supposedly some civil rights activist who is the equivalent of Gandhi and King. Some of you may find this amusing or ridiculous but you should know that it was mentioned A LOT over the past 10 years and now there is a statue commemorating his observation. Hm. I wonder if Ikeda ever had similar observations of human rights violations in China or the former Sovier Union or anywhere for that matter. If he has, they have not appeared in SGI pubs at least not until I left about 2 years ago and I was in for over 20 years.

Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: wakatta1 ()
Date: October 15, 2011 03:38AM


Doubtful said: In Chicago, SGI recently erected a statue to him re: a remark he made 40 years ago while visiting Lincoln Park. Simply because he observed an act of racism among children playing with a ball, he is supposedly some civil rights activist who is the equivalent of Gandhi and King.

A statue in Santa Monica saying "Williams! Your standing on top of my toe!", another in Tokyo saying "Listen here! I did not have sex with that woman!" (finger wag).


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