Re: Wendy Byrd Ehlmann , A Byrd's Eye View, SGI Soka Gakkai
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: December 31, 2009 07:26AM

The Anticult
It might be possible to prove that SGI was spreading concocted stories about Byrd after her passing.
For example, a friend or a building Co-Op member could see those SGI comments, and get offended and want to set the record straight.

After the authorities leave the home, the buildings management is not going to open up a person's apartment to a bunch of people to snoop around in a deceased person's belongings. That is illegal.
Perhaps a next of kin with proof, and then whoever is handling the Will process.

It sounds exactly like more SGI fear propaganda.

If you look at the quoted message on page 109 of this thread, -- it's very vague. "A woman I know," "The Butsudan was found lying on its side..." The author of the message doesn't say WHO found the Butsudan. It really does sound like an urban myth. The person who made it up was careful not to give any details that could be fact-checked. And as Anticult said, how would a person who was not next of kin or an executor get access to Byrd's apartment anyway? Is SGI breaking and entering into the homes of recently-deceased members now?

Re: Former SGI members:Shunning
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: December 31, 2009 07:46AM

Byrd's story was sad...but sadly, not uncommon. This is from, "Byrd's Chicks" blog, November 8, 2008. Some of Byrd's friends began the "Byrd's Chicks" blog after Byrd's death, in honor of her. This entry was written by Jean Anker.

----------Beginning of Quote---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Spent time with a friend and fellow SGI member who I have known for over 20 years. Because my friend has the stature, strength of character and temperament of a warrior, I will refer to her as Diana for the ancient Greek goddess. Diana is a natural leader who rose quickly through the ranks of SGI, but she flew a little too close to the sun and was burned. To sum it up, she has gone from the upper echelons of SGI leadership to becoming persona non grata at district meetings; and is only permitted by the powers who be, providing she keeps her mouth shut, to attend 2 meetings a month, Kosen Rufu Gongyo and the screening of President Ikeda's monthly video. Her crime? Failing to denounce another senior leader and even worse, openly defending this other outcast.

Naturally there have been repercussions and as a result many have felt the sting of SGI regime change. It's almost as if a group of Russian nesting dolls had been punished for not denouncing the larger doll and then the larger one. Well you get the picture. Speaking of Russia, this whole business of denouncing people and being purged and reorganized sort of reminds me of Eastern Europe during the cold war, or for that matter, our own country during the era of McCarthyism. For example, Diana's friend, a talented, capable woman lost her position as a district leader for refusing to denounce Diana; now she is forced to attend meetings at a different district.

As I too was removed from my position, I feel some sympathy for others who have experieced the same fate. It's awkward and nobody enjoys rejection. But my sitution was different, I wasn't removed for failing to denounce an SGI Leader, I was removed for voicing my belief that SGI needed to get over the whole schism thing with Nicheren Shoshu, which has now gone on for 17 years. I also criticized what I see as the deification of President Ikeda. Diana's friend, despite being put through the wringer and hung out to dry by SGI, is taken aback when I tell her my experience.

Immediately she launches into the familiar argument about how Nicheren Shoshu is distorting the practice because they say practicioners have to go through the priests. I argue that even if that is true, what about having to go through SGI.

"But that is different," Diana's friend states.

"I don't really see much of a difference," I respond. "Look at last quarter's Living Buddhism where it states that SGI alone has correctly inherited the correct teachings of the Mystic Law of life and death, that sounds pretty adamant that you have to practice with SGI. Where does that leave the people outside of SGI who chant Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo?"

"Does it really say that?" she asks.

"Pretty much, but even if it didn't, do you think you can receive benefit if you don't practice with SGI?" She is silent. To me the answer seems obvious, why would anyone allow their religious organization to kick sand in their face if they didn't think they needed them in order to correctly practice.

Later I tell Diana that I don't see how SGI is going to be able to keep capable people when someone like her friend who is obviously very gifted and very loyal is cut from being a leader.

Diana agrees. "The people in SGI leadership are not really following President Ikeda." she adds.

We have had similar discussions before and I feel that she gives President Ikeda too much credit. I argue with her that he has to know what's going on because the SGI is a topdown organization.

"No, no," says Diana. "He gives us this amazing guidance, but the leaders don't listen."

"I respect President Ikeda," I say, "But I think he gives some mixed messages. I think SGI is intolerant because of him."

Diana ferverently disagrees. "President Ikeda is incredibly tolerant, that's why so many great leaders in other religions admire and respect him."

"But what about other BUDDHIST leaders?" I say pointedly, "Why doesn't he sit down with other Buddhist leaders?

She doesn't really have a direct answer, but she implies that he will and says he tried to dialogue with the priests. "President Ikeda can't control everything himself, it's up to us to follow his guidance and take some steps."
--------------------------------------End of Quote------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is sad. "Diana" has been treated horribly by SGI. So why does she stay? Because she has been taught that she needs to practice with SGI to receive any benefit. She's had that fear conditioning and thinks her life will go to hell in a handbasket if she leaves SGI. Interestingly, she doesn't blame Ikeda at all -- no, no, not Supermentor! The truth is, SGI is HIS baby. This kind of thing is going on because he allows it. Period.

And SGI has the nerve to say, "Be the change you wish to see in SGI. If you don't like SGI, then work to create an organization that you do like."

See how SGI turns it around on you -- if you don't like SGI, why it's your fault! You haven't worked hard enough to change it! And yet, you see what happens to those who do try to change SGI.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2009 07:50AM by tsukimoto.

Re: Former SGI members:Shunning
Posted by: sushigrl ()
Date: December 31, 2009 09:42AM

Tsuki: and imagine having to "denounce" a senior leader, one who might also be your friend. How do you denounce your own friend for some godforsaken stupid inbred Gakkai intolerance? OMG I am thanking "the buddhist gods" that I left SGI. I would have been in some serious emotional turmoil if I had stayed for this Stalinist BS. I am also thanking this forum for giving us a voice to DENOUNCE the tactics of the Gagkaiers.

During the late 1930s, Stalin launched the Great Purge (also known as the "Great Terror"), a campaign to purge the Communist Party of people accused of sabotage, terrorism, or treachery. Sounds familiar. Only Gagkai does it to capable, questioning people. But then, thinking or creative thinking is not allowed in the Gagkai. Only party dogma.

SGI should be renamed to KGB.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2009 09:47AM by sushigrl.

Re: Former SGI members:Shunning
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: December 31, 2009 11:49AM

SGI should be renamed to KGB.

Like you said -- the Gotchakai.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: tsukimoto ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:00PM

Here's an excerpt from Ikeda's New Year's Message in the 1/1/10 issue of the World Tribune. It may be one of his kookiest quotes yet regarding the mentor-disciple relationship:

"The Brazilian astronomer Dr. Ronaldo Mourao, with whom I have published a dialogue, remarked that an individual's innate potential can blossom in a much more vigorous form through the mentor-disciple relationship, and he said that he considered this the most correct 'orbit' for human beings to travel."

Huh? What? If someone out there can logically explain what the hell that even means, I'd appreciate it.

Ikeda is saying that your life should revolve around him, I guess. Still, I'd love to read what Dr. Mourao actually said. Probably nothing to do with mentor-disciple. That is a seriously weird comment....quite a creative leap to equate astronomy with the master-disciple relationship.

And again, it could be something like the Ikeda-Toynbee "dialogue." where Ikeda exchanged a few remarks with Dr. Mourao, and then had his ghost writer massage it into a book.

Re: Former SGI members:Shunning
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:00PM

This SGI business of denoucing SGI leaders, it actually sounds like something done inside the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and other authoritarian organizations, and even totalitarian organizations.
They force members to denouce eachother, and that breeds a culture of fear in the organization, where people start to fear their own shadow, and just follow orders.

Ikeda understands in great detail how to run a gigantic totalitarian organization, which of course like in 1984 by Orwell, Ikeda calls a "democracy". That is pure Orwellian Newspeak, practiced by Ikeda.
One assumes when Ikeda says "peace" he really means "war", the war for SGI and people's minds.

So one must draw a big line between the average SGI member who chants and goes to meetings, and the more senior SGI leaders and people who run the organizaation. Those are the SGI party members.

And the fact that SGI had the Yahoo group change their name, actually proves that SGI-USA was doing that. A local SGI group can't do something like that. That came right from the head office of SGI-USA.
So the head office of SGI-USA are where all these orders and actions are coming from, as they are the ones with the authority.

Lastly, this sordid business of SGI trying to spread myths about Byrd, is very telling.
It really smells like classic SGI propaganda, and in this case it might be provable, that SGI fabricated that myth, to use as a tactic.
Whoever thought up that "cobweb" story, would certainly get an Ikeda SGI cookie as a reward. You can just see the SGI loyalists in other countries, spreading the "story" that a lady started to criticize SGI on her "blog" on the "internet", and soon after she died, and they found her altar crawling with spiders and covered with rubbish.

That is classic old school SGI propaganda, and even psychological terror tactics for those who are deeply indoctrinated. Some people are incredibly superstitious about things like that.

Meanwhile, it actually shows how SGI is the opposite of real Buddhism. As if there was an altar where a spider happened to weave its web, so what? A spider is a part of nature, and a spiders web, is an amazing thing. There is nothing wrong with spiders or spiders webs, any real Buddhist would understand that.

But these sicko SGI propagandists, take something like that, and try to twist it into some superstitious fear-mongering.
Its wrong, and frankly its evil for SGI to try and do that to someone, to try and smear them after their passing.

Could someone post the precise link where that "story" about the cobwebs was posted, so the username of the person who posted, and other posts can be looked at?
It might be possible to learn more from that, and who did it.

Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: evergreen ()
Date: December 31, 2009 01:13PM

how many sites are out there blocking us?how many sites are overrun with SGI zealots? We are being censored for fuck sake! So freedom of speech is not accepted and yet all the fruity tutti guidance says that there is free speech. I have every right in this country to speak my feelings in a free manner. Cutting us off from others so that we can't relay important information is unjust, and criminal. Now I am beyond pissed. How dare they harass people about wrting material that is not to their liking. SGI is like China now. I cant even post my real name because of how some dipshit will make life hell for my parents, So there are two types of power control here. The first is that censoring is a bad thing, The second is that censoring will lead to persecutions. This is rampant and condoned behavior from the SGI. I'm sure Ikea knows that this goes on and has said nothing. It makes me what to open a form of ex SGI members who would like speek freely. Oh wait, we have that forum here. Let them come here and start their shit. We've already had a couple try to harass us - but they were weeded out. They couldn't take the heat in the kitchen. I am not afraid of them. Annoyed by them hes, I'll tell them that I'm not the one. Don't mess with me cause I can get very ugly. I'm pissed!

Re: Former SGI members:Shunning
Posted by: Rothaus ()
Date: December 31, 2009 03:41PM

@ evergreen

Have you never noticed the amount of honary degrees that Mr. Ikeda receives form a country that stamps the fredom of speech with its feets? China. What more is there to say I ask.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2009 03:48PM by Rothaus.

Re: Former SGI members:Shunning
Posted by: Nichijew ()
Date: January 01, 2010 01:54AM

The Anticult
This SGI business of denoucing SGI leaders, it actually sounds like something done inside the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and other authoritarian organizations, and even totalitarian organizations.
They force members to denouce eachother, and that breeds a culture of fear in the organization, where people start to fear their own shadow, and just follow orders.

Ikeda understands in great detail how to run a gigantic totalitarian organization, which of course like in 1984 by Orwell, Ikeda calls a "democracy". That is pure Orwellian Newspeak, practiced by Ikeda.
One assumes when Ikeda says "peace" he really means "war", the war for SGI and people's minds.

So one must draw a big line between the average SGI member who chants and goes to meetings, and the more senior SGI leaders and people who run the organizaation. Those are the SGI party members.

And the fact that SGI had the Yahoo group change their name, actually proves that SGI-USA was doing that. A local SGI group can't do something like that. That came right from the head office of SGI-USA.
So the head office of SGI-USA are where all these orders and actions are coming from, as they are the ones with the authority.

Lastly, this sordid business of SGI trying to spread myths about Byrd, is very telling.
It really smells like classic SGI propaganda, and in this case it might be provable, that SGI fabricated that myth, to use as a tactic.
Whoever thought up that "cobweb" story, would certainly get an Ikeda SGI cookie as a reward. You can just see the SGI loyalists in other countries, spreading the "story" that a lady started to criticize SGI on her "blog" on the "internet", and soon after she died, and they found her altar crawling with spiders and covered with rubbish.

That is classic old school SGI propaganda, and even psychological terror tactics for those who are deeply indoctrinated. Some people are incredibly superstitious about things like that.

Meanwhile, it actually shows how SGI is the opposite of real Buddhism. As if there was an altar where a spider happened to weave its web, so what? A spider is a part of nature, and a spiders web, is an amazing thing. There is nothing wrong with spiders or spiders webs, any real Buddhist would understand that.

But these sicko SGI propagandists, take something like that, and try to twist it into some superstitious fear-mongering.
Its wrong, and frankly its evil for SGI to try and do that to someone, to try and smear them after their passing.

Could someone post the precise link where that "story" about the cobwebs was posted, so the username of the person who posted, and other posts can be looked at?
It might be possible to learn more from that, and who did it.

Dear Anticult:

Leaders who die untoward deaths are first, then quickly forgotten. I remember this top senior leader in New York in the late 70's His car was run over by a snow plow on a street that had already been cleared. There were several memorials for this fellow then you never again heard about him. No yearly memorial, nothing. Same for a friend of mine who was an up and coming youth division leader. He was so full of life. Then, on his first skydiving attempt, his chute failed to open. There was a memorial for him and then again a year and two years after, arranged by his sister who was also a member, and then nothing. The general members who die of cancer or other related diseases, not only are quickly forgotten but the rumors start before the member is even dead. This is especially true if before the members death, they give a grandiose experience about how thanks to Sensei they are going to overcome this or that illness. One exception was the SGI-USA Study Department Chief, Shin Yatomi. Since he was a skilled theoretician on Lotus Sutra Buddhism, they have to keep his memory alive since they still make use of his study materials and the current crew, Greg Martin and Dave Baldschun, are such lightweights and sycophants.

Now, as far as spiders, millipedes and the like. Nagarjuna taught that through the Lotus Sutra even such lowly creatures will eventually attain Buddhahood through the power of the Lotus Sutra. Since as Buddhists, we don't kill anything, except for survival, I allowed a spider and a millipede to live behind my Butsudan and even rest or scurry in front of my Object of Worship.

It takes a spider less than a day to make a spiderweb, so even if the house was abandoned for a day or two we could expect to see a cobwebs.


Re: Former SGI members
Posted by: DrJesusEsq ()
Date: January 01, 2010 03:49AM

@rothaus, tsukimoto, sushigrl

Well I wasn't paranoid at all about Mao and Ikea, lol!

Seriously, I still wonder that the link between SGI and China. There is no SGI center in China, and most of the members are expats. If they are any from Mainland China, it's because they picked the chanting from studying or working abroad. I do have a book from Ikea in Chinese. I picked it up thinking I would read up more on Tendai and then I looked at the picture in the book . . .

Plus why all those universities? China is officially atheist.

I did research his name in both English and in Japanese kanji (The Chinese characters of his name) on the state newspapers and they only list him as a Japanese philosopher. I don't even recall they mention his "religion".

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