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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: August 05, 2007 10:39PM

I feel compelled to write this as my ex-fiancee stated that Landmark's positition on material posted on these message boards...were all generated by Rick Ross and that the handwriting analysis expert Landmark hired indicated as such.

We filed a K-1 finacee visa last month after talking about marriage for the better part of a year. She told me Landmark allowed her to be free to express to me that she "loved me and wanted a life with me."

One week ago, before she began working on staff at the Landmark Centre in Sydney, she called me up on her way to work and terminated the relationship. A day later, she used Landmark jargon, doublespeak, and when that failed, justification she'd gleaned from me on abusive relationships.

From what I can gather, she'd done yet another course and learned what the difference between a 'decision' and a 'choice' was, and therefore cound not marry me or act on the visa. A day earlier, she was ecstatic that I'd booked tickets to visit her family in Australia over the Christmas holiday as she introduced me to her Landmark colleagues as her "beloved fiancee."

In June, I boke off the engagement and attempted an intervention with her friends and family because she effectively wanted me to break the law regarding residency required by US immigration laws so that she could live near a US Landmark center, and I didn't live in the same state as one.

I was asked to do the Forum repeatedly, even after she promised she wouldn't ask me again after I said I didn't want to do it.

Even after other members at a workday told her not to.

Even after her courses and staff members and coaches told her "no means no and accept no and leave it alone."

Eventually, despite her important training, she made it a requirement of marriage. I agreed to doing the Forum because I loved her.

When I met some LEC members in Austin, their behavior and lack of boundaries disturbed me so much, a major center stated to me that they had sent me a letter of apology twice (because I never received the first one, and actually I never received the second one. I now doubt the honesty and integrity of the center leader who promised that the letter was sent). I was also given a scholarship to do the Forum for FREE. I'm sure once this is read by Landmark, when I call that certain center back, they'll have no knowledge of this event. So I'm writing about it here.

The day before she ended our relationship, she owned that she had been very manipulative throughout the entire relationship. My understanding is that Landmark gave her the tools to be completely unreasonable and selfish.

Multiple Landmark members (including the staff member who gave me a scholarship) told me they caused whatever relationship they were in when they began Landmark courses, that their dogged insistance that their partners do the Forum caused the relationship to end and they realised that was a mistake...not only from experience, but because they were instructed to accept "no" the first time.

These are your Landmark staff members, people. Somewhere in Sydney, my fiancee has taken over for a staff member temporarily (11 months) and is being rewarded for her completely irresponsible behavior and lack of honesty and integrity.

It is because she's been good at recruiting new members and having enrollment conversations...and an unquestioned devotion and loyalty to the organization. Near the end, she went from saying Erhard had no role in Landmark to "Werner was a victim of a character assasination. I met members in Australia that say he is a wonderful man."

This is the truth, and I feel it must be told. My name is not Rick Ross.

I am an unfortunate victim of Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: DBB2 ()
Date: August 11, 2007 04:48AM

He became involved and now after spending a great deal of money has completed numerous levels of training.
He won't take no for an answer when he invites me to a forum.After saying no at least 6 times I've decided it's in MY best interest to cut my ties.
Given his living situation etc.I can't understand how he thinks he's going to advise others on their situations.
Landmark appears to use "boiler room" phone banks to contact friends of attendees.
The next time my friend calls will be the last time.I 've asked and warned him that his persistence will affect our friendship,but I've come to the realization Lankmark is more important than our 14 year friendship.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: August 11, 2007 08:24AM

My wish, D, is that all of those harmed by the carelessness of Landmark Education, LLC's staff or volunteers... will post here and this can become a clearinghouse of information for those that can have reassurance and some sort of solace knowing that they, too, were not alone.

I feel really alone. The person I'd spoken to the day before about wedding arrangements completely severed all ties in regards to speaking to me.

My best guess is that her other LE colleagues imprinted on her the collective was more important than anything. Her sister and many friends had all been assimilated...and now roam the rest of their days as memes... human spam-bots, limited to the language gained by a corporation.

My ex is a beautiful woman with a wonderful voice, one that any company would love to have as their face. Sex sells. I think it was more important for LE to nurture a worker drone than let her be human.

I remember the conversations after her exhausting, sometimes 16+ hour "work days," or "courses."

She sounded like she was high...and it was much like someone wanting you to get high with them, I suppose.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: August 13, 2007 05:49PM

My wish, D, is that all of those harmed by the carelessness of Landmark Education, LLC's staff or volunteers... will post here and this can become a clearinghouse of information for those that can have reassurance and some sort of solace knowing that they, too, were not alone.

I feel really alone. The person I'd spoken to the day before about wedding arrangements completely severed all ties in regards to speaking to me.

My best guess is that her other LE colleagues imprinted on her the collective was more important than anything. Her sister and many friends had all been assimilated...and now roam the rest of their days as memes... human spam-bots, limited to the language gained by a corporation.

My ex is a beautiful woman with a wonderful voice, one that any company would love to have as their face. Sex sells. I think it was more important for LE to nurture a worker drone than let her be human.

I remember the conversations after her exhausting, sometimes 16+ hour "work days," or "courses."

She sounded like she was high...and it was much like someone wanting you to get high with them, I suppose.

They have been investigated multiple times by the governments of the United States and France for possible labor violations, by the Federal Department of Labor.


It might be interesting to see what would happen if you contacted your local government representatives in Sydney or elsewhere from the Federal Government in Australia, and informed them of the potential for Labor Violations, and request an investigation of their Labor Practices.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: DBB2 ()
Date: August 14, 2007 12:57AM

I forgot to mention in my earlier post my friend during his last call inviting me to a forum compared it to going to a baseball game.We have attended several professional sporting events in the past together.
I foolishly said "they're not the same",his reply was they're both something I would enjoy.
Watching baseball outside in Northern Ca. compared to being in a "locked" room with 100 people for 13hrs./day for 3 days.It sounds the same to me.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: August 14, 2007 06:50AM

My wish, D, is that all of those harmed by the carelessness of Landmark Education, LLC's staff or volunteers... will post here and this can become a clearinghouse of information for those that can have reassurance and some sort of solace knowing that they, too, were not alone.

I feel really alone. The person I'd spoken to the day before about wedding arrangements completely severed all ties in regards to speaking to me.

My best guess is that her other LE colleagues imprinted on her the collective was more important than anything. Her sister and many friends had all been assimilated...and now roam the rest of their days as memes... human spam-bots, limited to the language gained by a corporation.

My ex is a beautiful woman with a wonderful voice, one that any company would love to have as their face. Sex sells. I think it was more important for LE to nurture a worker drone than let her be human.

I remember the conversations after her exhausting, sometimes 16+ hour "work days," or "courses."

She sounded like she was high...and it was much like someone wanting you to get high with them, I suppose.

They have been investigated multiple times by the governments of the United States and France for possible labor violations, by the Federal Department of Labor.


It might be interesting to see what would happen if you contacted your local government representatives in Sydney or elsewhere from the Federal Government in Australia, and informed them of the potential for Labor Violations, and request an investigation of their Labor Practices.

I'm American, and out over 2300 USD over her "being unreasonable" by hounding me to get the K-1 Visa paperwork done.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: August 31, 2007 09:12AM

I had to try to find some closure. She just vanished the day of her first paid staff job at LE.

The Pressman book helped, A LOT. It fleshed out the vague areas she spoke about in jargon...I know using the jargon made her feel clever, but for some stuff that comes from a religion that believes we are clams evolved...

...I'm glad I didn't quit my day job.

...I'm glad I didn't follow her to Australia to be subjected to more of this foolish, ig'nant nonsense.

...I'm sort of glad that the people that LE who promised me some resolution concerning my negative experiences with them did not follow through. This only shows what they actually stand for. Undying loyalty to a thought system based on stolen ideas and the work of a bad hack writer... a used car salesman and door-to door hustler... A organization my idol in my field really distanced himself from.

Though I'm still holding them to their word. You know..."Authenticity," "Integrity," and s--t.

Process addiction. That I did study. I had a crazy BPD ex who did Sterling Institute stuff for 2 years out of CA.

Man, just knowing this all...means I will keep getting paid for the rest of my LIFE. Straight-up PAID.

Because when this LGAT crap corporations fail people (and when they gotta bolt from a country, and they do...), human beings with lives and feelings are left around.


So they go looking for a professional like they were supposed to do in the first place.

And good for them!

I'm usually a hunnerd an hour or so. I can empathise with them. I can help them get what's left working.

And I can sleep at night. Without anyone asking me any questions I gotta memorise a script to answer. Without the "are you inna cult or something?" s--t.

My conscience is clear now.

Along with most of my heart.

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:42AM

I keep getting e-mails from people who seem to have had the same experience.


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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: September 20, 2007 01:37AM

I do remember my ex calling from the Forum stating "this place is freezing," at one point, do to the extreme temperatures. She was sleep deprived at every LE course she attended or "assisted."

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I lost my fiancee to Landmark Education Corporation, LLC.
Posted by: DBB2 ()
Date: September 20, 2007 03:33AM

My "landmark" friend called again.We had a decent conversation until the end when he offered to take me to a LE meeting.I told him I had declined 6 or more times why did he invite me?
He said he had to. I said you don't!I told him I won't accept his calls anymore as he has been bothering a very close friend about LE.I said its about the $$. He said I don't make anything. I told him people at these meetings are interested in getting $400-600 from you at the end. I'm going into debt for LE,its never going to happen.

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