Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 01, 2019 09:15AM

Firewlaker did you see this ?


I know for fact calls are flooding into the Zalkin law firm now. I personally have given names and dates and helped a few more to make the call to the firm. I've been watching and waiting for someone to finally listen.

I've suggested this forum to look over- but being apx 137 pages short of Gone with the Wind I am trying to pull together some extremely relevant posts bits by bit- therefore I am hogging the forum with great joy over victory of getting some victims to a lawyer who helped file charged.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 01, 2019 09:29AM

Changed, sometimes we all need a good lol! thanks

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: FireWalker ()
Date: June 01, 2019 09:46AM

NancyB Wrote:
> Firewlaker did you see this ?
> [][0]=33.%7B%22logging_data%22%3A%7B%22page_id%22%3A114665075250432%2C%22event_type%22%3A%22clicked_all_page_posts%22%2C%22impression_info%22%3A%22eyJmIjp7InBhZ2VfaWQiOiIxMTQ2NjUwNzUyNTA0MzIiLCJpdGVtX2NvdW50IjoiMCJ9fQ%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22www_pages_home%22%2C%22interacted_story_type%22%3A%22565413710334575%22%2C%22session_id%22%3A%221ccb4f844f934b241fb9f4435f1d803f%22%7D%7D
> I know for fact calls are flooding into the Zalkin
> law firm now. I personally have given names and
> dates and helped a few more to make the call to
> the firm. I've been watching and waiting for
> someone to finally listen.
> I've suggested this forum to look over- but being
> apx 137 pages short of Gone with the Wind I am
> trying to pull together some extremely relevant
> posts bits by bit- therefore I am hogging the
> forum with great joy over victory of getting some
> victims to a lawyer who helped file charged.

I saw the word "charges" and thought cops finally got smart. Sounds like no police involvement but instead people being brave enough to sue on their own. Right?

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 01, 2019 10:19AM

Yes, I believe that the law firm is so expert in the matter of clergy/ church sexual abuse they must have believed them. This is wonderful news.

In my experience valid cases of ab use are blown off from the abuse investigators form the get -go all too many times. I guess they have their criteria -if you don;t use the right words they go on to the next case. Also in my experience the accused comes up with a more credible sounding story - very sad. ( In my experience only.)

Of course we forum members know there is host more crimes to untangle, but I'm so joyous that this is a start. I believe it is the beginning of healing for my family because of these brave sisters.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:01AM

NancyB Wrote:

> I personally would prefer that COX not be taken
> are a credible source for the world to judge what
> is going on TLW.

I agree.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:16AM

Reepicheep Wrote:
fool me twice
> Another Shiloh update:
> []

> From the article:
> Caquelin said that any proceeds from the sale of
> the property would only go to non-profit
> organizations, such as the church, and "absolutely
> not to any private individuals.”
> He also pointed out that, in the past, funds have
> been donated to Shiloh for various "restricted
> purposes," including a plan to construct a senior
> housing facility.
> The money in the senior housing or any other
> restricted fund will be either used for that
> restricted purpose or redirected with donors’
> approval,” Caquelin said. "There is no current
> planned use of the senior housing fund."
> Interesting that the money from the senior housing
> restricted fund can now be redirected with donor's
> approval. That will be a neat trick, since many of
> those who donated are now deceased, having never
> seen or heard any more details about the senior
> facility which was promised. Sounds a bit like
> like the non-existent gymnasium at Centers of
> Learning in North Hills. But they do have a horse
> barn, so no worries. That's almost the same thing,
> right? Except that it only benefitted one person,
> the child of a leader, and allowed the students to
> have a class called "barn" to care for the child's
> horse.

Mildly this was extremely disappointing. Some of the restricted donations by now deceased Ii believe do have living family members. I have left messages on Shiloh phone voice mail...of course no one is answering phones. I guess we will have to send registered mail.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:17AM

Reepicheep Wrote:
fool me twice
> Another Shiloh update:
> []

> From the article:
> Caquelin said that any proceeds from the sale of
> the property would only go to non-profit
> organizations, such as the church, and "absolutely
> not to any private individuals.”
> He also pointed out that, in the past, funds have
> been donated to Shiloh for various "restricted
> purposes," including a plan to construct a senior
> housing facility.
> The money in the senior housing or any other
> restricted fund will be either used for that
> restricted purpose or redirected with donors’
> approval,” Caquelin said. "There is no current
> planned use of the senior housing fund."
> Interesting that the money from the senior housing
> restricted fund can now be redirected with donor's
> approval. That will be a neat trick, since many of
> those who donated are now deceased, having never
> seen or heard any more details about the senior
> facility which was promised. Sounds a bit like
> like the non-existent gymnasium at Centers of
> Learning in North Hills. But they do have a horse
> barn, so no worries. That's almost the same thing,
> right? Except that it only benefitted one person,
> the child of a leader, and allowed the students to
> have a class called "barn" to care for the child's
> horse.

Mildly this was extremely disappointing. Some of the restricted donations by now deceased Ii believe do have living family members. I have left messages on Shiloh phone voice mail...of course no one is answering phones. I guess we will have to send registered mail our disgruntlement on behalf of late family members.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:30AM

Onion Wrote:
Thanks Onion. I've located your post and quoting for my friends who have questions about old family donations. This will be a good start in tracking down their parents and grandparents original wishes when donations were made way back when.

> I am thrilled that someone from Shiloh made
> reference to restricted funds as in those funds
> received for a specific purpose and the purpose
> was then dropped.
> "Sometimes there may be circumstances that make it
> impossible or impracticable for restricted funds
> to be used for the restricted purpose for which
> they were given. If the temple knows who gave the
> funds, it can ask the donors for permission to use
> the funds for a different purpose. If the donors
> do not agree to the alternative purpose, the
> organization may have to return the money to the
> donors or give it to another nonprofit for a
> similar purpose." Quoted from page 98 of the book
> "Guide to Representing Religious Organizations" by
> Frey and Lisa A. Runquist."
> A similar purpose. Hmmm. The Presbyterian church
> has a ministry of providing low income housing for
> seniors and their housing is beautiful.
> Just giving the restricted funds to another
> nonprofit with "similar" religious purposes is not
> the same as giving the money for USING those funds
> for a purpose that is similar to that for which
> the funds were donated.
> Maybe there will finally be an attempt by TLWF to
> make contact with people who left the church but
> before leaving had given their life savings, they
> family's inheritance, the list goes on, for
> specific purposes that were never fulfilled.
> Interesting Historical Note: Anyone who was
> around in the "old days" before JRS' death will
> probably remember the offerings. First Sunday of
> the Month for Brazil or whatever, Second Sunday
> for TLW, and so on. Since I did the accounting
> back then I know that general tithes went into the
> general fund for salaries and facility upkeep and
> expenses. The "missionary" offerings taken at
> each Sunday service were for specific purposes and
> we kept careful track of what came in so the money
> would only be used for the "restricted" purpose of
> that offering.
> An example would be offerings for purchasing
> property for building the school gymnasium. That
> property now houses Rayen Resort and Rick's horse
> barn, parking for the horse trailer and for the
> horse. Say what? Rick's horse may have been
> presented by him to his daughter but he had no
> authority to do so and his daughter was never
> complicit in any of it. Afterall, Rick had also
> been heard to tell his daughter in the pr4esence
> of many others, (while sweeping his arm around the
> Valley church, school and resort) "All of this
> will be yours someday."
> Another example would be the second TLW building
> next to the original building on Atoll. Horrible
> neighborhood. Expensive real estate purchase.
> Used only by Rick, some say for parties and for
> storing his sets for the amphitheater and the
> Christmas truck. Did people know that's what they
> were giving for?
> I learned recently that the church offerings are
> no longer designated "1st Sunday for this purpose"
> etc. Now the churches just take a general and
> unrestricted missionary offering and the
> missionary offering is sent directly to the Trust
> never to be heard from again. No one I have
> spoken to has ever heard a report on the Trust.
> Gee, I wonder why that is.
> Every business decision made over the last several
> decades has been for the benefit of unscrupulous
> leaders and in a method that obfuscates the
> purpose for the offering so the leaders can do
> whatever they want with hundreds of thousands if
> not millions of dollars given by people who barely
> had time to spend with their families or on taking
> care of their own homes because they worked 24/7
> to keep a roof over their own heads while
> slavishly cleaning and maintaining the personal
> properties of the leaders who had to be laughing
> all the way to the bank or to Tuscan Moon for
> another $200+ bottle of wine. (No slur on Tuscan
> Moon intended, it is a fabulous restaurant and not
> connected in any way to TLWF.)
> Obfuscation. Deception with a fancy label.
> ...the organization will likey be required to seek
> permission from the court in order to lift the
> restriction by showing that the original purpose
> has become impossible, impracticable or illegal to
> fulfill."

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep ()
Date: June 01, 2019 11:34AM

I saw the word "charges" and thought cops finally got smart. Sounds like no police involvement but instead people being brave enough to sue on their own. Right?

Welcome back, FireWalker. Yes, that is correct. Because of current statutes of limitations for reporting child sexual abuse, civil suits are the option that is available. So diabolical that people were told not to report and that "it would be handled internally"...whatever the hell THAT means.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 01, 2019 10:22PM

Reepicheep Wrote:

> Because of current statutes of limitations for
> reporting child sexual abuse, civil suits are the
> option that is available. So diabolical that
> people were told not to report and that "it would
> be handled internally"...whatever the hell THAT
> means.

I'm sure plausible deniability could be an element here--structuring the communication in a way that those at the top of the authority chain can claim they were never informed of these instances of abuse. I don't like to engage in sweeping generalities, but I think it is safe to say that everything done in TLWF was to protect and benefit just a few key people. Discovering internal documents/emails etc. that link these few to decades of abuse may be challenging. Anyway, just a layman weighing in on this topic (what else is new).

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