No one has to answer any of these questions about the back room meetings Puddington mentions.
I came up with the questions just in case they help clarify what people remember and wish to describe.
Since those back room meetings were kept a secret, no one who was not in those meetings can have full knowledge about LW -- or have knowledge of
the entire cost of discipleship.
If new trolls arrive, one can ask if they attended back room meetings
or knew that any such meetings took place.LW Back Room Meetings - More Questions1) About the backroom meetings:
A) Did the meetings happen on schedule? Or were they called suddenly, with no warning?
B) Did the meetings start and end at reasonable times, or did you run short on sleep?
C) During meetings were you treated courteously
D) During meetings could everyone share his or her ideas and concerns openly and with no worry about loss of standing
E) Was the physical setting convenient to get to, comfortable? Could you eat, take breaks, go the the bathroom when needed?
F) Did the meetings interfere with family, work, getting sleep?
G) Were records kept for what was proposed, decisions made, votes?
Puddington wrote that those invited to the secret backroom meetings "Worked at the LW building, Blix house or be an elder in good standing with Marilyn"
Q 2)What did you have to do to be
A)invited or allowed to work at the LW building
B) invited or allowed to work at Blix house
C become an elder in good standing with Marilyn?
Question 3: Could you decide you no longer wished to participate in the backroom meetings?
Question 4: Did anyone ever find ways (illness, family business, etc) to avoid attending backroom meetings?
Question 5:
A) Did you enjoy backroom meetings?
B) Were you ever afraid to go to backroom meetings?
C) Did you ever do or witness anything at backroom meetings you later regretted?
Puddington wrote:
Corboy, by my estimates
Q 1) What proportion of people in LW were also
attending the back room meetings?
A: Probably only 10%
Q 2) Were these back room meetings generally known
about, or secret?
A: Only known to those invited
Q: 3) What did a member have to do before he or she
was allowed or invited to attend these back room meetings
A: Worked at the LW building, Blix house or
be an elder in good standing with Marilyn
Q: 4)Did back room participants have to keep any
A: Absolutely
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/2018 10:39PM by corboy.