Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: larry bobo ()
Date: January 10, 2014 01:36AM

As I mentioned back on pg. 22, I love “To Be A Christian”. The more areas Jesus Christ controls, the greater our liberty. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom – not oppression. However, it is in fact a slippery slope to hell when we allow another human to take the place of Jesus. I would suggest that most of those involved in TLWF have only experienced the latter. It’s actually very easy to surrender to God when you start to see true fruit. He’s very patient and is willing to earn your trust. “My yoke is easy and My burden is light” is not something you experience under the Pharisees who “tie up heavy loads and put them on men’s shoulders, but themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is for men to see…”

Most Christian groups seem to love their popes. The wolves seem to have a knack for manipulating their way into the lives of genuine believers and then twisting their hearts of love toward God into expressing it towards themselves and their personal agendas. They are thieves who strip people of their adoration and money – something Jesus had a whip for. I’ve worked in other countries and seen impoverished areas with huge ornate churches built on the backs of the poor. The same principle applies in America, maybe just not as obvious. If you even had a little care for those people, you would do whatever you could to give to them – not take away from them for your own selfishness. We will all be judged by how we took care of “the least of these” – not how we served a leader who was only drawing men after themselves.

The History Channel had several programs this past week on cults. One of them, “Deadly Cults”, had several interviews with Rick Ross, originator of this website. One common thread among many of these groups was a leader who claimed to be “Christ in the Flesh”. Several of these actually wanted to be worshipped as God. Sound familiar? Perhaps TLWF hasn’t left dead bodies in it’s wake, but there are plenty of spiritually wounded who are afraid to have anything to do with God because of a false image Him formed during their time in the group. Jesus warned, ”At that time if ANYONE says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.” Your “revelation”, or deception as I would now call it, does not change Jesus’ words.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: paleface ()
Date: January 10, 2014 02:55AM

Larry, there actually are a few dead bodies in the wake of the SS TLW. Several suicides from people that felt they could never measure up to the demands made by shepherds. I can't help but think they would be alive today, if they hadn't been exposed to the insane LW doctrines. And maybe had not been discourged from getting real professional help.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: larry bobo ()
Date: January 10, 2014 08:29AM

I also am aware of several suicides. One in particular, Mike Wood, was a pastor in my local church in Palmer Lake as well as owner of Wood Electric, an employer of all the electricians in the church. I was around him almost every day between work and church for many years. After reading his suicide letter, I was so grieved over his wasted life. He got crossways with Apco and was out the door like many before him. He was not hopeless damaged goods like he was led to believe. A little love and acceptance would have gone a long way to bring healing to him. What Apco calls love (every other word is f..king) is called spiritual abuse in most of mainstream Christianity.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: paleface ()
Date: January 10, 2014 10:35AM

This is sad news. I liked Mike Wood. Didn't even know about his death. Very sad.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: January 11, 2014 10:13AM

larry bobo Wrote:
> reading his suicide letter, I was so grieved over
> his wasted life. He got crossways with Apco and
> was out the door like many before him. He was not
> hopeless damaged goods like he was led to believe.
> A little love and acceptance would have gone a
> long way to bring healing to him.

So true.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: FCSLC ()
Date: January 11, 2014 10:52AM

I believe I met Mike Wood during some feast meetings held in Grand Junction/Whitewater, Colorado in the early 1980’s.

Paleface wrote: “I can't help but think they would be alive today, if they hadn't been exposed to the insane LW doctrines.”

I concur: Can it get any worse? Induced suicides are at the top when it comes to damning evidence for bad fruit.

That “Good Will Toward Men,” mentioned in Luke, probably exists somewhere in the field of Christianity, but it was unable to find a place in the doctrines of the insane LW wasteland.

It’s sad, very sad.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: paleface ()
Date: January 11, 2014 11:59AM

I think the way Mike Wood felt is rather commonplace. Many members stay in the fellowship because they have been programmed to believe that their lives would be empty and hollow if they were not in "the upward flow". What mental bondage!

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Invisible ()
Date: January 12, 2014 08:05AM

John and Martha Stevens were divorced in October of 1980 .

Around March of 1981 John and Marilyn were privately and secretly married and a small reception was held secretly at one of the other houses John owned, where about 20 guests or so were invited to attend the reception..

We, the two of us were invited to attend their wedding reception, on the same day of the reception. When called by those holding the reception who were inviting us to attend, we were told not to tell any one that John & Marilyn had married or about the reception that was held.

We were personally surprised ourselves - to learn through this invitation to attend this reception that John and Marilyn had gotten married, earlier that day.

John and Marilyn were already secretly married - when John many months later announced from the pulpit, that he and Marilyn were considering, " beginning " a relationship with one another, and then John after some time, next announced that he and Marilyn had become engaged and then not too long after this, John lastly announced to the congregation the date that they were going to be married - inviting all of the members from all the churches to attend their wedding at the Church Of His Holy Presence in Anaheim.

John and Marilyn, were already married for many, many months - prior to the wedding ceremony held at the Church of His Holy Presence in Anaheim, Ca.

To me the real point here is - that people put on a show - in order to make you believe what they want you to think and believe.

Many years later, It crossed my mind that the reception " itself" could have been another show they were putting on -possibly putting on - for just a few of those, who were invited to the reception. Why would some one invite you to a reception without inviting you to the wedding? Why would people marry in secret and put on a show to make every one think - they were just getting married -- when they were already married?

In my opinion there are a few lessons to learn from this experience - and just one, of those lessons is - what you see taking place - may not always be - what is really taking place.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: FCSLC ()
Date: January 13, 2014 01:41AM

Invisible wrote: “what you see taking place - may not always be - what is really taking place.”
larrry bobo wrote: “He got crossways with Apco and was out the door like many before him.”
paleface wrote: “Many members stay in the fellowship because they have been programmed to believe that their lives would be empty and hollow if they were not in "the upward flow". What mental bondage!”

Smoke & mirrors, spiritual murder, suicidal programming.

APCO/TLWF always wins in their little, small, privately controlled environment. When it comes to the world, they’re nothing. They don’t get past the first round in the fight for exhaustive scholarship, knowledge and intelligence.

Since leaving the “Walk”, I have read many books: Joseph Campbell (The Masks of God), Richard Elliott Friedman (Who Wrote the Bible), S. Abhayananda (History of Mysticism), Upanishads, etc. I have learned about the “Perennial Philosophy”; the idea that there is a single, universal truth on which all religious knowledge and doctrine has grown. There is so much out there on this subject.

Time spent in this field induces a “re-programming” of all the “mental bondage” imparted in the LW wasteland.

No one has the right to murder another based on speculations/propositions/particular viewpoints, but each individual does have the right to be free; mentally, spiritually and physically.

Okay. No preaching allowed, so the following will be brief. Just a point or two from the “world” of “rational” thinking, my experience and the scholars who have dedicated their lives to this field:

The Kingdom of God is within you. All the mystics have declared it.

Whether you want to call it, “the gap between thoughts”, “pure consciousness” or “God/Father/Absolute in tandem with Son/Word/Logos” ----- the main point is that it’s in us!!; but not to the exclusion of what’s also out there in others and the infinite existence.

History indicates there has always been those who want to deify the avatar. This leads to nothing but more religion, rules and a step backward for the people. Selling access to the “Spirit” is right up there with prostitution as a very old profession.

A true shepherd/minister should point you in the right direction and let you grow into it yourself.

Crippling “Walk”: It faked the people out and made them dependent upon the leader.

Crippling “Walk”: It beguiled the people into a handicap, since all people already possess access to the “Glories of the Spirit”.

Crippling “Walk”: I adored hypocrites, thinking I was in the will of God. (really sucks)

“Do it yourself spirituality” is what intelligent people do. The old priesthoods and establishments have always condemned it because they can’t make their profits otherwise.

The scholars/professors listed above run circles around JRS and “Walk” teaching. I thought I was a participant/graduate of the “college of the spirit”, but no, I found out that I was lagging behind the rest of the world in almost every category; truly embarrassing.

The “Christ’s in the Flesh” will declare the above concepts/notions to be the work of the devil, “satanic influence/deception”, but just as paleface stated in an earlier post: “It’s their clever way to shut down all opposition.”

Thanks to all for the above posts: The dirty laundry IS getting worse.

It’s Sunday, time for the “Church of the NFL Playoffs”. Most of my scriptural exposure comes from those banners people are holding up in the stands. Amen.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: paleface ()
Date: January 13, 2014 02:32AM

A friend of mine told me this... "Back in the caveman days, religion was invented so the weak, skinny guy could get a woman."

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