Ravi Zacharias, an evangelist/apologist recently passed away. After I left the Walk, I listened to his messages to help sort out the toxic theology absorbed under JRS. Ravi Zacharias certainly could have cashed in on his popularity, but he made a conscious effort not to. It's so interesting to listen (
link here) to the eulogies given by those who worked with him over the decades: that he lived what he talked; that he was devoted to his family, including his wife of 40 some-odd years; that he served his team; that he treated everyone, no matter what their station in life, with respect; that it was his kindness and gentleness that drew people to him. Zacharias was human and constantly struggled to keep the focus of his ministry on Christ rather than on himself, and the end result is that millions of lives were touched world-wide. Contrast that with the self-centered disaster that was JRS and Marilyn and is currently the self-serving disaster of Hargrave and his leadership team. It's important to know that the real
does exist, but it will never be found in TLW.