Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
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Date: September 24, 2023 04:53AM
From Feb. of 2018:
Posted by: girls_turn_it_off
Date: February 20, 2018 04:59AM
Hi - new poster here!
I have known about this forum for years, but never looked it up until the other day. Once I started reading I couldn't stop - even after my husband told me to (talk about not submitting my spirit!). I binge read the entire thing, all 500+ pages...
There is too much to say, and I wish I had logged on earlier so I could comment on threads in real time. I hope to keep up with the convo from now on and post again.
I was raised in the Walk and it was my entire life until about 8-9 years ago when I moved out of an all-girls communal home and never really looked back. I am a millennial (or part of the Joshua Generation in Walktalk-ese), but my parents joined the LW in the 70's in Indianapolis and moved to San Diego in '87. It seems like most of the posters here are my parents' age and many of you might know/remember them. They are still part of the LW but starting to wake up. Just recently my dad apologized to me for enlisting our entire family into something we didn't choose. He's on the right track!
Reading this forum has been really helpful for me to contextualize where I "come from." As someone who didn't choose to be part of the Walk, but was born into it, I've been burdened with the constant question "WHY ME?!" This forum has helped explain how my parents were reeled in and what kept them committed for so may years. Because my parents are not close with their families, TLW has filled the void of extended family - members of the Walk feel like my grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins (I think G+M had some words about "Spiritual DNA"?). Digging through this forum has been as exciting and heartbreaking as reading about your extended family on or getting results from 23 and Me. Definitely some "oh, that's why I'm that way" moments...
I wanted to thank some of the long-time dedicated posters like lily rose, kboy, and changed again. Your posts have been enlightening and hilarious. I doubt many of the other forums on the RR website are as witty as this one.
If there are any original Josh Gen kids, YASPers or students who graduated from a kingdom "school" on here, I'd love to talk. Please post or feel free to PM me.
Also, if there is anyone reading this who is still a member of TLW, I want you to know that there is a big amazing world outside of the Walk. There is happiness and freedom to be found.
Much love xx
Posted by: changedagain
Date: February 19, 2018 07:34PM
Welcome girls-turn-it-off (GTIO)
Thanks for posting. Feel free to join in the conversation.
Posted by: puddington
Date: February 19, 2018 09:06PM
GTIO. Welcome to the RR forum. I love your screen name. And wow, I remember that slut-shameing message that Marilyn brought to the YASPers. So messed up