Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: October 30, 2015 05:29AM
40yearsin2016 – Thanks for posting. I listened to Adele’s “Hello” at your suggestion. I’m 60 (30 years in TLWF, 1969-1999) and probably do live under a rock. I just don’t listen to secular music anymore for whatever reason. The heart cry she expresses and the deep hunger we all experienced coming into TLWF can only be satisfied in Him. In spite of the failures of men (or women), He has not changed in His desire for us. He remains faithful to us– no matter what we do. I’ve often wondered if God allows the frailties of humans – including ourselves – to exist in the path of a deeper relationship with Him. “You say you want to ‘Walk’ with Me. Do you have your eyes on Me, or the people around you or what you think I can give you?” Like Peter, we all sink in the storm when we take our eyes off Him. To their credit, many in TLWF - like Peter - were at least willing to get out of the boat. He really is doing us a favor, we don’t realize at the time, by making it clear that He is the only way.
I have a plaque over my desk that says, “If you are going through hell, keep going.” I hung it there when I felt I had lost God, my family, my church, my work, all my life-long friends, and myself. It was the darkest, blackest time I’ve ever experienced. I would actually be surprised when I would wake up the morning, expecting that I would physically die during the night. I believed so deeply that TLWF was God, and for whatever reason, God was so messed up, I just could not follow Him any longer. I really thought I had forfeited my eternity. I was also clinically depressed.
When it became evident I was going to be around for a while, I figured I’d go back to Jesus’ words and apply his principles so that my life could at least become bearable – in spite of the fact I was certain He had rejected me. I just wanted to make the best use of the time I had left. I knew people in the world sometimes made better use of Jesus’ words than many Christians – it’s just the truth, like gravity, it always works. The strangest thing began to happen when I would do what He said to do, the way He said to do it. e.g. Give to the least and do it in secret. I started to have a new awareness of Him that was opposite to the God of TLWF. Instead of wanting to be served, He wanted to serve – and even more surprising, there it was in the scriptures in red letters, plain as day. Principle after principle was that way. Forgiving, loving, and praying for my enemies opened up a whole new relationship with Him I did not expect. The directions had been there all along – I just didn’t do them until I was utterly desperate.
I can honestly say that every area I was depressed about has been more than restored and He did it. There's no breakthrough, new level, new teaching, or new teacher needed. My greatest “meetings with the Lord” in TLWF pale to what is just regular life – not a fantasy belief system based on fantasy words from God. There are many others who are experiencing the same thing – most from other groups with similar backgrounds. There absolutely is hope! “God is not a man that He should lie” – it’s not the same disappointment all over again. Keep walking – the story is not over. No human can give it to you. He said, “Come to Me”. It’s the reason He said to call no man leader, teacher, or father. “You have one teacher and it’s the Christ.” Perhaps it sounds arrogant to suggest that what Jesus said is really true – I know I didn’t come up with it. It’s opposite to what I would think too. “No man comes to the Father except through Me.” He also warned that many would come in His name, claiming to be the Christ. What if that is really true and you just walked through it?