Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: vicnetwork ()
Date: January 15, 2004 05:52AM

Hi Rick,
I sure appreciate your site and specially the little bit you have on Morning Star/Champions For Christ / Victory Campus Ministries. I was one of the top national leaders in all three of these groups, stationed at the University Of Southern California (I was a former Def. team Cpt. & 10 year chaplain with the football team) and was known for producing thousands of converts over my 22 years with them. In fact, many of the men in top positions within these groups were my "disciple" and I had influenced dozens of others scattered through the NFL and NBA. We were formerly known as Maranatha Ministries until 1989 when it collapsed for many of the same reasons on the issues of misused views on Apostolic authority and methods of heavy handed discipleship. I also have to admit that I was one of the most guilty parties when it came to controlling and arrogance towards other ministries that we were taught were full of compromise. I began changing my views in the early 90's when I started traveling with a group of athletes known as The Power Team and began to be spiritually mentored by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (Christian Men's Network & Author of Maximized Manhood) I wanted to give you a little of my background to establish the fact that I was on the inside of these ministries and in fact, collaborated with the top leaders (Rice Broocks, Phil Bonasso, Greg Ball, Jim Lafoon) in the formation of their patterns and principles of ministry. I know these guys, I thought like them. I was fired (August, 2002) for standing up against their authoritarian views and for demanding that a number of men be held accountable for the damage they inflicted on hundreds. I do not believe that Morning Star is a flat out cult. There statement of faith is solid. But I do believe that they are a social cult for there application and philosophies of ministry and discipleship. The views Morning Star holds on Apostolic Authority, I believe, is a key structural error in the movement. They have some great people their but sadly they are misguided and despite the good things they produce (evangelism, world missions, leadership training) there is equal potential for great spiritual injury, bottled up potential and mental torment. For this reason, I stand opposed to all they do and would not want to see one person subjected to their ways. Recently two other pastors (Hawaii & Michigan) in Morning Star have left due to some of these same complaints.
Most people in the movement even admit to the errors in ministry but are too afraid to stand up. Particularly, Stand up and hold Phil Bonasso accountable. Phil is Rice's best friend and remains unchallenged. The danger of Phil's influence, in my opinion, is that he influences and controls the Graduate School of Ministry for the organization. In other words, Every potential leader and aspiring evangelist or campus worker, MUST go through this School. It is here were they are infused with the spirit of the Apostolic Authority. Better stated, they are commissioned to pollute other campuses and churches by brining their yoke of slavery upon others.
In His Service,
Tom Sirotnak
S. E. N. D.
(Sirotnak Evangelistic Network & Discipleship)

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: ilovegoldens7 ()
Date: January 26, 2004 11:27PM

Thank you so much for your willingness to share your story with us. There are many people who are so confused and in bondage due to certain teachings and the application of those teachings in many churches today because of this group.
I recently left my church of 7 years because of this group. We joined with them, and from that moment on I sensed a bondage that's indescribable. Before I knew their controversial background or even anything about them, I was so uneasy inside. I went to some trusted leaders and gave them some words of wisdom that I felt the Lord had shown me. Our church at that time began had begun to experience strife, division, and an overall "heaviness" and "dryness" to the sermons/worship. The Lord showed me it was bondage. Many people (myself included) were demeaned by leadership,"rebuked"in unloving
ways, (There is a SCRIPTURAL method, but in my opinion, it wasn't used at my church. ) called "rebellious", and told that we had to take the classes ($90.00 a quarter)
to be a member of the church. Leadership was promoted to almost a "god- like" status. Rebellion was their answer for everything. Also, a long standing member and counselor at our church was sent a certified letter in the mail that listed about 7 or 8 reasons why she was up for "excommunication". I never saw the letter, but I know that some of the reasons listed were very unscriptural. (I'm not sure if this stemmed from MSI or our church leadership.) Needless to say, the Lord showed me error, and then I began to find out all of these other things. I was crushed and heartbroken.
I was spirit-filled in that church and was taught for many years through the leadership. I highly esteemed them, respected them, trusted them, loved them, and valued them. I left behind people that do not see the truth. The hardest thing has been to realize that my relationships with these people never really existed. They were all conditional. Some home group leaders left the church, as well as others. It my understanding, that more people are leaving. I have heard that leadership was told to have nothing to do with those of us that left because we're "rebellious". Friendships (you know, maybe they never truly were) have been mutilated and destroyed, all in the name of "discipleship". There are currently people who were once my
friends,who refuse to be in the same room with me. You know, this experience almost destroyed me, my hope for any ministry in the future, and my ability to trust spiritual leaders.
The five-fold ministry was never meant to be exalted or worshipped. .Jesus is the ONLY head of the church. TRUE spiritual authority NEVER exalts itself above
Christ or others. It never demands to be honored or esteemed as Christ. It never demands obedience to itself or agendas.
TRUE spiritual authority exalts JESUS not themselves. Jesus never forced anyone to follow himself. For example, the rich young ruler.
I have learned a HUGE lesson in all of this. I realize now that for many years I was in idolatry. I chose that. I have repented.
MSI came in and reinforced that because of their teachings or applications thereof. I watched my pastor's demeanor change entire from a loving shepherd to an authoritarian guru. Sadly, it affected not only him, but the undershepherds as well. I watched as an anointed young worship pastor and his wife change into "the Christian Cops", always on the lookout for "sin and rebellion" in others. Any unsubmission to leadership advice coming them (especially her) is considered rebellion or divisivness.
Many have been wounded because of her callous comments. In my opinion, MSI has contributed greatly to the unhealthy condition at my former church.
I continually pray for them, love them, miss them (the old-before MSI), and do pray and believe not only for restoration, but restitution. The Lord will repay and restore what the locusts have eaten in that place. He will restore and repair that which has been broken and devoured. He will restore that place to that which it originally was meant to be.
Once again, thank you so much for sharing your story. It helped me tremendously to read your story, because you were a national leader in the group. I do agree and believe that there are good things about MSI, however, Jesus is not just concerned with the number of people we bring into the kingdom, but also our methods and HOW we accomplish His will on earth. Thanks again.

I Peter 5:2-3- "Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain, but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being EXAMPLES to the flock.

Mark 10: 42-45- Jesus said, "You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it SHALL NOT be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: vicnetwork ()
Date: January 27, 2004 07:48AM

Thank you so much for your willingness to share your story with us. There are many people who are so confused and in bondage due to certain teachings and the application of those teachings in many churches today because of this group.
I recently left my church of 7 years because of this group. We joined with them, and from that moment on I sensed a bondage that's indescribable. Before I knew their controversial background or even anything about them, I was so uneasy inside. I went to some trusted leaders and gave them some words of wisdom that I felt the Lord had shown me. Our church at that time began had begun to experience strife, division, and an overall "heaviness" and "dryness" to the sermons/worship. The Lord showed me it was bondage. Many people (myself included) were demeaned by leadership,"rebuked"in unloving
ways, (There is a SCRIPTURAL method, but in my opinion, it wasn't used at my church. ) called "rebellious", and told that we had to take the classes (.00 a quarter)
to be a member of the church. Leadership was promoted to almost a "god- like" status. Rebellion was their answer for everything. Also, a long standing member and counselor at our church was sent a certified letter in the mail that listed about 7 or 8 reasons why she was up for "excommunication". I never saw the letter, but I know that some of the reasons listed were very unscriptural. (I'm not sure if this stemmed from MSI or our church leadership.) Needless to say, the Lord showed me error, and then I began to find out all of these other things. I was crushed and heartbroken.
I was spirit-filled in that church and was taught for many years through the leadership. I highly esteemed them, respected them, trusted them, loved them, and valued them. I left behind people that do not see the truth. The hardest thing has been to realize that my relationships with these people never really existed. They were all conditional. Some home group leaders left the church, as well as others. It my understanding, that more people are leaving. I have heard that leadership was told to have nothing to do with those of us that left because we're "rebellious". Friendships (you know, maybe they never truly were) have been mutilated and destroyed, all in the name of "discipleship". There are currently people who were once my
friends,who refuse to be in the same room with me. You know, this experience almost destroyed me, my hope for any ministry in the future, and my ability to trust spiritual leaders.
The five-fold ministry was never meant to be exalted or worshipped. .Jesus is the ONLY head of the church. TRUE spiritual authority NEVER exalts itself above
Christ or others. It never demands to be honored or esteemed as Christ. It never demands obedience to itself or agendas.
TRUE spiritual authority exalts JESUS not themselves. Jesus never forced anyone to follow himself. For example, the rich young ruler.
I have learned a HUGE lesson in all of this. I realize now that for many years I was in idolatry. I chose that. I have repented.
MSI came in and reinforced that because of their teachings or applications thereof. I watched my pastor's demeanor change entire from a loving shepherd to an authoritarian guru. Sadly, it affected not only him, but the undershepherds as well. I watched as an anointed young worship pastor and his wife change into "the Christian Cops", always on the lookout for "sin and rebellion" in others. Any unsubmission to leadership advice coming them (especially her) is considered rebellion or divisivness.
Many have been wounded because of her callous comments. In my opinion, MSI has contributed greatly to the unhealthy condition at my former church.
I continually pray for them, love them, miss them (the old-before MSI), and do pray and believe not only for restoration, but restitution. The Lord will repay and restore what the locusts have eaten in that place. He will restore and repair that which has been broken and devoured. He will restore that place to that which it originally was meant to be.
Once again, thank you so much for sharing your story. It helped me tremendously to read your story, because you were a national leader in the group. I do agree and believe that there are good things about MSI, however, Jesus is not just concerned with the number of people we bring into the kingdom, but also our methods and HOW we accomplish His will on earth. Thanks again.

I Peter 5:2-3- "Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain, but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being EXAMPLES to the flock.

Mark 10: 42-45- Jesus said, "You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it SHALL NOT be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.

I am totally amazed at your insight! Which church were you in? Because the same wording you used "spiritual cops", labeled "rebellious", being shunned by even your closest friends, are exactly the same tactics used around the country. When I was traveling with Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (Christian Men's Network) he always taught that when we open up ourselves to a leader, either by being hired or voluntary submission, We will always pick up or have transmitted to us the spirit of that leader.
Churches that join MSI or send their leaders to be trained in Victory Leadership Institute (VLI) or the Graduate School of Ministry pick up that sane spirit of guys like Rice Broocks, Phil Bonasso, Jim Lafoon, and most of the others.

There are hundreds of other leaders through out the movement that realize full well what is going on but they are scared to death to voice their opinion. Many lamely hide behind the cover up excuse, "well, no church is perfect" or "well, we are changing." Let me tell you how long I have heard those comments. 20 years!
The hard part of this is that MSI is o.k. on its' doctrine for the most part, so there is not much in writing. Where they are grossly at fault, is in their application of discipleship and twisted views of authority. I am so happy you got out.
Morning Star International prides themselves on being a spiritual family. They are family all right, but they are more like the Mafia family than the family of God. This veiw of "family" has a twisted concept from the very birth of MSI. I was there! It came in this philosophy..... " The mission (MSI) births relationships", instead of "relationships birth the Mission.
Or, let me put it more simply. " As long as you are sold out to our mission, we are in relationship." This manifest in the attitude that "you must Pay $90 per course of VLI." "You must be a World Partner and give above your tithe." You must submit your calling to the elders and it better fit in our cookie cutter mold of ministry or else you’re out! (I am being a little sarcastic)....... (But not too far from what I have seen in a dozen incidents.)

The facts remain that if you question apostolic authority or your elders you are always labeled B&R (Bitter & Rebellious) and your relationship is easily disposable. I have close friends from two decades of ministry, most of them I led to the Lord and Fathered in their faith, who won't even associate with me or my family.

In our San Diego church where I was Being Set in as the Head Pastor, after my removal for being B &R, The Associate who took over admonished the congregation to "have nothing to do with this so called Brother- not to even eat with one such as I."

Rice Broocks told me "I was full of demons and needed John Roar to cast them out of my wife and I." He went on to state, " You have a bitter and rebellious spirit and everything you do will come to ruin because of your bitter and rebellious spirit." He then added, "Go on and try to start up a church in Orange County.... I will tell you the end of it; it will split in bitterness and rebellion. Your marriage will end in divorce because you’re bitter and rebellious. Your children will die in bitterness and rebellion, Tommy please don't do this to yourself." I was torn to shreds by the man who led me to Jesus, Performed my wedding and whom we named our child after. Just when I figured it could not get any lower, Rice declared....."If Dr. Cole were alive today, (Dr Cole was like a grandpa to me & had died just one week earlier) he would implore you to not do this thing, repent and submit to your authority." That deeply hurt. Even more so due to the fact that Dr. Cole said a year earlier after witnessing how his own son was treated, that guys like Phil Bonasso (my Pastor) were "control freaks"
Well, that's enough for now. Please feel free to contact me at [] for any more details or call Lee Grady the editor of Charisma and tell him your story. He is very interested in these matters and he himself was part of the "old" MSI when it went by the name Maranatha. God Bless you, Tom

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: Proslogos ()
Date: January 27, 2004 05:45PM

I am the director of the Department of Christian Defense, an international apologetic ministry. I have researched and taught extensively in the area of cult evangelism and general Christian apologetics for the past fifteen years. At face, the term “cult” can be viewed as a pejorative term, to be sure, and there are several different meanings that a normal English Dictionary would provide.

However, from a theological point of view, the term “non-Christian cult” denotes a group that considers themselves “Christian,” but denies or rejects an aspect of essential biblical theology. For example, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Oneness Pentecostals all reject the biblical doctrine of the Trinity; Catholics reject justification through faith alone; etc. Hence, these groups would be classified as a theological non-Christian cult due to its denial of these essential doctrines (cf. John 8:24; 17:3; Gal. 1:6-9).

However, there is another category of “cult” that, unfortunately, many true Christian churches are regard as. This other category is known as a “sociological cult.” A “sociological cult” is a group that holds to essential biblical theology, but is in terms of leadership and organization, they are sociologically abusive and hold to a very unbiblical teaching of church authority.

Even though Morning Star International (hereafter MSI) does not fall under the category of non-Christian cult, theologically and sociologically MSI falls under the category of “sociological cult.” This should not be at all surprising since they stem out of Maranatha Ministries see: []

The leadership of MSI consists of Rice Broocks, Phil Bonasso, and Steve Murrell, all whom are self-appointed Apostles, thus referring to themselves as the "Apostolic Board." Of course, the only church that I can think of that has a governing Board of so-called “Apostles” is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (i.e., the Mormons), which is called the "Quorum of the Apostles."
When leaders of groups insist that they are Apostles or as with MSI, an Apostolic Board, it creates an illusion in which they are seen by members as God’s infallible mouthpiece determining what is “best” for their devotees. Hence, the result is that members of these kinds of organizations fearfully submit unconditionally.

I have personally interfaced with the so-called Apostles (viz. Broocks and Bonasso) and many members of MSI. In evaluating official MSI literature, shown to me by a former leader, and hearing sermons throughout the years, I see a virtual exactness with the International Church of Christ (hereafter ICC; see my article: []) And both ICC and MSI utilize the same passages (e.g., Heb. 13:17; etc.) to teach that members should submit to God “delegated leaders” without question (i.e., their “covering”), although, they both read into these passages that which is clearly not there.

Also, they both hold to an unbiblical teaching of what discipleship is. Hence, both churches are filled with sheepish terrified members who would never dream of questioning the their “covering” that, according to the leadership, are God’s delegate authority.

To maintain control, leaders of these Discipleship or "Authoritarian" movements, claim that the authority of the leaders is God-given or God-delegated. Thus, any disobedience to the leaders is direct disobedience to God. Thus, they emphasize heavy authority and relentless submission in the relationships between the leaders and ones under them.

Space precludes me to go into every aspect of teaching on key issues of Authoritarianism such as MSI’s biblically-unbalanced doctrine on discipleship, submission, etc. that they reign over unassuming members. However, if you are a current member of MSI consider the following:

1. The New Testament does teach that church leaders are authoritative on issues of (i) directing church affairs (1 Tim. 3:5); (ii) teaching sound doctrine (2 Tim. 3:1-4); (iii) correcting those who sin and disciplinary action if they refuse to repent (Titus 3:10-11). In these cases, church authority exits. Thus, this kind of biblical authority will help (rather than obstruct) the Christian to submit to Christ.

2. Scripture indicates that the pastoral ministry is noticeably marked by a servants attitude, not a weighty emphasis on authority and submission (see Matt. 20:25-28; 2 Cor. 1:24; and esp. 1 Pet. 5:1-3).

3. Jesus Christ is the one Mediator between God and man, not church leadership, for they can err (1 Tim. 2:5). .

4. God, not man or a church leader, determines one’s destiny, (Ps. 139:16; Eph. 1:11; 2:10).

5. Scripture indicates that Christians should “obey God and not man” (Acts 5:29).

6. Studying God’s Word will help the Christian develop a maturity to discern what God’s will is or is not for his or her life (Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 5:8-10, 17).

7. The first and final authority--above all--is Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16; 1 Thess. 5:21).

Writing against the destructive construct of Witness Lee and the Local Church (a non-Christian and sociological cult), apologist E. Miller pointed out that “Leaders who put heavy emphasis on authority and submission typically seek to make themselves indispensable to others’ spiritual growth and well-being” (CRI Journal, part I, Spring ed. 1985, 15).

Because of MSI's over emphasis on submission and unconditional authority, which naturally flows from their roots: Maranatha, MSI is not a biblically based or exegetically sound organization. There are far too many churches that do not view members as “rebellious” merely for asking questions or pointing out theological error. Among the many, MSI is a typical Discipleship/Authoritarian movement that seeks to control and intimidate its members.

The Watchtower proclaimed: “If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, ‘believe all things,’ all the things that The Watchtower brings out. . . . ” (Qualified to be Ministers [WT pub.], 156). If you are involved with MSI, do let them destroy your hopes, dreams, and faith. For Scripture alone is the only sole infallible authority and rule of faith for the church—sola Scriptura.

Our ultimate freedom is in Christ.

Edward Dalcour
Director: Department of Christian Defense: []
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tçn makarian elpida kai epiphaneian tçs doxçs tou megalou theou kai sôtçros hçmôn Christou Içsou (Titus 2:13; "the blessed hope and appearance of glory of the great God and Savior Jesus Christ").

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: ilovegoldens7 ()
Date: January 28, 2004 09:31AM

I don't recall every reading one iota of scripture in the Bible where the Apostle Paul told someone that "You will die in bitterness and rebellion," or even worst, "Your children will die ..."
That's not what being an apostle is all about. Who does he think he is? As humans, we have no right to cast judgement, actually that was a word curse that he spoke over you and your family, not even a judgement. I'm sure that has already been prayed over, but I will pray against that tonight.

You know, the sad thing in all of this is the distorted view of God that many people are buying into because of these teachings. God is not God that is upstairs waiting on us to "mess up" or "rebel" so that He can punish and correct us. He is a rigteous God, but I fear many have forgotten His mercy and His grace. The sad thing is that ultimately, in one way or another, many in this group may be hurt, wounded, and unfortunately may fall away forever. It's so sad.

When I left my old church, there was a part of me that hoped and prayed that my "gut feeling" was wrong. However, I realize now how serious this situation is, and how ultimately destructive it could eventually be. However, I am convinced that Jesus is in control, and will bring forth truth in all of these situations.

Jesus, you reign!!!! We thank you that the truth will be revealed and that the truth will set many free!!!


Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: vicnetwork ()
Date: February 13, 2004 06:24PM

I thought this might interest some of you. I was contacted via e-mail by someone called Tony. After I responded to him, he sent my response to a couple a dozen MSI leaders. The following is my response To Morning Stars harsh jugment that paints a picture that I am just bitter and rebellious.

To whom it might concern,
My name is Tom Sirotnak and an e-mail was released to you that was in no way intended to be passed on to anyone, let alone to MSI Pastors. Many of you, I do not even know. I address this particularly to you to give you a much clearer understanding of how this came about. The e-mail was sent to you from a contact (named Tony Valin). I was contacted via the Internet by Tony who was seeking some answers about my involvement with MSI. (See My full responseTony's letter at very end of this post) Tony, took it upon himself to e-mail those of you that are listed without my permission. I do not endorse what he did, but I must also clarify that all the facts reported were true. Also, I would not have responded at all, had it not been leaked to me how MSI was judging my intent and actions through an e-mail sent to the very couple that was mentioned in the letter Tony Valins sent.(That e-mail from MSI is enclosed at the end of this e-mail.)
So as a way of introduction, I was a national leader in the movement through VCM, CFC, and MSI.
I was extremely productive as an evangelist for nearly 22 years (if you date back to our Maranatha past), I won many of MSI's top leaders to Jesus and obtained the Life Time Achievement award from VCM. Also, I was one of the CFC founders, setting up one of the very first highly successful prototypes of CFC at the University of Southern California. Furthermore, I knew the patterns and philosophies of MSI and was extremely zealous for our mission and our MSI "Family" like are many of you.
In fact, I was so committed, that at one of our World Conferences, I gave a compelling charge to the young people to enter full-time ministry. You should have seen the college students flood the alter to answer the call. We had rarely up to that point, seen such a response. Phil Bonasso was beaming when he said, "Tommy, you express the pattern and mission of our ministry better than I can." Add to this, Rice Broocks was my spiritual father and to honor him we named my first born after him. The reason I share this is to relate just how much our family loved and sacrificed for this ministry.
But as the years past, my eyes open more and more as I travelled with groups such as Dr. Edwin Louis Cole's (Christian Men's Network) & The Power Team. I travelled extensively in over 50 denominations internationally. As I sat under various men of God (Tommy Barnet and Larry Kerychuk - -Phoenix Az., Wiley Tomlinson- Jax. Fla., Ed and Paul Cole to name a few.) I began to see error and abuse in our discipleship philosophy and view of apostolic authority comparative to how other organization operated. Much of it was very similar to what led to the demise of Maranatha Ministries in the late 1980s. I had appealed, on a number of occasions to Rice Broocks and Phil Bonasso to look at these issues of authoritarianism and hyper-submission. The results were that I was label bitter and rebellious. I begged them to look into each individual case and to see if there was any merit to what I was saying. For the most part, it just fell on deaf ears.
I told Rice It was out of my zeal for this MSI that I brought up these various points of observable church abuse or why I would dare question apostolic authority, was that I did not want to see us go through another "Maranatha" split up like when the Wall Street Journal and Christianity Today came after us.
It was not intent to bring you fellow brothers into all this but now that you are, my prayer is that MSI would reform their discipleship tactics and stance on apostolic authority over the local church and its individuals. I stand by this testimony and would be glad to answer any questions or lend any clarification as to what I have said. I am also open for any of feed back you have.
You can reach me at .

I have also sent you the e mail that was sent to one of the couples that I mention in the original
e-mail so you can see how things have been misconstrued. I must object to its overall tone and accusations of bitterness. By saying "Tom is bitter," they place themselves as "God" in judging the intents of my heart.1Cor.2:10-11 Their tone is not only in the e-mail but was also reportedly preached from the pulpit by Bret Holman in Sundays serice (02/08/04). This is why I feel the need to respond now. If I erred Biblically...... Show me.

Dear _______________,
> I'm saddened to inform you, although you may already
> be aware, that Tom
> Sirotnik has been working diligently to disparage
> the church and ministry by
> claiming we are a social cult. In many of his
> emails, articles, etc. he uses
> you two as his best example of the abusive,
> controlling authority we operate
> in.
> I wanted to send you a copy of this recent email he
> drafted and has been
> sending (to individuals, cult watcher organizations,
> Charisma magazine,
> etc.) and ask if you could please tell me what your
> response is to it. If
> you do not agree with his writings then that would
> go a long way to
> preserving our integrity.
> Could you please let us know? Thank you!


This was the e-mail sent to one of the couples that I had mentioned in my e-mail to Tony Valin.
I must admit that I would not have used the couples name had I thought it would leak out to your leadership. It was all true but I had not talked to them first and this was not the timing or venue they had wanted to bring this stuff out. For that only am I sorry.
What I want to clarify is this.
1) I am not seeking out diligently to "disparage" MSI as if I did not have better things to do.
I do admit to speaking up when approached for information on my experiences and my views
about MSI's discipleship and apostolic authority. This Is, I believe the right and duty of every
Christian to Judge the doctrine they are being taught. (1Tim5:20) (Titus 1:9,13) "Rebuke severly
be sound in the faith."

2) There have not been a myriad of people I have sent this to. It was one "personal" e-mail to one inquirer. I gave comments to just one posted thread on the Internet. And never have I written or had any formal communication with Charisma Magazine, ever.

3) MSI leadership is still more concerned about being "vindicated" than seeing if there might be a valid problem. This is demonstrated by MSI when they said "If you do not agree with his writings then that would go a long way to preserving our integrity." They are not nearly concerned about this precious couple that suffered great pain, humiliation and injustice.

In closing, my greatest prayer is not for MSI to be dissolved, but to see MSI REFORMED in their application and oppinions of authority and their veiws of leadership construct. of discipleship and apostolic authority.

I am in no way suggesting to "throw the baby out with the bath water." I believe in church authority and the need for biblical discipleship. But not when it oversteps the individuals priesthood or overrides a persons conscience. I am all for humble, loving authority. Let that authority judge sin, heresy, immorality....... Let it give vision and point the way to fulfill what God has called them to do.
The New Testament does teach that church leaders are authoritative on issues of (i) directing church affairs (1 Tim. 3:5); (ii) teaching sound doctrine (2 Tim. 3:1-4); (iii) correcting those who sin and disciplinary action if they refuse to repent (Titus 3:10-11). In these cases, church authority exits. Thus, this kind of biblical authority will help (rather than obstruct) the Christian to submit to Christ.

But, I am opposed to the type authority that would exploit its members through control and guilt manipulation, or to propose to know ones destiny better than that individual, or deem the actions of a member as rebellious or unteachable because they don't fit the MSI mold, or to proclaim spiritual superiority of the apostolic board over the local Pastor. I still hold to almost every core value MSI stands for. Only I feel those values have been more biblically aligned and seasoned with grace.

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: vicnetwork ()
Date: February 13, 2004 06:28PM

I close with the same verse I closed before:
MSI would do well to learn the meaning of 1 Peter5:1-4

"Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory."

May God Truly Bless You and Grant you Wisdom,
Big Tommy Sirotnak

Hi Tony,
Not only are they regretfully true, there are dozens of equally damaging episodes I personally know of. I begged the leaders of MSI to look into individual allegations and they refused. Rice Broocks, the founder, told me concerning individual charges of abuse, "I do not need to check those stories out because those you have accused are my brothers and love believes the best. They would not have done what you have said Tom." I once asked the Dean of the graduate school, Leo Lawson, "Why is every LA MSI leader and campus worker lives in fear of Phil Bonasso??" His reply, "Well Tom, shouldn't we fear our leaders as we would our naturalfathers?" As one of Bonasso's top leaders, I was taught to walk in this type of authority that produced this type of fear from the members. Phil Bonasso, In fact, once gloated to the church at a covenant members meeting that, " Since I have turned the campus ministry over to guys like
Big Tommy, you (the church) are not afraid of me anymore, you're afraid of Tommy. As if instilling fear in the members was something to gloat in!
The harder I held people accountable to the unbending standards of MSI the more pats on the back I got from Phil and the other national MSI leaders.
Here is another example and probably one of the worst.
One couple, who went to help the pastor in San Diego (Dave Soto) start a church and after two years of not being able to
secure employment finally received an incredible offer from USC's Law School. Because he took the job without the Pastor Dave's approval the family was asked to leave the church and deemed as "Covenant Breakers." The Leaders told them it would be better if He did not come back to the church to say his good byes.... Due to the fact that they (the leaders) could not send them off with a blessing and it would be to confusing to
explain. This couple was crushed. When the husband went to seek counsel from Phil Bonasso and ask him, "Just how far does spiritual authority go?..... Can a pastor tell a man what job to work?" He was intercepted by an Assc. Pastor named Fred Bradford who said don't ever bother to call Phil again." This was one of the cases I begged Rice to look into.
Another sad note is that most local pastors only have a one way relationship with the MSI leaders. The only time most of them hear from
MSI is when they have to cough up a percentage of their churches monthly
income (13%, I believe) or to find out why their church doesn't have a higher percentage
of members involved in MSI's World Partners Mission fundraiser. The unpleasant truth is this. Those churches that are in "Covenant" with MSI put their churches at risk to the rule and take over by the MSI Apostolic Board. It has already transpired in Hawaii the Pastor and in Michigan with their Pastor. Although there was no grounds of either immorality or heresy to justify the MSI intrusion. Each church has a little different story but the bottom line is that MSI sent in their men to take over the control of the church from the local pastor in each situation. Also, through MSI's campus network (Victory Campus Ministry), MSI builds an allegiace with each campus worker that has been sent to them from various local churches. That allegiance (no matter how much VLI denies it) many times supersedes loyalties from the local pastor to themselves. Basically, because VLI controls each campus workers pay checks and the message "submission" to your leaders is so heavily preached, these kids are terrified not to obey MSI's dictates.
MSI would do well to learn the meaning of
1 Peter 5:1-4
Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and
witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory
that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising
oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of
God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it
over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the
flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading
crown of glory.

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: vicnetwork ()
Date: February 13, 2004 07:00PM

Being shunned by even your closest friends, are exactly the same tactics used around the country. When I was traveling with Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (Christian Men's Network) he always taught that when we open up ourselves to a leader, either by being hired or voluntary submission, We will always pick up or have transmitted to us the spirit of that leader.
Churches that join MSI or send their leaders to be trained in Victory Leadership Institute (VLI) or the Graduate School of Ministry pick up that sane spirit of guys like Rice Broocks, Phil Bonasso, Jim Lafoon, and most of the others.

There are hundreds of other leaders through out the movement that realize full well what is going on but they are scared to death to voice their opinion. Many lamely hide behind the cover up excuse, "well, no church is perfect" or "well, we are changing." Let me tell you how long I have heard those comments. 20 years!
The hard part of this is that MSI is o.k. on its' doctrine for the most part, so there is not much in writing. Where they are grossly at fault, is in their application of discipleship and twisted views of authority. I am so happy you got out.
Morning Star International prides themselves on being a spiritual family. They are family all right, but they are more like the Mafia family than the family of God. This veiw of "family" has a twisted concept from the very birth of MSI. I was there! It came in this philosophy..... " The mission (MSI) births relationships", instead of "relationships birth the Mission.
Or, let me put it more simply. " As long as you are sold out to our mission, we are in relationship." This manifest in the attitude that "you must Pay $90 per course of VLI." "You must be a World Partner and give above your tithe." You must submit your calling to the elders and it better fit in our cookie cutter mold of ministry or else you’re out! (I am being a little sarcastic)....... (But not too far from what I have seen in a dozen incidents.)

The facts remain that if you question apostolic authority or your elders you are always labeled B&R (Bitter & Rebellious) and your relationship is easily disposable. I have close friends from two decades of ministry, most of them I led to the Lord and Fathered in their faith, who won't even associate with me or my family.

In our San Diego church where I was Being Set in as the Head Pastor, after my removal for being B &R, The Associate who took over admonished the congregation to "have nothing to do with this so called Brother- not to even eat with one such as I."

Rice Broocks told me "I was full of demons and needed John Roar to cast them out of my wife and I." He went on to state, " You have a bitter and rebellious spirit and everything you do will come to ruin because of your bitter and rebellious spirit." He then added, "Go on and try to start up a church in Orange County.... I will tell you the end of it; it will split in bitterness and rebellion. Your marriage will end in divorce because you’re bitter and rebellious. Your children will die in bitterness and rebellion, Tommy please don't do this to yourself." I was torn to shreds by the man who led me to Jesus, Performed my wedding and whom we named our child after. Just when I figured it could not get any lower, Rice declared....."If Dr. Cole were alive today, (Dr Cole was like a grandpa to me & had died just one week earlier) he would implore you to not do this thing, repent and submit to your authority." That deeply hurt. Even more so due to the fact that Dr. Cole said a year earlier after witnessing how his own son was treated, that guys like Phil Bonasso (my Pastor) were "control freaks"
Well, that's enough for now. Please feel free to contact me at [] for any more details or call Lee Grady the editor of Charisma and tell him your story. He is very interested in these matters and he himself was part of the "old" MSI when it went by the name Maranatha. God Bless you, Tom

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Old Post 01-26-2004 03:48 PM
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Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: vicnetwork ()
Date: February 13, 2004 07:01PM

To whom it might concern,
My name is Tom Sirotnak and an e-mail was released to you that was in no way intended to be passed on to anyone, let alone to MSI Pastors. Many of you, I do not even know. I address this particularly to you to give you a much clearer understanding of how this came about. The e-mail was sent to you from a contact (named Tony Valin). I was contacted via the Internet by Tony who was seeking some answers about my involvement with MSI. Tony, took it upon himself to e-mail those of you that are listed without my permission. I do not endorse what he did, but I must also clarify that all the facts reported were true. Also, I would not have responded at all, had it not been leaked to me how MSI was judging my intent and actions through an e-mail sent to the very couple that was mentioned in the letter Tony Valins sent.(That e-mail from MSI is enclosed at the end of this e-mail.)
So as a way of introduction, I was a national leader in the movement through VCM, CFC, and MSI.
I was extremely productive as an evangelist for nearly 22 years (if you date back to our Maranatha past), I won many of MSI's top leaders to Jesus and obtained the Life Time Achievement award from VCM. Also, I was one of the CFC founders, setting up one of the very first highly successful prototypes of CFC at the University of Southern California. Furthermore, I knew the patterns and philosophies of MSI and was extremely zealous for our mission and our MSI "Family" like are many of you.
In fact, I was so committed, that at one of our World Conferences, I gave a compelling charge to the young people to enter full-time ministry. You should have seen the college students flood the alter to answer the call. We had rarely up to that point, seen such a response. Phil Bonasso was beaming when he said, "Tommy, you express the pattern and mission of our ministry better than I can." Add to this, Rice Broocks was my spiritual father and to honor him we named my first born after him. The reason I share this is to relate just how much our family loved and sacrificed for this ministry.
But as the years past, my eyes open more and more as I travelled with groups such as Dr. Edwin Louis Cole's (Christian Men's Network) & The Power Team. I travelled extensively in over 50 denominations internationally. As I sat under various men of God (Tommy Barnet and Larry Kerychuk - -Phoenix Az., Wiley Tomlinson- Jax. Fla., Ed and Paul Cole to name a few.) I began to see error and abuse in our discipleship philosophy and view of apostolic authority comparative to how other organization operated. Much of it was very similar to what led to the demise of Maranatha Ministries in the late 1980s. I had appealed, on a number of occasions to Rice Broocks and Phil Bonasso to look at these issues of authoritarianism and hyper-submission. The results were that I was label bitter and rebellious. I begged them to look into each individual case and to see if there was any merit to what I was saying. For the most part, it just fell on deaf ears.
I told Rice It was out of my zeal for this MSI that I brought up these various points of observable church abuse or why I would dare question apostolic authority, was that I did not want to see us go through another "Maranatha" split up like when the Wall Street Journal and Christianity Today came after us.
It was not intent to bring you fellow brothers into all this but now that you are, my prayer is that MSI would reform their discipleship tactics and stance on apostolic authority over the local church and its individuals. I stand by this testimony and would be glad to answer any questions or lend any clarification as to what I have said. I am also open for any of feed back you have.
You can reach me at .

I have also sent you the e mail that was sent to one of the couples that I mention in the original
e-mail so you can see how things have been misconstrued. I must object to its overall tone and accusations of bitterness. By saying "Tom is bitter," they place themselves as "God" in judging the intents of my heart.1Cor.2:10-11 Their tone is not only in the e-mail but was also reportedly preached from the pulpit by Bret Holman in Sundays serice (02/08/04). This is why I feel the need to respond now. If I erred Biblically...... Show me.

Dear _______________,
> I'm saddened to inform you, although you may already
> be aware, that Tom
> Sirotnik has been working diligently to disparage
> the church and ministry by
> claiming we are a social cult. In many of his
> emails, articles, etc. he uses
> you two as his best example of the abusive,
> controlling authority we operate
> in.
> I wanted to send you a copy of this recent email he
> drafted and has been
> sending (to individuals, cult watcher organizations,
> Charisma magazine,
> etc.) and ask if you could please tell me what your
> response is to it. If
> you do not agree with his writings then that would
> go a long way to
> preserving our integrity.
> Could you please let us know? Thank you!


This was the e-mail sent to one of the couples that I had mentioned in my e-mail to Tony Valin.
I must admit that I would not have used the couples name had I thought it would leak out to your leadership. It was all true but I had not talked to them first and this was not the timing or venue they had wanted to bring this stuff out. For that only am I sorry.
What I want to clarify is this.
1) I am not seeking out diligently to "disparage" MSI as if I did not have better things to do.
I do admit to speaking up when approached for information on my experiences and my views
about MSI's discipleship and apostolic authority. This Is, I believe the right and duty of every
Christian to Judge the doctrine they are being taught. (1Tim5:20) (Titus 1:9,13) "Rebuke severly
be sound in the faith."

2) There have not been a myriad of people I have sent this to. It was one "personal" e-mail to one
inquirer. I gave comments to just one posted thread on the Internet. And never have I written or
had any formal communication with Charisma Magazine, ever.

3) MSI leadership is still more concerned about being "vindicated" than seeing if there might be a
valid problem. This is demonstrated by MSI when they said "If you do not agree with his
writings then that would go a long way to preserving our integrity." They are not nearly concerned
about this precious couple that suffered great pain, humiliation and injustice.

In closing, my greatest prayer is not for MSI to be dissolved, but to see MSI REFORMED in their application and oppinions of authority and their veiws of leadership construct. of discipleship and apostolic authority.

I am in no way suggesting to "throw the baby out with the bath water." I believe in church authority and the need for biblical discipleship. But not when it oversteps the individuals priesthood or overrides a persons conscience. I am all for humble, loving authority. Let that authority judge sin, heresy, immorality....... Let it give vision and point the way to fulfill what God has called them to do.
The New Testament does teach that church leaders are authoritative on issues of (i) directing church affairs (1 Tim. 3:5); (ii) teaching sound doctrine (2 Tim. 3:1-4); (iii) correcting those who sin and disciplinary action if they refuse to repent (Titus 3:10-11). In these cases, church authority exits. Thus, this kind of biblical authority will help (rather than obstruct) the Christian to submit to Christ.

But, I am opposed to the type authority that would exploit its members through control and guilt manipulation, or to propose to know ones destiny better than that individual, or deem the actions of a member as rebellious or unteachable because they don't fit the MSI mold, or to proclaim spiritual superiority of the apostolic board over the local Pastor. I still hold to almost every core value MSI stands for. Only I feel those values have been more biblically aligned and seasoned with grace.

I close with the same verse I closed before:
MSI would do well to learn the meaning of 1 Peter5:1-4

"Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory."

May God Truly Bless You and Grant you Wisdom,
Big Tommy Sirotnak

Former Champion for Christ , MorningStar, Victory Campus Min
Posted by: ilovejesus ()
Date: March 04, 2004 11:25AM

It saddens me to know that spiritual leaders abuse their sheep in manners such as this. The Bible is very clear about how leaders are to treat their sheep. They are to serve[/color:d238274d2a] them. Luke 22: 23-27 "And he said unto them, the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors but YE SHALL NOT BE SO, but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. I am among you as he that serveth."[/color:d238274d2a]

Ps. 105:13 is a scripture that many take out of context to justify manipulation, control, and "witchcraft" in the church. Ps. 105: 13 says, "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm."[/color:d238274d2a] Teachers in heavy handed authoritarian groups use this passage to instill fear in their members. Members in some authoritarian groups are taught not to question their leaders because they are "Delegate Authority" from God. Sadly, in many groups it is so pushed that this authority seems to supercede the Word of God and the Holy Spirit living inside of the believer. The incidents that I have read about on the website regarding MSI seem to exemplify this doctrine. When a pastor or leader "controls" an individual by telling them who they are allowed to associate with, or who to marry, or what college class to take, THIS IS WITCHCRAFT! All Christians are "anointed" because we have Jesus Christ the ANOINTED ONE living inside of us! When a pastor embarasses and hurts an individual by calling the "Covenant Breakers" just because they take a job without getting his "approval", I call that insecurity and downright SIN!!! Any leader or Ministry group that is that concerned with that small detail must struggle intensely with insecurity and fear division in their movement. Jesus weeps for this couple and all who are in bondage in this group. It's awfully sad to know that there are men who would stand in front of a congregation and publicly denounce a man who is an anointed evangelist and that had a heart for their ministry for 20 years. To stand up in front of a church and tell the congregation "not to even eat with one such as this" is so dirty and rotten. Once again, there you have the spirit of withcraft prevailing.

The five-fold ministry was given to the church to serve God's children in LOVE. They were not put here to simply be 'served'. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve and give himself for others.- Matt. 20:28

The Bible is very clear:
For no man can serve two masters- Matthew 6:24 In some groups, Jesus is no longer the Supreme Authority, but leadership and the pastor become a "god" to the sheep! Nothing could be more absurd. No man can serve two masters, if he does then he is an IDOLATOR.[/color:d238274d2a] If a group, leader, "shepherd", "apostle" takes the place of Jesus or the Holy Spirit - that is HERESY and IDOLATRY. That is totally incorrect doctrine.

If you have been involved with any authoritarian group and are wounded, remember that God is the healer, and He alone is all you need. You can leave if God calls you out. You will NOT lose your destiny. The Bible says in Romans (i think) that the calling of God is "irrevocable." You will NOT be cursed. For scripture says, "He has redeemed us from the curse of the law." Always remember, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty that Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled with the yoke of bondage.- Galations 5:1[/color:d238274d2a]

You will hurt, you will cry, you may weep, you may question God, you may struggle with trusting any new spiritual leaders, but the GREAT I AM will be right beside you on your journey back to true spiritual freedom and the completed work of the cross.

With much love,

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