Dr Faith Follow the money honey :P
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Date: October 02, 2022 07:55AM
FYI EVEYONE OF THESE ARE PART OF N.A.R follow the money mohoney
“Understanding the dreams you dreams” – Ira Milligan
“The Divinity Code understanding your dreams”- Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale
“Dream Language”- James Goll
Unlocking your Dreams- Autumn Mann
Apostles and Apostolic Ministry:
Apostles Today by C. Peter Wagner
The Gift of the Apostle by David Cannistraci
Eternity’s Generals- Dr. Paula Price
50 truths concerning Apostolic Ministry- John Eckhardt
Moving in the Apostolic- John Eckhardt
Aligning with the Apostolic- Dr Bruce Cook
Apostles Prophets and the Coming Moves of God-Dr Bill Hamon
Apostles Then and Now-Mark Pfeifer
The Apostolic Ministry-Rick Joyner
The Ministry of the Apostle-Guillermo Maldonado
Prophets and the Prophetic Ministry:
The Prophets Dictionary-Dr Paula Price
The Prophet’s Handbook- Dr Paula Price
Faith Wokoma- Prophecy 101
Prophecy-God’s Communication Media
Basic Training for Prophetic Ministry-Kris Vallotton
Thus Saith the Lord? John Bevere
The Prophetic Ministry-Frank Damazio
Approaching the heart of prophecy-Graham Cooke
The ABCs of Prophecy-Elexio Baillou
The Seer-Jim Goll
God Still Speaks-John Eckhardt
Growing in the Prophetic-Mike Bickle
Prophecy and Responsibility-Graham Cooke
Prophets and Personal Prophecy-Dr. Bill Hamon
Prophets and Prophetic Pitfalls-Dr. Bill Hamon
Prophets and the Prophetic Movement-Dr. Bill Hamon
Purifying the Prophetic- R. Loren Sandford
Prophetic Ministry-Rick Joyner
School of the Prophets-Kris Vallotton
Secrets of the Prophetic- Kim Clement
Translating God-Shawn Bolz
Understanding Your Personal Prophecy-Gary Cake
The Voice of God-Cindy Jacobs
School of the Seers-Jonathan Welton
New Covenant Prophetic Ministry- Jim and Carolyn Welton
User-Friendly Prophecy-Larry Randolph
Elijah’s Revolution-Jim Goll
Fivefold Ministry:
Divine Order for Spiritual Dominance-Dr Paula Price
The Fivefold Ministry Offices- Dr Paula Price
Fivefold Ministry Made Practical-Dr Paula Price
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts-C. Peter Wagner
Understanding the Fivefold Ministry-Matthew Green .
Destiny/Supernatural living:
“When Heaven Invades Earth” – Bill Johnson“
“The Matriarchal Dimension: Positioning Spiritual Mothers and Prophetic Women fo rDestiny” – Dr. Keira Taylor-Banks
When heaven opens-Discovering the power of Devine encounters”- Graham Cooke and Lucas Sherraden
“Answering your call: A Guide for living your deepest purpose”- John P Schuster
“Celebration of Discipline”- Richard J. Foster
“Teach me how to love you”- Juanita Bynum
The Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage-Myles Munroe
“I kissed dating goodbye”- Joshua Harris
Journey to the Altar- Dr. Faith Wokoma
“ Always Enough” – Rolland and
“Heidi Baker
“Turnings” – Guys Chevre
“Like a Mighty Wind” – Mel Tari
“Peace Child” – Don Richardson
“Voice in the Night” – SurpirseSithole
“Minsters and Mental Health Manual” – Faith C.Wokoma
“Pigs in the Parlor” – Frank and Ida Mae Hammond
“Clean House Strong House” – Kim Daniels
“Deliverance from Evil Spirits”-Francis Mcnutt
“Healing”-Francis Mcnutt
Rules of Engagement Series-Cindy Trimm
Commanding your morning-Cindy Trimm
Prophetic Intercession-Barbara Wentroble
Prayers that Rout Demons-John Eckhardt
Becoming a Prayer Warrior-Elizabeth Alves
Possessing the gates of the enemy-Cindy Jacobs
Prayer Shield- C Peter Wagner
21 Laws of Leadership-John C Maxwell
The Purpose and Power of Vision-Myles Munroe
In Charge-Myles Munroe
Becoming a Leader-Myles Munroe
The Purpose and Power of Authority-Myles Munroe
The 360-degree leader- John Maxwell
Put Your Dream to the Test-John Maxwell
Teachers, I love to listen too!
Kris Vallotton,
Graham Cooke
Cindy Trimm
Heidi Baker
David Hogan
Myles Monroe
Christina Caine
Joyce Meyers
Bill Johnson
Brain Houston
Stephen Furtick