a special message to all effected families regarding A.J Miller
Date: June 13, 2018 12:47PM
i am a former cult member after 35 years
and now i want to help others break free
i am willing to take my talents in media and design
use my own hours and for FREE help those affected families to
get the WORD out about their loved ones
i believe in order to fight you have to fight fire with fire
not be silent , unlike jonestown , where media was limited
you have facebook , u tube and the more videos get out to expose
people like A.J miller and even twitter .
i would like to start a group to gather families effected clips and
pleas to post on U tube
i will do this for free on my part
you do not need a fancy news reporter or money to do it
i know how to run a website , and we can start a group that posts videos about their families each month ,
i am retired so i have plenty of time and let this be my gift for free
if you need my help i would be glad to create a video for you
100 % free no charge if your a affected family member