wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: bonedaddy ()
Date: March 27, 2005 04:19AM

The other night I watched this Wayne Dyer spook on TBS. The entire thing was cultic, everything out of his mouth was the same exact garbage that was used to brainwash my wife. I find it apalling and reprehensible that he was on PBS.

Whatever you want to say, however you want to respond, I do not care - this Dyer "person" is a complete fraud and a spook. I have very little doubt that his father and mother are brother and sister. His beady little eyes so close together reminded me of a number of the losers in the cult that destroyed my marriage, all family relationships and the well being of our children.

The cult that brainwashed my wife calls itself "What's Next?" here in Albuquerque and their website is www.tc4ec.com. You want to see spookology at its finest, check out this website. Get this, it stands for "The Center for Evolutionary Consciousness". These are the most purely foul and vile human beings on the planet.

As for this Dyer "person", beyond the beady little eyes so close together, one could clearly see that he has the "dead behind the eyes" look and "the thousand mile stare". He used all of the crap that these Landmark copies use, words like "as source" over and over and over again. He spoke of "quieting the mind", of "synchronicity", of "meditation", of "eliminating ego function" and consistent with these sick and evil cults, everything was a lie and most was incomprehensible.

The "Dyer Dozen" he spoke of was a complete farce. Of course it was incomprehensible and of course there was no discussion, no elaboration, no substantiation, no nothing. This guy is a loser of virtually no equal. Lies and manipulations and a language that no one could possibly make sense of.

How many times did he mention people paid $3,500.00 for a weekend with him at a "seminar" at "Mirabol" in Tucson? It was frankly criminal that this cultic fraud was on PBS. This has the potential to destroy thousands of marriages, careers, lives and more.

Please join me in outrage. Beyond that, this Dyer "person" needs to be held accountable for the cultic fraud that he is.

wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: March 28, 2005 05:41AM

All we can do is complain to PBS, and hope they will stop this nonsense.
But i guess Dyer is a Master at reeling in people, so lots of people sign up to PBS. Most likely middle aged women.
We did a thread on Dyer.


wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Date: April 01, 2005 08:07AM

The other night I watched this Wayne Dyer spook on TBS. The entire thing was cultic, everything out of his mouth was the same exact garbage that was used to brainwash my wife. I find it apalling and reprehensible that he was on PBS. "

Response CNFT: I don't care for Dyer, either, although sometimes I get the impression that it's perceived as not cool in certain circles to say so.

"Whatever you want to say, however you want to respond, I do not care - this Dyer "person" is a complete fraud and a spook. I have very little doubt that his father and mother are brother and sister. His beady little eyes so close together reminded me of a number of the losers in the cult that destroyed my marriage, all family relationships and the well being of our children."

Response: CNFT: LOL. :o You know it's refreshing to see someone speak their mind passionately and damn what anyone else thinks. Politically- correct people are DULL DULL DULL!

"The cult that brainwashed my wife calls itself "What's Next?" here in Albuquerque and their website is www.tc4ec.com. You want to see spookology at its finest, check out this website. Get this, it stands for "The Center for Evolutionary Consciousness". These are the most purely foul and vile human beings on the planet."

Reply CNFT: Friends of mine disappeared after joining Scientology and Landmark. However I choose not to share my stories. Members of the latter especially like to slither in and twist one's words.

"As for this Dyer "person", beyond the beady little eyes so close together, one could clearly see that he has the "dead behind the eyes" look and "the thousand mile stare". He used all of the crap that these Landmark copies use, words like "as source" over and over and over again. He spoke of "quieting the mind", of "synchronicity", of "meditation", of "eliminating ego function" and consistent with these sick and evil cults, everything was a lie and most was incomprehensible."

The "Dyer Dozen" he spoke of was a complete farce. Of course it was incomprehensible and of course there was no discussion, no elaboration, no substantiation, no nothing. This guy is a loser of virtually no equal. Lies and manipulations and a language that no one could possibly make sense of.

How many times did he mention people paid $3,500.00 for a weekend with him at a "seminar" at "Mirabol" in Tucson? It was frankly criminal that this cultic fraud was on PBS. This has the potential to destroy thousands of marriages, careers, lives and more.

Please join me in outrage. Beyond that, this Dyer "person" needs to be held accountable for the cultic fraud that he is.

Reply CNFT: You may be right, but I honestly don't know about anything cult related with Dyer. His ardent followers strike me as being rather credulous. The "philosophy of these so-called teachers/masters who peddle empty platitudes strikes me as being puerile and Simon-says-like. It may sound "nice," but it's too vague to be of any use to anyone, and may cause more harm than good.

Honestly :!: , what good does it do *anyone* to simply tell them to be "positive," "authentic," "like Saint Francis of Assisi," "abundant minded" or whatever if a so-called teacher cannot tell them HOW HOW HOW HOW to do it!

And then invariably when most who try to emulate Dyer and similar fail to improve whatever aspect of their lives for lack of a tangible methodology, it seems that these so-called teachers inapporpriately blame the students for the failure of their ill-conceived teachings.

These so-called teachers/masters who peddle empty platitudes only make things worse for these would-be student because after the students generally fail, they also feel irrational guilt because they then think that it's all *THEIR* fault and that they "should" have succeeded which leads to irrational guilt.

Because of the irrational guilt they may sink into "do nothingism" and retreat into TV, eating and even more harmful forms of escapism to escape the relentless grind of black emotions they feel.

They may also experience significant anxiety because they may feel that they'll be punished by God, society or whatever for, yet again for what they perceive as "being a failure" or just plain being "bad" due to some "karma" and/or "self-created reality" that they think they whipped up via some twisted new age hocus pocus.

That anxiety might lead them into depression because they may come to believe that they have no significant control over their lives and thus they give up

And the kicker is that since they feel that they *cannot* change their "badness," they come to feel that they are doomed to be punished by God, society or both no matter what they do...


wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: cultbasher1970 ()
Date: April 23, 2005 03:02AM

Hi guys and greetings from Toronto, Ontario, Canada!

This is my first post and I want to thank you for confirming my suspicions of Dr. Dyer.

My mom has found a renewed interest in him and other New Age teachings. She has even bought me one of his books, "What you really want for your children". He seems common sense in that book but I haven't read it all to form a conclusion.

Some will say that I am against New Age because I am a Christian but that's only part of the story. Any teaching that tells people that they are to solely to blame for their own misfortune gets me riled very easily.

It seems my mom has had a history of going to extremes. We were both involved with the Worldwide Church of God for many years until the late '90's but my mom was listening to Word of Faith preachers like Joyce Meyer, Gary Whetstone, Morris Currilo, Creflo Dollar, etc. She just took things to the next level. Word of Faith and New Age DO have striking similiarities, both are equally destructive. I wish she could learn from that.

Re: wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: GratefulRage ()
Date: June 04, 2009 02:56AM

Wayne Dyer was on PBS again for fundraising, this past weekend (5/30-6/1, 2009).

It's obvious from the way he describes his kids that he doesn't practice anything that he preaches about childrearing.
And the way he inadventantly contradicts himself in his presentations shows that he really doesn't practice any of what he preaches.

He is a good preacher though. Makes me feel good even though I know he's a phony.

The same weekend had Dr Daniel Amen, talking about brain chemistry and emotions.
He's much more qualified to tell you how to raise healthy and responsible children.

If money brought happiness, there would be no expensive LGATs.

Re: wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: Sheryl ()
Date: March 25, 2019 09:27PM

Hello there,

My son is a victim of “What’s Next” too-It happened in Albuquerque NM in 2003. You are the first person I have found also a victim. My son is not the same after all these years and won’t talk about the experience without becoming angry. He doesn’t grasp it wasn’t his fault nor weakness. His misplaced anger at me a reflection of his inability to see “ Landmark Forum” for what it is-as that is what “ What’s Next” is-A money taking Narcissistic evil group of family destroying people. The “ What’s Next” group, from what I gathered, originated in Similar Valey Ca. I did have an intervention for my son-sadly Rick Ross was unavailable so used a referral which I deeply regret. Anyone out the best to wait for Rick-You will only have One Try to save your loved one. I pray your wife has recovered!

Re: wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: March 26, 2019 04:34AM

I tried to google "What's Next seminars," but got such a variety of results that I didn't know which to click on.

I had never heard of it, but if it's like the other LGATs, (including Landmark, which I was in), they use "New Age," terminology and philosophy, mixed in with their own jargon. The way they use it, they make up their own definitions for that "New Age" terminology, though, and those definitions are often tweaked so that they don't exactly fit the meaning intended by the originators of those ideas. In my opinion, this "tweaking" is generally calculated to manipulate the attendees of these seminars.

Now this seems to have created a feedback loop, of sorts, as I can see that "New Age" terms are increasingly associated with LGATs, and, in turn, the characteristics of LGATs are being tranplanted, in the public mind, onto everything "New Age."

What is now referred to as "New Age" isn't actually new at all, but has been around for generations. Now people have borrowed terms from a variety of Eastern religions, appropriated ethnic religions, the occult, from authors such as Jane Roberts, and thrown in a little pop psychology, and called it "New Age."

This is all confusing enough in itself, but LGATs organizations have taken the extra step of throwing in harmful psychological tactics that were accidentally discovered during experiments such as The Milgram experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment. These experiments were stopped, and the tactics promptly labeled as unethical by the psychological community, but LGATs seem to have taken the findings and used them as tools to gain control over people. Now, some are even throwing in politics. Some have become so pushy and dogmatic that I think of them as "Nuage fundamentalists," although there was previously nothing evangelical about "New Age."

Since "New Age" beliefs were unfamiliar to most of the population, until about the past 30 years or so, most people who were new to the ideas presented wouldn't notice the "splices," but would see it as all a part of the same thing.

What I am saying is that it is essential to split hairs, IF you want to learn about "New Age." Some of what is out there is extremely harmful, some of it is not. If you are not comfortable, or don't know the difference, then I would recommend to stay away from what is now being presented as "New Age." It is painful for me to say that, but at this point in time, it is the best recommendation I can give.

Some of the current authors, and all of the LGATs, as far as I can see, have strayed as far from the origial teachings as The Inquisition and The Crusades strayed from the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2019 04:51AM by kdag.

Re: wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: May 16, 2019 08:06AM

A further explanation of New Age vs LGATS
(Someone asked for more clarification).

If interested, one might get a better feel for the difference by actually reading some of the New Age stuff, (not by attending a seminar). It's okay if you think it's just a bunch of new mythology or bunk, that's not important. It is not any goal of mine to change anyone's beliefs, (I don't care what spiritual paths others choose). The point is to take a step back and look at how it is presented.

The important thing is the "feel" of it - the complete lack of authoritarianism. The acceptance of all spiritual paths as being equally valid, and the idea that whatever path you are on is probably the appropriate path for you. There is the idea that the spiritual "seeker" will find what they need when they need it, whether it's a book, sudden inspiration from a work of art or something in nature.

As my late (non-LGAT), guru put it, "You are drawn to it like a heat-seeking missile." It draws you. Nobody is twisting your arm or manipulating you. It is not evangelical. If someone left her group, she would wish them well and hope that they would find their path. No calls. No mind-f*ck. No trying to pull anyone back in who didn't want to be there. She actively discouraged people from trying to get their friends to join the group, because she said that, if they were supposed to be there, they would find it on their own.

This is completely opposite of cult or LGAT recruiting. Most people show up to LGATS out of a sense of obligation or because they were given a hard sell. They go, having been promised results that the cult can't deliver. LGATs adopted some of the, (mostly behavioral), ideas of New Age, and ran with it in another direction. I suspect that some people new to the ideas were easy to confuse, and they used that confusion to control them.

Here are a couple of reading suggestions for those who are interested in what "New Age" is. Once again, you don't need to believe any of it, but see how it is presented. I will recommend quicker reads.

Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts
Messages from Michael by Chelsea Quinn Yarbrough

I should clarify that I am not suggesting that anyone needs to read those books entirely, just look through them, skim, or select a couple of chapters. You may even be able to find excerpts online. You will get the feel. Those were the ones originally called "New Age," I believe, although we did not call it "New Age," at the time. The term "New Age," has become a catch-all phrase for anything that is not mainstream and for which there is no proper terminology.

Jane Roberts is still considered by many to be the most distilled version of the material. Some of her material can be very abstract and challenging to grasp. The Chelsea Quinn Yarbrough writings put it into more of a structure which makes it easier to understand.

You can then contrast these with the authoritarian style of the LGATs, who behave as if you must believe, (while saying the opposite). In fact, neither Roberts or Yarbrough ever insist that you believe anything. I can't cite the page, but one of my favorite (approximate) Michael quotes is, "Belief is not necessary. A leaf does not have to believe in photosynthesis to turn green." (in reference to spiritual evolution).

The material from Roberts and Yarbrough speak almost exclusively of what happens to the soul in the non-physical realms. They never mandate any behavior on the physical realm, although they may have occasionally attempted to explain why someone might behave in a certain way. Usually, that had to do with the age of the soul in question. Someone who has only lived a few lifetimes will not behave in the same way as someone who has lived thousands, in the same way that a two-year old will not behave in the same way as a fifty-year old. Still, the two-year old is behaving in a way that is appropriate for a two-year old, and it is a necessary stage in their development. It is partially because of this that they discourage judgement of others. We can't possibly know the goals or life lessons of someone else's soul.

After Roberts and Yarbrough, other people started "channeling," but they may have been channeling their own guidance on some issue of importance to them. The newer material attempts to deal with how the information should be applied in the physical realm. One could think of It as sort of a "second-generation New Age." It appears to me that many of these people tried to follow up with "the next logical step," and that the "action steps" suggested may have worked well for the authors. This can be dangerous territory, however, because it suggests behavioral rules, and, as with the church, people try to gain control. It has happened in every single religion, from Christianity to the Hindus and the Muslims. Do you think that Christ would have approved of the Inquisition?

People then started throwing in things from other religions, especially Eastern religions, but anything considered alternative or "taboo" in the West. They revived practices that allegedly came from the Druids.

Some appropriated much from the Native Americans, and many Native Americans are justifiably incensed over this. Middle-aged, middle class white women take a series of weekend workshops and call themselves Native American "Shamen." For one thing, they are only partial teachings, (if not outright wrong), and incorrectly interpreted and applied. Secondly, these people did not grow up around Native people, and have not integrated that experience. They are not culturally Native American. Thirdly, they feel that their heritage has been stolen and polluted. I can't blame them. Native Americans say that the word "Shaman," is not even in their vocabulary.

The LGATs go above and beyond even that, promoting the new behavioral suggestions of the new "New Age," (nothing about the soul), and turning them into mandates, throwing in pop psychology, and deliberately using proven harmful psychological tactics to control people. Though they admonish their participants to not "make someone wrong," it is clear from their behavior that the only way that anyone can be "wrong" is to disagree with the LGAT.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2019 08:09AM by kdag.

Re: wayne dyer on pbs - total cult garbage
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: May 16, 2019 08:39AM

I should clarify that all of this is only from my perspective, as someone who has been "New Age" for about 48 years. Opinions will vary, I'm sure.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2019 08:41AM by kdag.

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