Its clear that RandomStu is mainly just about derailing threads by avoiding the problems of Byron Katie...
But there is also a deeper pattern at work which points to some of what is being said, which is certainly non-random. The more basic agenda at play is something to keep in mind in general when reading on the internet. It appears RandomStu has been around for years but this type of "Zen in the Art of War", where anything goes, has not been looked at.
So this appears to be an example of those who present themselves as a type of critic of Gurus, but in reality they only criticize the worst criminals or their own Guru's enemies, meanwhile running apologetics and even cover-ups for their own Gurus of choice, and their methods of influence and coercion.
This is why a person would constantly post links to their Blog, even when told not to. The blog and websites are a type of soft-persuasion, to gently, or harshly shape the perceptions of the readers. It ain't "Random". That is like the concept..."Anti-Guru".
If you look at RandomStu's comments above about sexual coercion from Seung Sahn in the previous posts, his criteria for it not being coercion is that it was not with underage girls, or was apparently not forced sex due to no criminal charges? So it seems the only thing to meet the critieria for coercion then would be statutory rape, or rape. Rape is not "coercion" in this sense, rape is a criminal offense.
No, what Seung Sahn did is the definition of coercive by using undue influence and abusing his power and position. He had a supreme position of power over these women, he controlled their careers, their incomes, and in their belief system he basically influenced their entire destiny. Leaving a sect which you have given your life is very difficult for people.
On top of this, he probably told most of these women various lies about his intentions about marriage with them, etc.
That is all very serious coercion done by Seung Sah, and an abuse of power.
So how can someone like Stuart Resnick talk about "coercion" in any context, when anything short of the criminal offense of rape is not coercive? He is just trying to redefine the meaning of the word coercion, which is the same tactic being used all over the place.
Lastly, even the Wikipedia article on the Kwan Um School of Zen details very extreme practices, which are the textbook definition of some of the methods of social influence being discussed.
They use ancient extreme techniques like doing 1000 prostrations a day...which would take 8 hours at 30 secs for each one.
Or more familiar Tech like they use in some of their Retreats, which is a method of old school defacto brainwashing.
"As Mu Soeng indicates, one of the key tenets to practice is what Seung Sahn often called "together action." Many members actually live in the Zen cente..."
"Participants have no contact with the outside world while undergoing a (21 to 90 day intensive) retreat, and the only literature permitted are those works written by Seung Sahn. They are in practice from 4:45 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. each day, and are not permitted to keep a diary during their stay."