Landmark Content
Posted by: rcotton ()
Date: December 21, 2004 12:12PM

Hi Folks - I have completed the Landmark Forum. I'm a current participant in a Landmark Seminar. I have registered for the Landmark Advanced Course.

I will post items that reflect my experience in Landmark Education programs. Mostly, these posts will be without comment - that is notes, email exchanges, conversations and the like with no additional commentary from me.

My purpose is to share my experience without attempting to influence others to see any point of view.

Landmark Education provides copyrighted material to their customers. I do not intend to violate their copyright.

Landmark Content
Posted by: rcotton ()
Date: December 21, 2004 12:33PM

Yes, unconditionally.

----Original Message-----
From: Seminar Leader
To: rcotton
Subject: Session Three

Date: Friday, December 10, 2004 8:10 PM

I'm sorry rcotton

That's apparently that's my hook. I heard "sales pitch" as derogatory and
felt invalidated after pouring my heart and soul into this seminar. I
apologize for making assumptions about what you said.

I guess I'm being challenged by the possibility of being racket free too
today! (You know, being racket free = being a clearing for life in which
life doesn't occur as something you have to react to or as something from
your past). I made up something about what you said, got my feelings hurt,
and then reacted.

Do you accept my apology?

Seminar Leader

-----Original Message-----
From: Rcotton
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 7:19 PM
To: Seminar Leader
Subject: Session Three

"Sales pitch" has no derogatory or negative meaning for me. I respect what
you said in your email and it is complete for me. Thanks Seminar Leader.


----Original Message-----
From: Seminar Leader
To: rcotton
Subject: Session Three

Date: Friday, December 10, 2004 6:32 PM


Thank you for taking this on and re-creating the seminar for two participants
I found myself hooked by your comments about "sales pitches" to the guests
and about sharing the Landmark Forum. I'm not a sales person - I don't get
paid nor do I get commissions. However, inside of the distinction of the
seminar, I'm committed to giving up being righteous about this. I simply
want to communicate that I offer myself, my time and my love freely inside a
commitment to making a difference for you, the other participants and humanity. I request that you listen me, and listen each part of the seminar
being delivered, inside the commitment that each person have the possibility
of power, freedom and full self-expression as a reality in their lives - it
will empower the seminar and you'll find yourself getting value out of
every section as well.

I'm certainly available to have a conversation about this if you are would
like or if you are left in any way incomplete with my communication.

Again, I acknowledge you for stepping in and taking on being a leader.

Seminar Leader

-----Original Message-----
From: Rcotton
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 6:05 PM
To: Another Participant
Subject: Notes from Session #3

D -

My notes from Thursday. JTK & RE copied. I won't distribute to others.
Look forward to our chat Sat AM.

Session #3

Intentions - See bottom of Session #3 Assignment handout (attached).
Several people late.

One person shared about experience with integrity practice during prior
Sales pitch to guest.

Seminar Member shared experience from past week being authentic in
relationship with spouse. Resulted in creating possibility to be employed
and self-sufficient.

24 unexplained absences. Seminar Leader asked if we are "being present"
with the "feeling of a missing." Seminar Leader said "They are having a loss of
power with their being in integrity." Discussion of integrity in relation to
attendance followed. Seminar Leader restated concern as "we have less power
because they are not here."

Seminar Members read the Intentions.

Seminar Leader asks - Who is seeing rackets? Who is seeing the loss of
power? See the variety & pervasiveness of rackets.

Rackets are rooted in loss of integrity.

Seminar Member and Seminar Leader interacted about relationship between
Integrity and Rackets.

Seminar Member shared three areas of life where rackets related to loss of integrity.

Sharing with Seminar Partner re: assignments from last session.

Seminar Leader - Let's look at how the Landmark Forum works because the
Seminar works the same way. You are the source of the realties and transformations that come from the Landmark Forum and the Seminar. Seminar Leader read the entire "The Way the Landmark Forum Works" billboard which hangs in the front of the Seminar Room. Seminar Leader emphasized the last statement on the billboard - possibilities
you create are made actual by enrolling others in your having gotten.
Seminar Leader lectured about being ordinary related to inauthenticity. Seminar
Leader encourages us to distinguish these and identify the specific impacts
of being that way. That is, distinguish where in life you are being ordinary
and inauthentic and distinguish the impact of this. Once these are
distinguished, possibilities are revealed/begin to arise. Many things begin
to change: view of the world around us, view of self, language we use to
describe our lives and the actions we take in life. "Possibilities live where you are."

What expands this? Enrolling others. Power expands when you enroll others.
Others who are enrolled provide support and momentum. Enrollment is not
convincing, not explaining, not manipulation, justification or domination.
It is causing new possibilities to be present for another so that they are
touched, moved and inspired by that possibility. In enrollment conversations, the past gets complete. The purpose is that YOU get it, not that they get it. When others are truly touched, moved and inspired, they will listen in an entirely new way. When others start to relate to you as the possibility you have enrolled them in, the power of enrollment is present. An enrollment conversation is not just "I want this." It is about inventing a way of being that others relate to. When you invent a possibility and enroll others in it, you gain access to results. Can be very difficult. Transformation is not easy.

Seminar Leader analogy. Gold is under dirt. The dirt is in the way. You have to dig through the dirt to get to the gold. Being responsible for the dirt is the digging. Making yourself wrong about something is wallowing in the dirt. Can't get to the gold by wallowing, only by digging.

We get stuck in Enrollment Conversations when we try to "figure out" the conversation in advance. Just have the conversation and let go of the concern.

Practice Enrollment Conversations. Try not to use Landmark Forum lingo such as inauthentic, input, enroll, more, better, different. Practice to develop enrollment skills. Practiced for 3 minutes with Seminar Partner.

Seminar Leader - 2-CD package "Relationship, Love, Intimacy, and Freedom" is available from Landmark Education for $58.00.

Landmark Education offers "the Platinum Package." Created for "an elite group" - "high ups" - civic leaders, business executives, others who have a need for more luxury, privacy. Next one is in May '05 at Four Seasons Chicago.

Four packages ranging in cost from $2900 - $4900. Contact Landmark Education for details, forms, brochure.

Seminar Leader - Let's talk about Distinctions. "Committed to being racket free" is the distinction we want to concentrate on now. We've talked about two distinctions. Integrity and being racket free.. Rackets are not bad and they are not good. They are just a way of being. They are ordinary. They are survival strategies. Being extraordinary is more then just surviving. Rackets are destructive. When you look at how much of life is devoted to
rackets, they become opportunities. Look back at the first handout and see in your answers to the questions there where rackets are involved.

Seminar Leader reminded everyone to bring notebook, paper, pencil/pen and the handout labeled BEX #1 (seven questions) to every session.

Practice session - look at your answers to each of the seven questions and see if you can find the racket in each one. Write down the common complaint and the persistent way of being for each. Reflect on your answers and see if you can identify the cost of running each racket. Write that down.

What would life be like in these areas if you were completely racket free?

Express what would be different.

How do we achieve the life of being racket free? After all, the rackets are protecting you against something you perceive as threatening. How can you live without them. Identify specific actions to practice in your life to be come racket free. Write them down and do it.

You have an opportunity to choose what you are going to be in life. Choosing to be racket free means catching yourself when you are doing it and stop. "Give it up."

Seminar Leader invited a Landmark Forum leader to come up and share. Landmark Forum leader is training to be a Landmark Education Center Manager.

Practice to be racket free. Call a friend - someone you trust – talk about your rackets and declare yourself to be off it. The most powerful way to be racket free is to give up being right even when you know that you are right. Complaints don't have reality around them. Don't assess or judge the practice. Take it on and practice it. Give up the right to be right.
Come to next sessions ready to share about your practice.

Being racket free. Add this practice to your practice of restoring integrity. Take on both practices. We will add new practices as the seminar progresses.

You can share your commitment with others by enrolling them in a conversation about the Landmark Forum. Seminar Leader asked the group rhetorically - "Why would I do this?" Then did the usual pitch for talking about Landmark Forum with others for about the next ten minutes.

Reviewed homework - see attachment.

Broke out into groups.



1 - Copyrighted material deleted
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Attachment 1
Copyrighted material deleted
Attachment 2
Copyrighted material deleted

Landmark Content
Posted by: rcotton ()
Date: December 21, 2004 12:37PM

I forgot to list the assignment. It is at the bottom. You can delete the previous seminar #4 recap e-mail.

Hello small group.

Here is my attempt to be as thorough as rcotton was last week in recreating the seminar.

This is mainly for JT, but I found it was a good exercise to re-read my notes to keep the ideas in front of me. So use it how you will. JT, please contact me and let me know if you want me to go over this on the phone with you.

The seminar started out as it always does with group sharing of what has opened up over the last week. After one persons sharing, we were taught the lesson to "not wallow in it and to invent a possibility to get out of it".
This is a similar concept to the concept of "getting off of it" that we learned in The Forum but with a bit of a twist.

We then passed a get-well card for a fellow seminar woman that has a benign brain tumor.

Next up was the introduction of visitors. We had two visitors, but they were visitors that were staying for the seminar that night as opposed to visitors who would get swept away to a Forum introduction.

An announcement was made by a seminar participant about another seminar participant who was just written up in The World Tribune as someone who is successfully fighting cancer.

Intention of the Series: Explore possibility of inventing yourself as an extraordinary human being.
Intention of tonight's Seminar: Finally resolve your concern for "Making It".

Seminar Leader coached the reader of tonight's intention on how to be "with" the group. Seminar Leader asked her to be "with" someone in the room in an effort to help her with her anxiety of speaking in front of us all. She then redelivered tonight's intention.

Seminar Leader then described "Making it" as not failing and being someone we are not.

We then had group sharing of last weeks assignment which was to "cause possibility to be present for another such that they are moved, touched and inspired by that possibility or exhaust yourself trying". The second assignment was to practice being "racket free, and giving up the right to be right, even when you are right".

Seminar Leader explained that when you give up the right to be right, you will become a clearing for rackets not to arise in. You will be like water off a ducks back. Rackets beget rackets. She asked us to think about how work would be if you were not running rackets at work. She said that when you are racket free there is no reaction for people to despise.

We then had time to share with our partner about integrity, being racket free and the possibilities that that creates.

We then began to work on the distinction of "making it".
Seminar Leader explained that, as an ordinary person, life is all about "making it", survival, leading with force and having others lose and us win.

We then shared with our partner what "making it" was ourselves...basically, what do you use to survive life. My way of "making it" is self deprecation.
I put myself down.

Seminar Leader then said that we will always try to "make it" in life. We can't help ourselves. The thing that we need to do is realize that we are never going to "make it" in life and that is ok.

Then we shared as a group about what opens up for us when we realize that we are never going to "make it". People said things like, "I can relax", "relief" or "I can stop fighting everything".
When you realize that you are never going to make it, you can then create something to be extraordinary.
Create the extraordinary life that you want today. There is no "someday", there is only today.

We then practiced sharing the Landmark Forum with others. Seminar Leader assured us that we will never get it right and that people just want us to share ourselves rather than what the course is about and how it works.

Seminar Leader then introduced Aaron who is the Landmark Forum Registration Manager. He talked about a Forum introduction night that is happening on January 12th.

Seminar Leader then talked about a coaching call that everyone can take part in if they want help in sharing the Landmark Forum with people. That coaching call will happen on Wednesday, December 23rd at noon to 1:00. The call in number is <deleted> and the access code is <deleted>.

Seminar Leader then introduced the next distinction of being an extraordinary human
Being Peaceful.
She explained that being peaceful is not just the absence of stress or worry, but it is actually active. Being peaceful is a possibility.
Being peaceful is not the attempt or ability to "make it" in life.

Seminar Leader then had us look at our list that we made in session #1 about where we feel we are ordinary and related those to being peaceful.
Seminar Leader asked us if, in those areas of life where we are ordinary, do we
being frantic
reacting to life

Seminar Leader asked us to look at the impact of not being peaceful in these areas.
Are we grouchy, snippy, getting less sleep?

Seminar Leader asked what the impact of being peaceful in just one of those areas of our life that we are ordinary would be.

Seminar Leader then moved into a Forum idea of "something is wrong here". She asked us to practice giving up that "there is something wrong here". When we say "something is wrong here", we are telling a story. If you are holding onto the idea that "something is wrong here", you need to dismantle the story behind why you think that it is "wrong".
If you give up saying "something is wrong here", you will create peace in your life.

We finished up the seminar with a report on tonight's attendance numbers.
We had 81 people attend. 81 people is 67% of the total enrollment. 92% integrity...which means that we knew ahead of time that most of the people that missed the seminar were going to miss the seminar.

That is the recap. Enjoy.

Our assignments:
Assignment one:
-find a way to cause possibility to be present for another such that they are touched, moved and inspired by that possibility or exhaust yourself trying.

Assignment two:
-Create the possibility of being peaceful by practicing giving up the experience that something is wrong -Notice what you encounter in the experience of something is wrong.
-How is it for you to give up the experience that something's wrong especially when you know there is.

Assignment three:
-Continue the other practices as well-the practice of creating possibility of having integrity, doing what you said you would everywhere.
-Also continue the practice of creating the possibility of being racket free, giving up being right even when you know that you are.

Landmark Content
Posted by: hsuchij ()
Date: December 22, 2004 04:23PM

Here are ways do assignment one: ([i:1698cebe50]Translated from a LGAT hypnotizer's note I found from the web yesterday. She also said this [/i:1698cebe50]- [i:1698cebe50]the best cognitive awareness is no cognitive at all.[/i:1698cebe50])

feeling of autumn… weekends… relax… clean accumulated dusts… sort out the mess… take time… forget about work… heart… distraction can be easy… recognize what one is doing right now… focus on one thing… breath slowly… light a religious candle… clean up the force of the room… morning at 10:30… afternoon at 4:00… wait until people get tired after two and half hours of intensive workouts… attractive smells… play soft music when the time is appropriate… do not perform logic and reasoning jobs… standup softly… focus on breathing… relax facial muscle… imagine walking on the clouds… feels like natural wind blowing…

hints… repeat hints at least 7 times… at beginning, one may not feel relax in a short period of time… increase breathing strokes… sounds from behind… one’s experiences… parents… teachers… society… books… what stored in our memory banks… complete the purpose in a specific environment and timeframe… filter unnecessary stimulants… keep meaningful messages… cut down floating experiences into objects and processes… perform memory fragmentation and realignment… input messages… take appropriate actions… refer to past cases… imagine future results… make the best planning… achieve the most wanted goals…

receive stimulants… filter stimulants… realignment… find database and give it meaning… make response… survival… fast process… brain can make up its decision swiftly and give response… understand conscious… understand different backgrounds and experiences… observe yourself and others… find out each response to stimulations… what messages have been filtered… understand how reasoning and logic can influence a person… reduce reasoning and logic… do not reveal agenda… constrain people’s dynamic thoughts into a few simple and easy remembrance lyrics… mind control can save time and energy… bring a controllable life… fall into the trap of mind control… combining subconscious and body… “high” experience…


Landmark Content
Posted by: Savernake ()
Date: December 23, 2004 03:17AM

If you give up saying "something is wrong here", you will create peace in your life.

Rubbish. If you give up saying "something is wrong here", you lose the impetus to make changes for the better, or to improve a bad situation. Did we want Nelson Mandela to say, "there's nothing wrong here, apartheid is okay actually" -- do we want youth workers in inner cities to say, "there's nothing wrong here, let's just let the kids get hooked on drugs instead of trying to make a change for the better" -- do we want the Bush administration to keep saying, "There's nothing wrong here, we can keep pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and destroy the environment"?

I think this may be the single most pernicious concept in the Landmark/EST ideology.

Landmark Content
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: December 23, 2004 04:22AM

"The Way the Landmark Forum Works" billboard which hangs in the front of the Seminar Room. Seminar Leader emphasized the last statement on the billboard - possibilities
you create are made actual by enrolling others in your having gotten.
Seminar Leader lectured about being ordinary related to inauthenticity. "

this shows the people being indoctrinated to become
enrollment droids for the cult.

and they tell u to give up right and wrong.

very very scientology .

Landmark Content
Posted by: glam ()
Date: December 23, 2004 05:21AM

First, I want to say thank you for posting this information here. It's very educational.


Assignment one:
-find a way to cause possibility to be present for another such that they are touched, moved and inspired by that possibility or exhaust yourself trying.

Wow. "Touch, moved and inspired" is Landmark's way of saying "enroll your friends."So basically what assignment one asks you to do is get your friends enrolled into a Landmark seminar or "exhaust yourself trying."

Landmark Content
Posted by: hsuchij ()
Date: December 23, 2004 12:08PM

Here are ways to do assignment two.

[i:a973e32572]More translation from the LGAT hypnotizer’s note. If she said [The universe is one. One is the universe.], I treat the sentence as (universe... one....). These translation words are extracted from a series of mini stories written by the hypnotizer. Those mini stories are mostly double talks with scary ritual examples. So I did some efforts myself to read through the stories, exclude the examples and extract these words. I hope it helps victims to realize what kind of situations they're involved in.[/i:a973e32572]

good hypnotic receptive level…troubles at work…precious targets….

call up disturbing events… feel anxiety… getting emotional… trouble to sleep… trouble minded… therapy for one hour… feel sleepy, sleepy, sleepy… counting numbers… vivid dreams… blue light… calm… sleep again…

strong breathing… guide the client… arouse the client… talke about troubles… teleport messages from Cosmo… fast eye movement… hypnotic mode… ask questions… no responses… wake up… asked her what happened… picture of a dream place… peaceful…

look honest… easily seduced… trouble histories… best patients… perform hypnotization… can’t spell his/her own name… give him/her new identity… conversation with that identity… keep the atmosphere warm… hold his/her hands… create a lover for her/him… tell him/her that the time to meet with the new lover has come… enter conversation…

[b:a973e32572]“do you give up the experience that someone is wrong especially when you know he/she is and will break up with him/her?”
“do you accept your new lover?”[/b:a973e32572]

[b:a973e32572]“the new lover is not for me and I understand how to break up with someone whom I (the new identity) think is wrong.”[/b:a973e32572]

talk to that wrongful person… surround that wrongful person with love… wake up… have no more doubts…


Landmark Content
Posted by: Rachel ()
Date: December 23, 2004 03:12PM

Thanks for the information on content.

The three homework assignments in combination are designed to make a person go out and recruit - assignment 1; to keep on doing it even when they feel uncomfortable about it - assignment 2 (ie, they have to drop the 'something is wrong here') and so not listen to their own gut feeling; and then lastly - assignment 3, the 'integrity' part, is designed to guilt trip them into 'keeping their word', to recruit more into Landmark even if they are having second thoughts about it..

An amazing package of manipulation!

Landmark Content
Posted by: lovinglife ()
Date: January 03, 2005 06:25PM


I find it interesting seeing some people's view on the content of the homework assignment.

Of course it's got an element of marketing in it. There is no other way that people get to hear about the course at the moment.

As for it being manipulation. What rubbish!

If it really was about recruiting, then it's the complete way of going the wrong way about it. If Landmark wanted to recruit in that way, then surely, they'd make sure that they didn't allow people to go out "recruiting" until they were fully trained. It's a really ineffective way of getting people to do the course.

The effective way of getting people to do the course, is to create a course that works, and produces real results. That's why people I know signed up to do it.

When I did that homework, I got my mother and girlfriend along, and neither of them was interested. It was a poor way of recruiting.

However. In the years since, when I've talked about what I was doing before I did the Landmark Forum, and what I've been doing since, people just want to find out about the course and go out and do it.

So. Without real results, people just wouldn't be interested.

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