for landmark grads
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: January 23, 2003 10:23AM

maybe u can join in here and explain
to everybody how u deal with fear
differently now that u have attended
the forum. and also tell us how u
dealt with it before.


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for landmark grads
Posted by: glenn7 ()
Date: January 24, 2003 11:28PM

you did not answer my fear question on the other forum,
is that your fear?
before the forum and especially after the advanced course.
i confront my fears now darcy, before i did landmark i did not confront my fears, i would make excuses, blame someone else,

question not believing in landmark is that your fear?

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for landmark grads
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: January 25, 2003 01:58PM

you did not answer my fear question on the other forum,
is that your fear?
before the forum and especially after the advanced course.
i confront my fears now darcy, before i did landmark i did not confront my fears, i would make excuses, blame someone else,

question not believing in landmark is that your fear?

i have no fear.

and do u see how your way of thinking
is again pro landmark, not pro yourself. is someone not taking courses a fear, of course not. if they
do some research not taking course is
common sense.

do u believe in landamark ?

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for landmark grads
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: August 20, 2007 05:36AM

I DO fear Landmark (aka EST)...

it is a natural response to fear something threatening...

Landmark(EST) has threatened and instigated Lawsuits against many people who have attempted to "shed light" on Landmark(EST) unethical and potentially dangerous practices.

Landmark(EST) has a batillion of lawyers behind them, and lots of money to scare people who question their potentiall dangerous practices.

Landmark(EST) attempted to hypnotise me by using my friend (without HER knowledge) - i.e. Landmark(EST) has programmed her to behave in ways that she has not behaved prior to her involvement with Landmark(EST).

And while I fear Landmark(EST), and I am very fearful that my friend is going to lose her mind or all her money, I will still fight to bring this organization to accountability.

To this end I encourage everyone to write to

The Honourable Wally Oppal, Attorney General
Room 232, Parliament Buildings
P.O. Box 9044 Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 9E2

and let him know about this organization.


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for landmark grads
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: August 20, 2007 04:25PM

As a graduate, I don't think I deal or face fear any differently now then previously although for a period of time immediatley after I did the forum and participated I think I took more risks but not in a good way. I didn't think about consequences so in effect I lived as if I had no fear.

Fear is a good thing sometimes It makes you take steps to keep your self safe

While I do not agree with the way landmark works I do believe that some of the things they teach are usefull however you can get that same information many different ways.

They do focus on the pushing past the fear in landmark and in some ways that is useful particulary if you don't do anything because you are always scared. But the big thing is keeping it in reality. not going the other way and taking stupid steps

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for landmark grads
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: August 22, 2007 12:48AM

My objection is not with some of the content which Landmark uses. It mimics therapy techniques utilized by reputable counsellors and psychologists. BUT, what I do object to is the fact that they call their program "educaitonal", they say they are not doing therapy, which they are, they charge too much money for what little good a person, might, just might, get out of the program.

Learning to "fight through your fear" for the sum total of $550 is just too too much!

My objection is the COVERT way in which they practice. My objection is that they use cohersive sales techniques. My objection is that they ARE brainwashing people. My objection is that they are engaging in group therapy WITHOUT a person's consent. My objection is that they do not have a safety net for people who can very probably become destabilized.
My objection is that they are pretending to be something they are not.
My objection is that they are lying about their connection to EST.

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