I'm not following you, and some of the statements you made about the exercise certainly were not the case in my experience.
im finally learning how to use this
software :)
your statement about it not being
the case in your experience is exactly
the same response i have heard from
every single other landmark grad that
has a favorable impression of landmark
usually what i hear next is well it
may be the truth for him but its not
the truth for me.
do u feel this statement is yours ?
Out of 180 people in the room, perhaps 10 were very frightened and crying. I don't think it's a matter of the other 170 being in denial.
that is interesting. u are saying that
only 10 out of 180 were crying.
interesting. may i ask who the forum
leader was ?
mind was jinnendra jain and had practically everybody going hyterical.
i cant say for sure that every single
person was waling and screaming and
crying because even though i was sitting at the time toward the back row but not on the back and because
when i opened my eyes to peek, the
old goat was standing right in front
of me. i didnt get the chance to completely see everyone, but everyone i did see except for the man sitting
next to me was screaming and crying
and really getting hysterical.
i know that the forums are not all
completely the same. and its quite
apparent that jinnedra who told us
that he was the one that trains all
the other forum leaders is a little
bit better at it than some. lets
face it. the purpose of the exercis
is to make u terrified of everybody.
that is what it is about. if u didnt
get terrified then u didnt get it.
get it :)
Perhaps the real reason is the fact that this exercise is explained on the internet on several sites, and it's an idea that's been used in public speaking classes for a very long time. I thought my leader was rather tonge-in-cheek about this particular exercise (and he caught me looking, too ;)
There was not one part where we were terrified and a second part where we did the terrifying and thought it was funny.
then the empowerment process was
dont differently in your forum.
would u agree this is a possibility ?
The serious matter lies in having participants "share" their life stories (like physical and emotional abuse, etc) and having the the Forum leader do a three minute psych session with them in front of the audience. That truly is criminal. Even the RET web page called three-minute-therapy (or something like that) doesn't make claims to fixing people that quickly.
landmark doesnt make claims to do much
of anything that i can recall. they
deny that the forum is hypnosis.
but then we need to understand that
landmark has no truth. if landmark is
using hypnosis and i believe they are
maybe u can explain to me what part
of the forum is not hypnosis but then
to have them deny it would be perfectly legimate because they have
no truth.
lets quote ole werner for a moment.
his quote
"i have no truth, so what "
this comes out of the lips of werner.
this is one of his most powerful
what i find fascinating is that werner
even states he has no truth and yet
so many people go to where there is no
truth and come out saying they found it. doesnt make any sense or does it ?
The other exercise that merits discussion is the "disappearing" the headache. Landmark's approach to physical problems seems to be to treat them all as psychosomatic - even conditions like IBS which is really a wastebasket term for many conditions.
yes, everything that is not pro landmark or doesnt enhance landmarks stature is a racket, i do understand this. i do find it interesting how
landmark can use people in this fashion, their own racket if u will and have no regard for peoples real
IBS is generally given as an example of a psychosomatic condition when in fact there is a lot of research coming out that it is not. There are many conditions that are misdiagnosed as depression, merely because standard medicine and even alternative medicine doesn't dig a little bit deeper to find the true causes. To assume then that people who are depressed, have "IBS" and high blood pressure can "think" away or disappear their conditions with Landmark technology is both absurd and dangerous.
now if landmark is using hypnosis do u feel that the end justifies the means ?