PSI Seminars: The Eagle Prayer; Does this look Familiar to anyone??
Date: September 06, 2009 11:41AM
Ok, I found “The Eagle Prayer” used by PSI Graduates. When I was reading it I thought it sounded familiar but can’t think where I’ve heard it before? I think Willhite, the con man, stole this from someone else. Anyone know?
The Eagle Prayer;
God, give us the courage to face our problems, and the realization what we have the ability to solve them, that we must face the truth, no matter what it is. We shall learn to rely on ourselves, and not to blame others for our weaknesses or mistakes. Grant us the courage to take our heads out of the sand, to face life with confidence, and give whatever it demands of us. Awaken us to the realization that we are not kept by our brothers, nor are we our brothers’ keepers. Help us if we are tempted to boast of noble deeds with which we try to deceive others and ourselves; to make someone else think we are greater to Thee than they. Teach is to know that because “I AM” is your creation, the “I AM” is the beginning and the end, that because of You all things are possible.
Teach us to know that we cannot expect You, our God, to do for us those things we should do for ourselves. We know that it is by our deeds that we shall be measured, and when we fully realize this truth it will indeed set us free… free of the fear of yesterday, today, and all the tomorrows that may come. That same truth will set us free from false pride, greed, jealously and envy.
God, you have made us eagles and we shall break the shackles of fear and ignorance which have bound our wings. Now, with the freedom of truth we can soar above the mountains and clouds to see the wonders of the earth, the abundance of wealth and happiness that You made available to man.
Thus, we shall be inspired by the vastness of the Universe, and we will live in its greatness and glory, and shall be worthy of ourselves and our place in the sun. Free us, oh God, and we shall work to free ourselves from the burdens of mystical dogmas and social formulas found on fear, greed and ignorance. We shall knock, and the doors of knowledge will open. We shall ask, and because we are willing to pay the price, it will be given to us.
-Thomas Dale Willhite
-William Penn Patrick.