Anyone know anything about the Aspire Foundation?
Posted by: SkepticalChick ()
Date: July 08, 2009 11:26PM

I think it's local to Sacramento, but I'm curious if anyone has had any contact with them or knows anything about how it works. From the Web site, seems kinda pricey (and they request a lot of personal information to sign up for the workshops). (

The reason I'm asking is because I know a couple of people who've gotten involved, spent a lot of money, and seem to have had pretty profound personality changes (which they insist is for the better--being a skeptical chick, I'm not so sure).


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Re: Anyone know anything about the Aspire Foundation?
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: July 09, 2009 01:19AM


Looking into the site, they offer classes in Dream Interpretation, Astrology and Vision Quests. They are also non-profit so the leader "John" probably makes outrageous amounts of money.

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