Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: Toyer ()
Date: December 18, 2004 05:51PM

A minor update. My gf made it through the Advanced Seminar. We didn't have any real melt down. The good news is that after about two weeks, she said that she came to the abrupt realization that Landmark isn't for everyone, and it doesn't take care of everything. The bad news is that she doesn't see anything wrong with going to more of their classes. I'm not (directly) stopping her. There are two reasons for this. First is as I have noted before. it is my belief that we are all responsible for our own actions. And must be held accountable as such. It isn't in my nature to try to change someone else's mind - only you can do that. Me trying to do so with might, isn't my way. Pushing someone won't bring them closer to you, as the old saying goes. But as I don't think Landmark is good for her (though not - as of yet - as devastating as others have experienced) I do spend my time trying to encourage her to do other things. She knows how I feel, and it causes friction. But so far, we're working things through. I'm hoping that reality, even if financial reality, will bring her around. We'll see...

Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: glam ()
Date: December 18, 2004 11:23PM


it is my belief that we are all responsible for our own actions. And must be held accountable as such.

Yes, I can see why you would believe that. I believe that people in their right minds should definitely be held accountable for their actions. However, there are experts who believe that people under the influence of mind control are not truly in their "right minds;" although it may [b:c8d08b0c41]seem[/b:c8d08b0c41] they have the power to decide whether to keep attending seminars or otherwise stay involved with their group, that power has actually been taken away by the subtle, yet stong, coercive techniques that have been used on them.

Landmark teaches that you have the power of choice even as it takes away that power of choice.

So please keep in mind that your girlfriend has very powerful forces influencing her "choices" right now.[/b]

Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: Toyer ()
Date: December 24, 2004 01:50PM

Okay, considering your opinion, what do you recommend I do? And please don't send me to more links. I've read most of them already.

Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: marc landeau ()
Date: January 09, 2005 12:23AM

Hello Excalibur, sorry this is the only way I could try to contact Excalibur since I don't have 10 posts yet.

Excalibur wrote: "France has officially classifed Landmark as a cult."

Could you refer me to any documentation on this? I'm very curious and think it would be powerful proof for people who bawk when I bring up the word cult. I've been coming across SO many Landmarkians and potential Landmarkians lately-it's truly scary. I think it's a social epidemic. I would love to learn more about Frances official take on scam.

Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: elena ()
Date: January 09, 2005 10:58AM

(Europeans call cults "sects," or "sectes.")

.....* In France, the government (through the Interministerial Mission for Awareness against Sectarian Risks [1] ( has classified Landmark Education as a secte (cult). (Some dispute this classification.)


In September 2004 Landmark Education filed a one million USD suit against the Rick A. Ross Institute, claiming that the Institute's online archives do damage to its (Landmark's) product.


(Notice that this....)

Detractors have associated Landmark with psychological multi-level
marketing, "cult"-like behaviour, brainwashing and hypnotism. In
France, Landmark Education has been filed as a cult by the State
(through the Interministerial Mission for Awareness against Sectarian
Risks [1] ).

(has been changed to this:)

Various observers have associated Landmark with one or more of: psychological multi-level marketing, "cult"-like behaviour, brainwashing, ruthless opportunism, amoral nihilism and exploitative hypnotism (whereas supporters sometimes attempt to paint such suggestions as vague and/or ill-informed).


Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: LEC_escapee ()
Date: January 10, 2005 09:12AM

Here is the link to the French Government article on Landmark


With my HS french and my dictionary in hand, I see that this paper discusses the licensing organization's doubt about the legality of using free labor, having a special language to have everyone using the "technology" (they continually use that in parenthesis), the use of public confessional to induce guilt, verbal rape/violence and psychoogy, and strong arming to get you to go to the next course.

I don't know if they were labeled a cult, but it looks like there was a hearing and some decision about's not clear to me what it is.

Can I survive a trip to the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: PhireX ()
Date: January 10, 2005 06:51PM

Well, it's upto you. I was in the same position, g/f pestering me to do landmark. I find it strange that there seemed more women than men in the forum, I could tell just by checking a few rows out and 90% of the people I was forced to "Share" with (which I just came up with something on the spot, I'm not exactly going to tell some random about problems that I dont have) were women!

If you're going just to please her, she may respect that. I went just to please my girlfriend and because I'm open to things. That doesnt mean I have to take Landmark for gospel. I went, I didnt "Pop" or become Enlightened or whatever.

Infact, since I've finished the forum i've become very anti landmark. It's a pyramid scheme, brainwashing and deprivation all in one (Sleep & nutrition) lucky I was eating benzo's the whole way through otherwise a word may have got into my brain :) And yeah, I ate a lot of painkillers to stop a headache that I have due to a medical condition, it's not your average headache.

I wonder if the Forum Leaders themselves know what they're doing, or if they actually believe what they are saying.

If you decide to go, dont listen to that stuff about not taking toilet breaks, etc, go out, have ciggies, you wont miss a thing, take water breaks, toilet breaks, clear your mind, and for gods sake dont think you're gunna fail life or landmark if you dont do those assingments.

feel free to message me if you want info..

(Will stop rambling now......grrr, I want my $480 back)

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