Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: kittypaw ()
Date: September 29, 2004 06:20AM

A NYC SELP graduate told me that all police/firefighters can sign up for free. Is this just a NYC/ post 911 thing or nationwide?

All I could think of -Hm, smart way to gain influence in an organization of societal control (the police).

Anyone heard of something similar in their area?


Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: September 29, 2004 12:25PM

My highly ethical (Wink) naturopath suggested that I sign up for a Landmark Forum in NYC in 2001 and take advantage of the discount they were offering for NYC residents directly affected by the 9-11 disaster. When I said I wouldn't do that because it would be lying, he sort of snorted and said something about having nothing to lose.

If LEC was offering discounts on the Forum to residents, I'm have no doubt they were and still are offering free "tuition" to fire-fighters and policemen.

What is equally disturbing is Tom Cruise et al offering Scientology-based trauma counselling to the rescue workers.

Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: lanajae ()
Date: October 13, 2004 03:44PM

A NYC SELP graduate told me that all police/firefighters can sign up for free. Is this just a NYC/ post 911 thing or nationwide?

All I could think of -Hm, smart way to gain influence in an organization of societal control (the police).-Valerie

This was bothering me so I looked it up. They ended the free scholarship on 11-30-02. The website has a commemoration page on Septmember 11th, which also says that no Landmark employee died in the WTC, one made it out from the building and the other had just gotten off the train when it was hit.

I found this there (from a conference call on September 12, 2001):

[i:786a27715c]Harry Rosenberg spoke about the intention of yesterday's actions were to be a brutal disruption in people's lives. [u:786a27715c]While we want to have space for ourselves and others to have our thoughts, feelings, etc., we also have the opportunity to not be disrupted in who we are and what we are up to creating in the world.[/u:786a27715c] The executives spent a lot of time yesterday looking at what we should do. The biggest contribution we can make now is to be open and available to all people.[/i:786a27715c]

The page also went on to say that they held all scheduled programs on the evening of 9-11-01, with the exception of NY and LA because they were close to the airports.

Now if this isn't proof about the brainwashing that goes on in Landmark, I don't know what is. Can you imagine being compelled to make sure that you got to your Landmark Forum graduation on 9-11-01? They just couldn't be disrupted with what they are creating by thoughts and feelings. This was an opporunity, not a tragedy.

Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: elena ()
Date: October 14, 2004 01:09AM

Nothing new in this. They learned it from the churches. Good time to recruit is any time there are people in trouble, hurt, confused, depressed, worried, injured, "in transition," widowed, after a loss or setback, in tough economic times, etc., etc.

Anyone see "Frontline" last night. During a downturn in the oil business, George Bush and his formerly prosperous buddies were looking to religion to comfort thier newly impoverished selves. Bush was "converted," or something, by an hour he spent with a fundamentalist nut-job named Arthur Blessed. He started "Bible study" with his now infamous Midland group.

Both Landmark and the Co$ took advantage of the events of September 11th. Why wouldn't they? That's their nature, (said the spider to the fly...)


Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: October 14, 2004 01:43AM

Tony Robbins was doing a seminar in Hawaii during 9-11.
I know a guy who was there, and he was totally sickened by how Robbins was squeezing people for money, even right after the tragedy.
This turned many people against Robbins.

You see, as Narcissists, they lack normal empathy for others. They might feign empathy, but its really all about THEM, even in tragic circumstances.
This is when their sickness really stands out.


Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: glam ()
Date: October 14, 2004 04:11AM


Anyone see "Frontline" last night. During a downturn in the oil business, George Bush and his formerly prosperous buddies were looking to religion to comfort thier newly impoverished selves. Bush was "converted," or something, by an hour he spent with a fundamentalist nut-job named Arthur Blessed. He started "Bible study" with his now infamous Midland group.

Have you read "Lies and the lying liars who tell them," by Al Franken? A very funny book. There's a section in there about this supposed Bible study, where Franken, who knows almost nothing about the Bible, proves that Bush et al actually know less about the Bible than he does. Except, of course, when they misinterpret select passages from it to justify their own monetary greed.

Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: October 14, 2004 07:34AM

If we're talking about george W. bush, I've seen a tape of him during which he says it was Billy Graham who brought him to see the light, and this was after he realized what alcohol was doing to him.

Landmark scholarships for all NYC police/firefighters
Posted by: elena ()
Date: October 14, 2004 10:48AM

He would like it to be Billy Graham rather than the certified wacko, Arthur Blessed.

The Arthur Blessed "event" took place before he met with Billy Graham. So who knows which one was the "tipping" factor. My bet is with the former.


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