Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: March 25, 2009 06:01AM


Someone has tried to shut me down on youtube.

Sorry will not succeed.

You are finished.


Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: March 27, 2009 02:21PM

I am collecting a lot of circumstantial evidence that shows the evil nature of Landmark (and Vanto).

A am also "collecting" a long list of people that will testify in court if it comes to that.

A "possibility" is a lawsuit that will empty Landmark's coffers. It will also ruin their reputation forever.

This is happening sooner or later.

If you feel safe enough to post videos on Youtube - do that. Just tell your landmark "story". I have done that for over a year and nothing has happened to me. I am safe here in Sweden.

Whatever happens it will be good in the end. Stay cool and don't engage all your time on anti-landmark activities. Then they have won.

Landmark silences people by threat of lawsuits. Let us silence them using the same tactics. They should do jail time.


Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: mysticjaw ()
Date: March 30, 2009 03:32PM

They will do jail time, eventualy. Just like their grandparent organization Scientology. They have repeatedly heckled me on my youtube website and my direct criticisms of EST which I was dragged through by my mother. I have been calling their "trolls" on their tactics. creating and deleting accounts and putting up sophistric statements on my videos.

Although I cannot take them on directly at this time, I will do so indirectly.

When I finally have my doctorate in Psychology, I will be there to help the victims of Landmark and other cultish organizations recover.

Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: Vegiegardener ()
Date: April 02, 2009 02:47PM

Dear Lars and others

Re the evil nature of Landmark... I believe it is absolutely evil, and is only part of a massive cancerous network of evil operating in our world, of which most people are unaware and would not even believe (because they 'could not' believe it). I expect that there are financial links between Landmark, Vanto, and certain multinational corporations and banks which do not have humanity's 'good' at heart. As evil hides itself, of course, my hunch is difficult to prove. But of course we can see on the Vanto website that the Landmark thinking is tunnelling its way right into the very engine of human endeavours- that is, the energy industries- upon which everything else in our societies depend. I strongly suspect that they are also weedling right into the infrastructure of those energy industries- i.e. data management.

In my opinion, the fight against Landmark is a spiritual war (not a new-agey one but an age-old spiritual war, between good and evil). Anyone who has entered the battlefield of Landmark and 'come back' without having lost their compassion and humanity, has my greatest respect (for what that's worth). Those people have fought a very hard spiritual battle and won, and returned to the 'good side'. I am so grateful never to have encountered them personally but I have seen the effects on someone close to me.

I do so hope that the lawyers and judges will still be batting for 'good' and not for evil.


Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: elena ()
Date: April 04, 2009 10:09PM

Landmark and similar groups prick the seeds of narcissism that lie dormant, tamped down, controlled, or ignored in most of us. They cruelly worm their way in to mostly hidden or secret longings for specialness, superiority, elite status, and/or power over others -- longings that may or may not seem fairly standard on the face of things but that are malignant at their roots, purportedly born of some immature sense of powerlessness but really generated in some parallel human consciousness where the truly evil dwell. The things that betray narcissists to the rest of us walking-wounded are their aggressive ruthlessness, self-centeredness or conceit, their often superficial charm, the fact that they are users, and sadly, how very easy it is for them to blithely ignore the harm they do or the suffering they cause. Landmark and similar groups push many who are having a hard time sorting things out toward this terrain. The tragic thing is how many of us are vulnerable to this shove and how easily we are guided and driven into the nether-world of human exploitation and abuse where victims and victimizers dance their evil tango. It will take a major cultural upheaval to eradicate this plague, one that will take a lot more effort than most people imagine simply because they appear so benign, so marginalized, or so silly on the surface.


Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down - message to Randy
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: April 06, 2009 05:31AM

I have met only one person that I think is evil to the core. His name is Randy McNamara - forum leader.


Randy may be the devil himself. I do not know. His actions are evil. His true nature will be exposed.

Randy - if you read this. Lars wants you in a mental hospital!

Randy - put your head btw your knees. Rock back and forth and repeat "I am the devil - I regret all my wrong decisions - God please help me!".


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2009 05:33AM by nettie.

Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down -
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 06, 2009 08:09PM


are you able to tell the world what has been going on behind the scenes, in any detail?

also, Power Corrupts, as they say.
Look at the Stanford Prison Experiement []
Normal people put into an "bad system", will start to behave like psychopaths and abuse their power.

And Landmark recruits people with those tendencies, and rewards the most ruthless who can bring in the numbers, and they rise in the Landmark ranks.

So its perfectly logical that the most Machiavellian scam-artists, those with the widest false-smile to deceive, and a psychopathic ruthlessness to get the numbers, are going to rise to the top.

Werner Erhard wanted to create a self-sustaining money-machine for him, one that self-recruited, and self-managed with minimal costs. That is Landmark, and the other schemes.
If he could design a system where more people were recruited into the system, than left the system, and if he could control costs, then its a constant profit-machine.
Even better for him, since he is hiding offshore on the lawless high-seas, when the thing goes sour, then he's far away.

Landmark truly is one of the most damaging systems out there.
If the facts get exposed, it will start to shrink, and hopefully implode.

Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down - message to Randy
Posted by: Blue Pill ()
Date: April 08, 2009 09:37PM

I have met only one person that I think is evil to the core. His name is Randy McNamara - forum leader.


Randy may be the devil himself. I do not know. His actions are evil. His true nature will be exposed.

Randy - if you read this. Lars wants you in a mental hospital!

Randy - put your head btw your knees. Rock back and forth and repeat "I am the devil - I regret all my wrong decisions - God please help me!".


Nettie, best of luck with this rightful cause. If Randy is the devil (I must admit to not meating him) then David Ure has a close brother. Mr Ure is the most unpleasant egotistical bully I have ever come across. I have witnessed his treatment of LE drones personally and its not pleasant I can assure you. That said, I think they are all pretty much made of the same stuff - control freaks left to run amuk in an environment setup for them to quench their thirst for bullying and domination /mind control games. In my "opinion" look no further than a group of individuals bullied at school / college who don't have the personal qualities to reconcile this using normal methods. Instead they choose to get revenge on innocent parties and dress it up as a selfless humanitarian cause. Once you have seen through the fog they are rather.........pathetic.

Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: April 09, 2009 07:38AM

Lonnie McLaughlin is one of the devil's right-hand assistants.

Re: Landmark Education - I am closing you down
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: April 09, 2009 06:46PM

Lonnie McLaughlin is one of the devil's right-hand assistants.

At this time I think it is enough with the 3 videos on youtube. When I feel ready I will make more videos.

Best of luck to all of you. Spread my message and videos to as many people you can.

On my tombstone it will be written:

"closed down Landmark Eduction, Vanto and all other LGATs"

One forum leader that I have met said:
On my tombstone I want this written: "fully used up".
She has left landmark.

A lot of people burnt out - staff and forum leaders. Some of them end up in psychiatric hospitals. Joan Rosenberg - sister of Jack and Harry suffered a mental breakdown. They called 911.


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