Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Posted by: InPassing ()
Date: March 01, 2009 01:18PM

I accomplished what I set out to do. All of you should have a good idea of what HAI is about. As I said before, I do not think I can add anything else that would add to the understanding of HAI that would change or add anything to anyone's understanding. Just read what has already been posted on the three threads.

Guilt tripping? Sorry Corboy, I think you are off base on this one. Sounds to me like you are trying to guilt trip me. Oh well, you have your opinion, as do I.

I will always question motives of anonymous posters here in the same vain one should question any organization that uses anonymous posters who sound authorative with no way of knowing the credibility, education, and/or expertise of those posting. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? If we agree on anything it should be that a healthy dose of scepticism is not a bad thing to have.

Good luck and good bye.

Re: Human Awareness Institute HAI, descriptions Level 1-7,
Posted by: SFBMoore ()
Date: March 01, 2009 08:57PM

Are there any support groups for people who have been affected by people in sex cults? I think I need to get into one to help me let go....

There is some information on this website about dealing with cultish experiences, may be worth a good read.

It also sounds like you are going through the more general experience of having what you thought was a wonderful relationship turn out to be bad. Its always painful. It always make you feel like you've really been taken, that trusting other people is foolish!

For a lot of people, they need to spend some time crying, beating the pillow, ranting and raving, and then finally they move on. It helps a lot to have friends to talk to, who will just sit and listen to the ranting and raving until it is over with. It takes a while though, don't expect it to happen quickly.

Sometimes, there is value in finding a local support group, or an individual therapist. Doesn't necessarily have to be oriented towards this specific situation, but it is simply a group of people who will listen.

Always though, you have to believe in yourself and your own self-worth, and every day you need to find a way to be thankful that you discovered the underlying rottenness of the relationship before you were sucked in any further.

Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: March 01, 2009 11:45PM

Here is a You Tube scene from "Ticket To Heaven" the indie Canadian film from 1981 which brilliantly captures cults and as The Anticult said, makes an excellent example of "Love Bombing". The movie is dirt cheap NEW at Amazon and other retailers (under $10 U.S.) If you have never seen it, do yourself a favor and at least rent this classic cult film.


Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Date: March 02, 2009 07:27AM

One thing I've noticed since I've been in this relationship, and on this forum, is that, for cult members, secrecy or, at best, vagueness seems to rule the disclosure process- even most former cult members. Those on this site who think they are being helpful by not disclosing details are, in my opinion, still under the cult's influence to some degree. I agree with Anticult.

Human Awareness Institute HAI, Engineering Consent, exploitation,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 02, 2009 05:02PM

There is nothing wrong with full disclosure. That's the way things should be.

But even basic salespeople don't like full disclosure.
For example, you go to a gym and ask "how much for the cheapest membership?".
Most won't tell you. They say, "come and make an appt, and have a coaching session, etc".
They want to upsell you, and run their sales pattern on you, to convince you to join at a higher level.
They don't want to tell you the price, so you can just walk down the street and save some $.
So that's basic.

Similar thing with these LGAT's, but much more complex.
They want to keep the details secret.
But its for the PSYCHOLOGICAL impact. They have known for decades they have to keep it secret, and they train people to keep it secret, or VAGUE. Just like Landmark, and everyone else.

hey, if consenting adults want to party naked, that's their business.

But again, its the engineering of consent that is the real issue.
Its the DECEIT and the EXPLOITATION of members, physically and financially.

If an LGAT seminar ends with some type of orgy, they should be telling people upfront.
But of course, they have to conceal that from some people. (for others, that's why they go!).
But others have to be seduced into it, by chipping away at their barriers. That's what its all about.
Human Awareness Institute (HAI) market it as "Personal relationship seminars on love, intimacy and sexuality".
That's good marketing, but its dishonest. HAI seems to wreck many relationships, exploit false intimacy for money, and use "Love" in the context of Love-Bombing love-starved people.
Creating instant intimacy with those techniques is very cynical stuff.

Sexology should have nothing to do with these LGAT experiential sex seminars for profit.
HAI seems to be biased against monogamy, and if that is the case, they should be up-front about it, so people know what they are getting into.

Just be honest.

Re: Human Awareness Institute HAI, Engineering Consent, exploitation,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 02, 2009 05:12PM

here's another HAI thread that came up, with some HAI-apologetics. There are a lot of complaints about HAI, they are obviously screwing with people's minds, bigtime.

Human Awareness Institute - Issues?

Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 02, 2009 11:14PM

CommuniqueResearch wrote:


Those on this site who think they are being helpful by not disclosing details are, in my opinion, still under the cult's influence to some degree.

Exactly. Inplanted shame or a lingering loyalty. Or a complex mixture of both.

And if internalized shame is part of the brew, that makes the code of silence all the more powerful, because internatlized shame tends to keep us regressed and deflects adult level insight that could reveal the true and exploitative nature of the relationship about which one is supposed to keep secret.

Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Posted by: shakti ()
Date: March 03, 2009 01:08AM

Well perhaps "In Passing" truly was just "passing by, so hopefully we won't have anything more to hear from them!

Here is In Passings "rebuttal" to my skepticism to his/her intent.

"1. Some of what you said is pure speculation and is blatantly untrue. You do not "know enough". To propogate untruths or partial truths based on second hand information indicates you are misinformed or have an hidden agenda based in some undisclosed bias. "

Note: In Passing made no attempt to point out what was "pure speculation and is blatantly untrue". In fact, In Passing's own description of Level One matched my description, while SFBMoore's post matched my description of higher levels. And In Passing apparently isn't going to attempt to debunk SFBMoore's account.

bye bye, LGAT troll apologist!

Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 03, 2009 10:36AM

Speaking for myself, Im not interested in sexual perversion.

Im interested in how power is perverted--and how to get information published online so that people can educate themselves not to fall for it.

Re: What happens at each level of HAI?
Posted by: ILike2WatchTV ()
Date: March 11, 2009 01:17AM

Why are these people not in trouble?

Why has someone not sued them?

Why is there so little information on them; you can get more information on the mafia?!?

Why have there been no exposees? I'm exasperated!!!

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