The Anticult
Those videos were clearly done at a PSI event, they all have the same black backdrop, and they just move people on-camera after another. You can hear the voices in the background, like its on a break at a seminar.
Obviously, all those people were coached not to say anything specific as well, as that is part of the sales-technique, which is also used by Landmark, trying to make people curious.
It seems that PSI is getting hurt by the online criticism, and are trying to do some propaganda. There are also critical reports about PSI at Rip-Off Reports.
They get these folks into a hyper-manic state, and then get them to go on-camera and try to say something positive about PSI.
Just keep posting the factual criticism of PSI as many places as possible. Many people know a SCAM when they see it. This is a PSI-SCAM.
They just work people into an over-excited mental state, and then get them to spend THOUSANDS on their credit cards. Its as if they are creating a PSI-Borg.
The public just needs to know that PSI will work you into an over-excited state so then you will sign up for seminars costing THOUSANDS of dollars. Its a rip-off.
Most of those people are going to crash bad in the months ahead, and hopefully some will start to speak out.
PSI Seminars is truly brutal and a ruthless money machine, truly a damaging PSI-SCAM of epic proportions.
Public education seems to be the key. They are preying on people who probably have never heard of anything like this before.
The woman on this one video was talking like my wife was when she returned from the basic. The statements she was making made no sense and she too couldn't explain what this program was about. What a waste.
How do you get over losing the one person you love the most?