Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim
Posted by: Rudy ()
Date: February 19, 2009 09:28AM

The Anticult
PSI Seminars is an extremely abusive and damaging group.

Amen to that. EXTREMELY abusive and damaging group. My wife is a victim of this and now so am I.

Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim
Posted by: Jeri442 ()
Date: March 08, 2009 09:59AM

I was doing some more research on PSI Seminars and their 90 day “Program” called PLD. The following emails were found on their yahoo group. This group started in August 2007 and the bulk of the membership started dropping out after two months. I found this is rather common with PSI; be it their PSI7 groups or the PLD Programs. The die-hard fans of PSI stick around for years either recruiting their family and friends to this crap. I’m starting to see the same names in all of these groups acting like they belong when infact they try to maintain the group in order to recruit more victims. The main theme is the program causes people to loose their relationships as you will find in the examples below. I removed the names and added some comments.

On 9/28/07, forever_hunt wrote:
I need your support on this issue. My husband is extremely pissed off because my partner is a man! (Imagine that!!!!) As my goal to have a number 10 relationship with him. I feel I am miserably failing. I want to quit because of the influences he brings to the table in my life. One way or another information was givin to him about last nights event. He is
mad because I had a DATE with my buddy. (If I had been her husband I would have been mad too; Oh wait I was that husband.) I don't regret what I did last night it was very valuable to me. I learned a lot more about trust and surrender. However, I am being attacked. Do any of you have advise? What am I doing wrong? Coaches HELP!!

K R wrote:
Just a thought here:
Has your husband been to the Basic? (Again the typical answer; “Has he taken the basic?” Like this is the answer to the problem.) If so, there is one scheduled and starting October 11th that perhaps he can re-audit? If not, perhaps he would be willing to try it. Either way it's a great opportunity for him to work though these issues!

Team 27
Thank you for that thought. He has taken the Basic & P7. However, he has scheduling issues with work. He will not be able. He also right now is blaming PSI for our issues. I have told him these are my choices and I committed to them. What else can I do? (I would say quit.)

Re: [team_27] Team 27

Wow Sxxxxx. I'm not sure what to say. Comming from the outside it seems to clear me there are some fears comming to the surface - maybe using some of the tools you learned in Basic, 7, LS are a good starting point in working with him. Try working with each other to honestly confront each others fears. Again - just my thoughts, here are some PSI principles you might want to look at. Remember - PSI didn't invent any of this stuff - they just brought it together. If the PSI idea has bad feelings between the both of you right now, try just using the principles independent of the company ( i.e., no need to use "PSI says" or "PSI taught me". Rather, try operating from "common sense" and a life/relationship success approach.

- identifing and confronting fear in all its costumes (i.e., anger, anxiety, jealously) - how to overcome - courage
- victim / responsible - who's in charge anyway? Is He/She MAKING me something or am I?
- identify with intent - we are right now where we intend to be - perhaps an understanding of why either/both of you are where you are now.
- operating from a place of integrity
- LISTEN to him, then ask him to LISTEN to you.

Watch The Secret with him and see if either/both of you can identify how thinking about "what is" only creats more of "what is". Get clear and start believing what you're going to accomplish with PLD and how it benefits him. One of your goals is to have a #10 with him. Is he "enrolled" with that idea? Even if not doing via PLD? And with PLD - you have a whole team of coaches and players waiting to support your and his #10! I certainly support that and am willing to say that to anyone who asks (for your relationship as well as my own). On a non-PSI note, check out the book The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. It may offer some insight. Just my ideas... hope they help. Love and Joy,

Sxxxxxx, I'am truly sorry to hear that your having a hard time. Hopefully what I'am about to share will help in supporting you! What I have learned from my bosses is to be responible for what I say, how I say it and, my tone (Which sometimes tone's on e-mails is perceived the wrong way.) I use while I'm saying it. By doing so, I have elemented allot of caous, Drama and misunderstandings. Something to think about how have you been representing you and your partnter with the game of PLD and what have you done or not done to enrole your husband. Sxxxxxx I hope this helps!
Sincerely your Friend!

Hey all, I will enroll him to staff the next Basic! I have already started the process a few weeks ago, however today he is in that space and I see him going.
Thanks for your support!
Want to remind you of Code Of Ethics #1 .
Maintain confidentiality of other people's experiences and of the eact process of PLD.
1. We want to maintain a safe place to practice and 2. We don't want to ruin other people's experiences and 3. We have to acknowledge that things can be taken out of context... so to prevent that let's just not go there and let's just maintain the confidentiality
M1. The price of intimate personal relationships
2. The price of loosing sales
3. The price of not enrolling people into the basic
4. The price of reaching the success I deserve
5 The price of 2nd best
6. The price of reaching my goals
7. The price of fulfillment
8. The price of having the car of my dreams
9. The price of having a #10 relationship with my family
10. The price of not having the income I deserve
11. The price of not being in that #10 relationship with the girl of
my dreams
12. The price of lack of excitement
13. The price of beating myself up for not completing what I set out
to do
14. The price of loneliness
15. The price of boredom
16. The price of missed opportunities
17. The price of more happiness in my life
18. The price of my word
19. The price of my integrity
20. The price of lost friendships

Hey Gang, a friend of mine from Vegas is playing PLD (Mxxx Wxxxxx) and she deemed Oct. MAKE IT HAPPEN MONTH....I told her I would pass it on to my team members as well. TEAM 27 CREATING HEAVEN...MAKE IT HAPPEN....Chrisake it a great day!
Here are the minutes from the last team meeting. I have no problem taking minutes and maintaining the minute book, however I need support for the next scheduled meeting becuase I will not be able to attend. Who is willing to take minutes, type them up, and post them to the Yahoo group please? Thansk, Nxxxxx
Team Members present:
Sxxxxx, Jxxx, Kxxx, Kxxx, Axxx, Nxxxx, Nxxx, Lxxxxx, Cxxxx
Coach present:
„« Nxxxx has three enrollments total so far.
„« Sxxxx has two enrollments total so far.
„« Kxxxx has one enrollment total so far and has one serious one
on the hook.
„« Kxxxx has his second enrollment committed.
Open Discussion
„« Discussion regarding communication ¡V breakdowns, phone calls
not returned, e mail effectiveness
„« Everyone has not yet signed up for or is not using the Yahoo
group. Kxxxx and Kxxx volunteered to enroll everyone to get on and
start using the Yahoo group.
Team Score so far = 14
Sxxxxx, Nxxxx, Kxxxxx, and Mxxxxx scored last week.
BCT money was collected.
Support requested
Nxxxx announced that she will be working with Kxxxxx Bxxxxx currently playing PLD on team #26 to organize a multi-team canned food drive for the St. Mary¡¦s Food Bank. She requested that each team member bring no less than three cans of food at each PLD event, meeting, get together, etc.
Lxxxxxx requested financial support for WLS. She will be attending in October and was lacking $950. Kxxx offered her $200, Kxxxx offered her $100 and Nicole offered her $400 in LS transfer funds. Pxxxxx suggested that an exchange happen for the money.
Next Coffee: Jxxxx¡¦s Coffee will be held tomorrow at Lxxxx¡¦s house. She requested support for team members¡¦ attendance as well as more guests.
Team Enrollment goal: 20 between now and next scheduled team meeting 34 total enrollments by next scheduled team meeting. Next Team Meeting: Kxxx will be running the next team meeting on Tuesday at his home at 7:30 pm. All team members need to
Coach Comments:
„X Respond to several different e mails at one time on one email to ease the response process.
„X All meetings have started late so far.
„X BCT = changing a through process, straighten out your thinking. Do not just ¡§notice the words¡¨
„X Ask for goal support specifically
„X Acknowledge WINS more and share them more
„X Are we on track for enrollments? How will we get there?
„X Cover each other on the team enrollment commitment
„X Family night is a good idea
„X Use the meetings for the real value
„X When will the entire team all get on board? There are still
some team members who have not attended even one meeting.
„X Are we all going to be qualified to attend 2nd weekend?
I was at the last team meeting and I did take minutes wihc I will post soon. However it was very obvious that most are not really reading those minutes. I encourage you to read the minutes each time whether you were there or not. A lot of infomraotn is passed at
those meetings and we also set team goals which everyone is responsible to. That is how you can find out that informaiotn. I was also very disappointed with our showing for canned food drive for St. mary's Food Bank. We had a measly 6 cans with a total of 10
peopel at the meeitng! That's sad. We are supposed to be outward focused, right? Well, I think that means on the community as well as on our team mates. Its great that we are supporting each other in most cases, but its sad that we cannot support the bigger life
picture. I am asking for your commitment in the food drive. Please, please, please btring at least three cans of food every tiem we get together. that can even mean coffees. I have no problem facilitating this effort, but I do have a problem calling the person on team 26 who is setting thsi up and saying that no one donated cans. that's just not acceptable to me. finally, on thing that echoed loud and clear in the meeting is that we are possibly relying on e mail too much to stay connected. i am absolutely guilty of that. i have recommitted myself to calling my buddy every day, returning all calls promptly, and to calling my teammates regularly. I love you all and i'm lucky to be on this journey with you. Thanks, Nxxxxx
Team 27,
I am in need of support. I am struggling very hard with my business goal. I have set out to make $1000. So far I have done nothing with this goal. I am at 0%. I am struggling with talking to people, and leading the conversation in the direction in the way I want it to go. I am letting fear stop me from talking to people in the first place. I have been in this space for a very long time. Dxxx has fired himself by missing 4 coach calls.
We are 3 days away from 2nd weekend which is one of the most fun, outrageous, kick ass weekends ever, one teammate is gone and we still have players not qualified! What are you willing to do today to support this incredible team?
Coach Gxxxxx
Where are we with our goals individually? Now where are we with our enrollment goal as a team? I believe the answer to that second question would be roughly around 25%. Hmmm....and with our individual goals, I know that answer for myself and I'm sure you all know how far along you are with your goals. How's that been going? I, personally
have been struggling a bit and not nearly reaching out to the team as much as I want to. As far as for support and mostly offering support. So, lay all the where I could bes aside and the fact of the matter is that second weekend is coming up in only 3 days and we committed to being at 50% with ALL of our goals, nonetheless with our enrollment
goal as a TEAM. Just take a look at what we committed to on our Mission Statement!!

Team 27 Creating Heaven
Creating heaven by enrolling 102 people into the Basic one mind at a time. We will do this by moving forward with confidence and integrity, taking action to face and overcome fear, and being committed to love of self and others. It's really not benefiting US moving at the pace WE are now. Moving 102 people a huge step towards self, mind and world peace into the basic one mind at a time is what WE committed to. WE committed to
overcoming OUR fears and being committed to the world with confidence and integrity. Now think about it...actually don't do that! FEEL it!! Where are WE as a TEAM? It doesn't feel so good right now. So what are WE as a TEAM going to do about getting the other 25% of our Team 27 enrollment goal, because as far as I'm concerned, WE still have a full 2 days to get shit done. Tonight is a perfect opportunity at the Guest Event. LET'S totally use that towards OUR advantage!!! And remember kevin's post? Wear a body size sine that states, MY LIFE IS GETTING BETTER DAY BY DAY!!! - ASK ME WHY,and stand around the mall. WE are doing this tomorrow. Come on!!! Let's ALL do this TOGETHER!!! We haven't ALL been coming TOGETHER as a TEAM, besides when it is a team meeting or event that's required. And that is NOT WORKING. I'm all about doing something different now. So, I know most of US are going to be at the guest event tonight, meaning WE can find a few minutes to discuss the specifics for tomorrow. And buddies will take care of their real buddies do!! HAHAHA. Anyway, I just truly know...that I know that I know that I really really really know, that WE as a TEAM are SOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOO much bigger than we see ourselves right now and when WE come TOGETHER, WE will really achieve what WE ALL set out to achieve as a TEAM and individuals as well. GREATNESS!! Yes, we have a full two days and if that seems outrageous it's not! Staffing the basic I learned to dream...dream big and reach for the stars and everything will fall in place. LET'S start being the TEAM that WE really are and start dreaming, reaching for the stars and
having a blast!!! WE will only succeed. I love you ALL Lxxxxxx
I'm out of agreement and was unable to make tonight. I'm chosing to do four hours of agreement time in order to get back into integrity. I'm unsure how I'm going to do this.
I'm learning that I scheudle too much on my plate and I too Sxxxxxx, Nxxxx beat myself up right there with you on this one. I too Have had to carry around the hammers today.
I have to say I would have just liked to crawl back in bed and say *&^% today and start all over tomorrow fresh and ready to go. Any suggestions on being able to get back in agreement with my time would be greatly appricated. I'm unable to drive all the way to
office before Saturday morning. Team and Coaches any suggestions
would be great. Agreement Time...
Don’t forget to have all agreement time handled *BEFORE* arriving to 2nd Weekend on Saturday morning. Kxxxxx, you incurred 1 hr. on 9/17. (And have had 1 missed call, and taken 1 shit day)
Cxxxx, you incurred 1 hr. on 9/27. (And have taken 1 shit day)
Nxxxxx, you incurred 1 hr. on 9/24, 1 hr. on 10/3, and 4 hrs. on 10/17. (And have missed 1 call)
Mxxx, you incurred 1 hr. on 9/26, 1 hr. on 10/2, 4 hrs. on 10/17, 1 hr. on 10/18 (And have missed 1 call)
Both Mxxx and Nxxxx have missed 1 Mandatory Event.
Let’s go into 2nd Weekend being in integrity with all agreement time.
And…. I would recommend you meet for breakfast as a team *BOTH* days
Who’s ready for an amazing weekend?!!?
Rxxxx Sxxxx
Team, Here is what I know so far. My hair is cut and what an emotional roller coaster that was for me. May not sound like a big deal to you however it really was for me. With every cut, I felt like my limits were falling to the ground with the hair. I may go back for an even shorter cut soon - like a re-birth. Jxx has is passport and his flight leaves early morning. His girlfriend is on her way to New York to be with him until he leaves. Sweet! Cxxxx has had an upset that has thrown him for a loop and now he's
MIA. I talked to him at length earlier on how to get his dream sports car today, however I have been unable to get him on teh phone again. I'm in route to his house in a few minutes. Anyone want to join me?? Call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx for directions. Cxxxx is MIA as well. I'm not sure why, I just know that he needs our supoprt. Everyone please try to reach Cxxxx and Cedxxx for thier sakes. love you, Nxxxx
I apologise for not posting what was going on with me yesterday. My hard drive on one of my most used computers crashed. I wanted you all to get an update on my break through. I had the open and honest conversation with my husband. It was scheduled to be completed by 12/31/07. I negotiated small baby steps to get agreements set and what the
consequences are if they are not met. We are too come up with what we want and what we will give to the relationship. I have already started. He did as well. I made him committ it in writing. I am telling you all, I think, I would have rather gone to Mexico than be here for that. I all I know is he knows where I am in my growing
process. Love and Light! Sxxxxxx
Mxxxx Mxxxx Moments of Vulnerability (Now this was an interesting one. Be ready to be offended.) Hi Team, I have an assignment that I have fallen behind on. I agreed to share with the team some juicy tidbits that would show my vulnerability/openness. I think that’s what I agreed to. Well, the first way that I was vulnerable was to share with Kristine and have a heart to heart with her about some childish ways I reacted to her. One of the childish things I did was to test her love for me. I told her that I wasn’t sure I wanted to be with her (which is not how I really feel), and it got her attention, and she was hurt. It was very hard for me to apologize for doing this to her, and hurting someone I love. It ultimately caused a fight, and left her feeling insecure. Secondly, when we were in Sedona (between Mountain fun….), I suggested that something very vulnerable to for me to do, would be to masturbate in front of her. So, with that said, she got to observe me doing what I consider to be the most intimate and vulnerable of sexual things. Guys and gals, if you have not done this…..I suggest you ALL take this as a challenge. Tomorrow is masturbate in front of your partner day! If you lack a partner, I would suggest that you not enroll strangers to help on this. It might land you in jail. Let Team 27 be remembered as the masturbation/fuck on the mountain team! Yee haw! As for lotion, I recommend Jergens, it kind of sounds like Jerkens….I hope you all enjoyed my moment of vulnerability………..till next time…………Hi Team,

(then he posted this.)
Yesterday I posted an inappropriate email with details about myself and Kxxxxxxx. I did not have her permission or agreement prior to this. This is a reflection of a lack of communication which she deals with from me. I am embarrassed that I have hurt her, and shared very personal things that she was not comfortable with. These are things i want to improve on in myself. My intent was to be honest with the team for help in making my relationship with Kxxxxxxx better. I have had a lot of challenges recently, and can now really use some support. Again, i apologize to the woman I love, and to the team.

I was passionate today in speaking with my mom on the benefits of going to the psi basic seminar. (this was while she was attempting to back out)

I just want you all to know that I am so excited about this challenge!!! AREN'T YOU!! If not why??? I got a call from My Coach! Asking me what am I going to do about the challenge? The team isn't producing it fast enough. I was reveved up and ready to call and rally everyone up. Then 2 min later, I get a call from my oldest daughter. Her father
forgot her at the school. She had been there for 25 minutes. I obviously ran out of work and got half way there. I then get a call from my Ex telling me he finally got her 40min later. He was on his way to drop her off. I had to bite my tongue.

I spoke to Cxxxx earlier today and she was looking for a solution to get to her enrollments tonight. I knew I had to be home for the client so I told her she could use my vehicle. I am so proud of her! She was able to get two enrollments! WHOOHOO!!
I swear sometimes I feel like I SWITCH so often I am crazy! Love you all! Sxxxxxx
Team, I am so proud of the work that we did last week. Some of us really dug deep to achieve in enrollemnts what we never have before. I think that Axxx and Pxxxxx siad it best about waht's next. Having said all of that, I do need to clear up an upset since I
signed agereing to do that within 24 hours. I'm very upset about the fact that as a team we did not achieve any level of the challenge. I know that some of us did dig down deep and really get busy, however some of us also waited unti the last minute to take some action, and others of us seemed to just sit back and play "wait and see". We must stop being a last minute team. We have proved that we can perform well under pressure at the last minue AND does that really serve us as a team? Does it even serve us individually? The anser is NO! Let's take this momentum we created and move forward to achieve our 102 enrollments plus. Remember that we have lost two team members and our mission satement is still 102 enrollments. Let's also remember why this is a game of enrollment and embrace it instead of having the "salesman" mindset. That's not serving us either.
With big challenges come big rewards. I challenge us as a team to play first day-last day from now until the game is over so that we can achieve our goals, achieve all the challenges PLD throws at us and win this game. Nxxxxx
I really don't know what to say. I have talked to Jxxxx. She is having some serious problems. She has decided to quit. I don't know if anyone else can convince her to stay, however, I would like nothing more then for her to recognize quiting will only follow her in everything she decides to do. I am sure we can all feel that way too. Love Sxxxxxx
I just completd my 12th enrollment today and I'm so excited about it. Problem is it's hard for me to share my excitement beucase i'm sitting here at enrollment #12 all by myself. I challenge each and every one of you to surpass me by the end of next week. No, by the end of ths weekend. I'm not special when it comes to enrollments. We all have it in us to do exactly what I have done and blow that number out of the water. I committed to 14 on first weekend and I'm two away. I am entertaining recommitting to 18 beucase we lost two team members however our mission statement is 102 enrollments, whcih was SOE for every player at that time. That means we MUST pull together and cover the two mission players here. Does anyone else feel any urgency here? We are alerady the first team since #11 who didn't achieve their challenge dinner, let's not be the first team since ______ who didn't achieve their mission statement. COME ON PEOPLE - GET SERIOUS - LIGHT A FIRE UNDER YOUR OWN ASS – HELP YOUR BUDDY - DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO BUST ASS IN ENROLLMENTS SO WE CAN ALL WIN AT THIS GAME!!!!!!!
I feel so good that more stuff is out in the open now. I have have felt alone in this game, disconnected, frustrated, out of touch, angry about enrollments, disappointed and ready to quit - and based on recent communication and activity, I'm obviously not the only one. I am guilty of not calling everyone all the time and returning calls in an untimely manner and I have also been on the other end of that as well where I have attempted to reach people who just do not call me back at all and I have never been contacted on the phone by some people on this team. Again, I'm sure I'm not the only one. And guess what, in my game, it doesn't matter becuase I choose not to dwell on the negative. I will communicate my upset, switch, and move forward. I refuse to get stuck in frustration and confusion. Let's take a step back for a second and think about reaching out in a positivie loving way. We are doing a great job of "living out loud" regarding upsets and frustration, what about the good stuff. We are all here still pushing on and moving forward quite quickly towards our goals. Some have reahed them already, some are struggling, some have moved towards setting new goals, and some may have given up
(although I hope not!). Having said all of that, I am committed to the positive in this game from this point forward. I know I will still have frustrations and days when I feel like I'm alone in this game or times when I am frustrated talking about enrollments or times when I just want to quit - however I choose to just SWITCH. I love you guys and I'. so grateful that each of you is here taking this journey with me. Thanks for being on a team with me. Committed to moving forward positively and PLAYING TO WIN!
i just got back for team 26 act night. i was there. lxxxxx, rxxxx cxxxx and pxxxxx crashed at the end..where was everyone else,this team help one of our team mates and no one shows there gratitude everyone is in there shit about enrollments, i'm included.did any of you know that erollments can be assisted by one team member to another. that yes cxxxx can introduce a friend to say lxxxxxx who is ready to go to basic and that could be use as a lxxxx’s enrollment. this is a game there are no rules until we are told there is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission... nxxxxx said living out loud, i talked to kxxxx today and he is was ready to quit,as of now he is still in..when was the last time anyone tried to call kxxxx or made contact with other team mates. i get return calls,nothing more.. i'm on a rant, did you know that when a coach gives you a challenge and you don't have a clue what to do that you can turn it around and ask what would you do..they are coaches..that is what they do. there isn't any team in history that won any event by playing as individules. you live and die by the team as we no. lets play to win as a team lxxxx
Well Team,
I'm hearing alot of ANGER RESENTMENT. This is not ok with me at all and I would have to say that I'm sure that it's not ok with allot of our team mates. Creating Heaven Well that sure as fuck doens't sound like creating heaven when we are all pissing off each other and hold allot of resentment for what is going on. We have two fu*king weeks left and we still have the same thing going on lack of communication between team mates.
I don't recall agreing to any of these team meetings and yet I have showed up at the last minute team meetings because I received a call and was asked to be there. I have also, done a conference call on a date night non the less and that pissed him off however, I did it. I'm telling all of you we are not playing and have not been playing this game by design. Hear me out and I would like to call a manadotry meeting with everyone in order to do this.

Communication, realtionship, love, fun; Where are we all with this. how many people on this team could you call tomorrow because you were in a bad situation and needed help NOW who would you call?????? Think about it would you really call each and everyone of us and you could count on it????? Have we really built a realtionship with each one of us? Have we had fun together F*CK no only one nigth outside of the mandatory meetings. Which in my eyes is very structured and yes may be fun however did you
really bond with the other team mates and you get it?????? STOP slamming each other that's not working together and STOP resenting each other that's not F*CKING team work or CREATING HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP AND THINK BEFORE SLAMING SOMEONE WHAT HOW WOULD YOU WANT TO BE TREATED???????????????
Re: [team_27] Anger, Resentment Good Morning Team!
What an experience coming back to my team and witnessing such opportunities! Two and a half weeks left and we have more ground work to cover. I am here to positively support this team in making our goals. Time to check ourselves as to why we are doing this work. It's about making a difference one mind at a time. Our time together to make an impact on humanity. When came together and made a document stating this fact. Anyone remember it? Right now that impact is best focused within the team to get back on track towards synergistically loving each other, so that we take that power to those
who are in need. Especially this time of year. Again, we manifested this team at this time of year. What an opportunity to grow exponentially. We have teammates that we love, not responding; Not exceptable. We have teammates making left handed hammer comments; Not exceptable. We have LS Grads not taking the lead making a positive impact on people; Not exceptable. Teammates not wanting to make events and meetings; Not exceptable. At this point, my experience of this outstanding group of people coming
together has been, ... , work. I for one have been locked into my head and unable to figure out how to get out of it and into my heart. I have had a great experience in doing so at the Ranch and need my team about me daily to continue this odyssey of loving growth.
People, remember Charlottes Web!! We can do this! Rally the troops! Sound the call to action! We can sleep when this is done! Call me! Text me! Email me! I can make this happen with all of you on board! Tonite! 6:30pm arrival! at Zippies! This team has an opportunity to calm the troubled waters. By the end of this day, come together and make magic happen! I want to see you all! I love each and every one of you dammit! I want some hugs!! Jxx

P.S. Oh yeah for those that need F-bombs to know that I'm for real...F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-bomb(s).
I have talked to my coach and several of you since my last post and would like to thank each of you and add some things to clear my own energy and many of the team members' energy. First acknowledgement. I really want to say I'm sorry and feel guilty about where I left things yesterday... AND - I also realize sorry and guilt produce little more than sympathy and victimization. Instead, I will comment on how/what I was being and how that worked for me and the rest of the team. I was being self-centered in the trouble of my day and without much concern for this team and each individual player. I did not concern myself with what I had bottom line for nor for the game in general. This morning I felt like crap and a good part of the team is pissed off. Next results. I've thought a lot this morning about yesterday, why I created it, and why it had to happen. I have felt that as a team we have had little passion and momentum save a handful of contained
events. This is not a comment on any particular individual as there are many that have been outstanding in their enthusiasm and commitment - it is a comment on the team as a whole and as its own entity. However, I believe my crappy actions can have a silver
lining in that it has created some type of momentum here... perhaps ticked off and irritated, and that is a direction from which we can now, as a team, switch. Napoleon Hill in "Think and Grow Rich" comments on this idea when speaking of qualities of leadership. He says, and I paraphrase, that a successful leader has more regard and
respect for his adversary than he does a complacent man. This is because his adversary has momentum and passion from which a direction can be changed. It is far easier to switch the direction of a moving object or person than it is to start a complacent man or still object in a direction. It is far easier to turn a man of hate to a man of love than it is to get a man of no feeling to love or to hate. I sense the team is generally pissed and this can be a great thing because WE ARE FEELING SOMETHING AS A GROUP. We really have something from which to switch. I choose to be inspired by the crap I've offered because it's a real opportunity for us. I also want to acknowledge and thank Lxxxx, Cxxxx, and Axxx for stepping up last night and doing what needed to be done for this team in my absence. I am glad that the three of you took the momentum from the shitty moment I created and turned it into something else. This is getting a little drawn out, I realize, however I was also asked by my coach to expand on my comment that my heart was not is this game any longer and what I would do to get it back. The fact of
the matter is that I do care for each and every one of you – despite what I may have been showing the last couple of weeks culminating in last night. Realize that my actions/reactions to each of you personally and individually have not been about you, they have been about me. If I have mistreated you, that was about me, not you. If
I have blown you off, not called back, or failed you in some way, that is not about you, it's about me. Every crappy thing I've done to each of you has been entirely about me and my shit and is not personal to you. The very fact that any one of you may be taking my
actions as personal is a big opportunity for me to put my heart back in this game because I do care for each of you individually. I also believe that the simple act of writing this note and airing out my own feelings and thoughts and vision of opportunity has done a great deal to putting my heart back in the game. I am committed to receiving open and honest feedback from everyone and ask that we all make every attempt to be at tonight's meeting for the team's sake.
Re: [team_27] Anger, Resentment Well said Jxx. Thanks! Just as a note, I'm not going to be able to attend the meeting because I have to work tonight. Thanks, Nxxxx

ok im shifting , i was obviously upset about the way the last two meetings were handled. whats done is done lets go on from here. kxxxx, i hear what you're saying. i am so far in my shit about this game, i am not happy with the way ive shown up or not shown up. so i
apologize to the team for not putting myself out there at least emotionally its a hard thing for me to do. sxxxxxx, i appreciate your feedback love ya too! i'll be at the meeting, see ya all tonight oh yeah, id like to say well done to cxxxx and jxx two new LS brothers congrats guys. OK!! EVERYONE LAUGH!!!
"Serenity - GOD, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannont change, courage to change the things I can & wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, ENJOYING one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as a pathy way to PEACE. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender. AMEN!"

Wow, All of the emails have been way interesting! TEAM- I missed the team meeting. I apologize! I wouldn't have made it anyway. I had my Tuesday client. I am not going to beat myself over it!

Cxxxxx, Welcome back! Finally you have let everyone know where you are! Why haven't you called me? I could use a voicemail or something to tell me your alright! I am YOUR buddy! Hello! I love you! Jxx, It was great to hear from you last night! I am truly happy you are back! YEAH! I love you! Kxxx, I admire you and putting yourself on the line. I love that and you are alright by me. I love you! Axxx, Honey-you have been pissy since you got back. Have you called those members on the team to clear it with them? Just a question? I am glad you are back, lets not beat up the members of the team it doesn't do any good. It's awesome to see your interaction. When are you going to WLS? I love you! Cxxxx, Baby you hit the nail on the head. One of the things we discussed after the meeting on Friday was this very thing. If we want to have a great relationship with someone, we should find the good in them. Honor each other for the commitments they have made. I thank you for putting that out there. I love you! Nxxxx, Thanks for getting it out of your system and I hope it cleared your anger. WHOOHOO!! How exciting! I love you! Lxxxx, How do you really want support? I am glad you had the
committment to be there! Have you talked to everyone to clear the air? I love you! Kxxx, finally you put it out there for others to see. When are you going to share something good? When are you going to truly share who you are? I have had a few interaction with you. I have talked to you a few times. You are an LS grad, where is your leadership? Why aren't you calling it out? Why are you holding back? Where is that MAN? I love you! Cxxxx, I was not scared to talk to you last night. I heard you joking around what you truly felt. Say it! You can say what you really want! BE demanding! No one will leave you for saying what you want! I will support you. I will bring you twenty tonight. I love you!

Kxxxxxxx and Mxxxxxx ..... Where did you guys go again? Where are you? I love you! Lxxxxx..... Where are you? Where did you go? I love you! Jxxxxx.... What is going on? Are you a part of the team or are you out? Re-read your committments you signed on the first day! Where are you? I love you! Sxxxxxxx.... I AM A DESERVING, RISK TAKING, DROP DEAD GORGEOUS LEADER PLAYFULLY EXCEPTING MY GREATNESS NOW!! ROCK ON TEAM!

Kxxxx wrote:
So tell ya what folks. I have been hanging by a thread with this damn game for the last several weeks. I owned the damn meeting last night and DID NOT follow through on it. I had a pile of SHIT – that I am certain I attracted to myself - with my X, son, and others
closest to me... I put my attention there. Feel free to view this as an excuse, complaint, or whatever works for you. So I was in my shit - anyone else been there before? Has anyone's shit ever affected this team? I offer my sincerest appology to those of you who saw the post yesterday and acted upon it. Those that are upset with me, I understand and accept that. I do feel guily about the mess I left and that's that. I am willing to set it right and those that need something from me to get back into agreement speak up and tell me
what that is. To be honest - I still feel like my heart is no longer in this and I'm just hanging out for it to be over - I have not created the results with all of my goals as I wanted to. I do feel like I am constantly running around and re-shuffling my plan, day, and priorities, many times at the last moment - to play this game and be part of this team. Yesterday was my contribution to that I suppose. So in short, Kxxxxx was kind enough to commit to coach the meeting tonight at Zips - and it appears Cxxxx and Lxxxx have already acted upon that. I will be there and will be spending today getting myself into better spirits before I arrive... my crap yesterday and the bad energy of those I screwed over is not going to to help any so I ask you to clear the air with me now and move on.

In, nxxxx@ wrote:
I'm sorry you had an issue with the team meeting that wasn't tonight-i feel bad that happened to you.? HOWEVER, I'm really fucking sick and tired of some people? thinking that because any team mate does not answer the phone, they are going MIA or dodging calls.? As a matter of fact, Larry and Cedric among others have been?MIA at
least once or more?in this game and I didn't see anyone posting such insulting things about you.? whether this is aimed at me or not, I don't care.? For your information, if a message had been left for me by SOMEONE then I would have called back!? Some people may be busy working during the day or napping, or working out, or wiping their
you know what's!? that is no reason for you to assume and then accuse the rest of us of dodging calls.? I'm tired of that attitude.? If you mean to say such things to a particular person(s), then please direct it to them.? Of course, this is coming from the most loving place I can.? So, sorry if this is received negatively - I just had to clear this upset because its very upsetting to me! Now, having said that, I agree that team meetings need to go as
planned.? We all planned them and took responsibility a long time ago - as a matter of fact, that was on button night.? Please uphold your end or pass it to someone who can if you are unable. Nxxxxx
Team 27, I choose out! My compelling why was to make friends. Friends that truly care. I have been supportive. I have spilt my guts out to you. I honestly do not feel that anyone of you would ever call me after this game. I don't want another disappointment.
I had a PSI7 buddy that refuses to call me back. I have LS sisters that refuse to acknowledge me at times. I have put myself out there to them and I feel all it is is lip service. Not like they would ever be there for me anyway. Hell, If I died today would any of you be there for my funeral. I feel we go to the meetings because we have to not because we want to! I was at the Basic last night, only four of the team members were there Axxxx, Cxxxx, Lxxxxx and Kxxx. I could have stood around and I honestly believe they would have walked right past me. I'm out!

I have a few questions that have been burning inside me... This forum is a great, you all have impressive insights and I trust you to answer honestly. 1. How/why is it that when I walk into a room, people get quiet? (It’s probably because of your strange behavior since your “recruitment” into the PISS and SHIT INSTITUTE). It happens a lot pretty much wherever I go. Just this morning, my Boss and Shift were carrying on in such a manner that I could hear them clearly down the hall. I walked into the room and they all to a man, stopped talking and looked down at thier key boards or table. 2. Even at 6'tall and pretty thick, I appear to be invisible at times. The last time that it happened, I was at MLS. A Staffer at an event looked right past me, talking to the group and was genuinely surprised when I addressed him. It was almost as if I had just magically appeared. I was standing less than 3 feet away at the time.

I have a few more questions tumbleing about in my head, though they have yet to fall out. See you all tonight.

I realized in the counselling meeting today why, I have a hard time with Dxxx. I don't respect him. I don't respect his decisions. I don't repect him because I have had to be his mother for three years to support him to move forward. Now I refuse to be that woman and he finds it to be too big of a change. He just told me he is going to stay at his parents. I don't think I am going to finsh PLD. I have four hours of agreement time plus the hour, for not being there last night. I had the stomach flu last night. I am out of strength at this point. I am tired. Love, Sxxxxxx (SOUNDS LIKE THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR THIS MARRIAGE.)

Hi Steve, I wanted to tell you that this caused quite a stir in the PSI circles. Several of the women mentioned above did leave their husbands and the PSI leadership is angry because they are losing business. The main reason is people are starting to check out PSI on the web and finding sites like this one and reading what people have gone thru.

Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:19PM

Good, thanks for letting me know.

Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: April 19, 2009 12:40AM

The Anticult
That message from the PSI member above, is a very standard technique.
Verbal shaming.

This is the reason the leaders of LGAT groups like PSI, Landmark, Vic Baranco (OneTaste, Nicole Daedone), Scientology, Byron Katie, and many others, all do so-called "charity" work for children, or food for homeless people.

It has many pay-offs for them.
Its good PR, it keeps people busy, good for recruiting, it can be used for tax-advantages..but one of the best ways for them to use is the one above.
To try and use it as a GUILT HAMMER on people.

You point out some awful things PSI Semainrs is doing to people, and their only retort is we gave toys to kids. Those 2 things have NOTHING to do with eachother. Nothing.

You know, even the Mafia which murdered countless people, also gave away food and some charity to some local people in need. It makes the Mafia leader feel good, and is good local PR.
But the fact the mafia godfather gives away food-baskets and cash at Christmas, doesn't mean he doesn't go back to robbing on Dec 26.

PSI Seminars is an extremely abusive and damaging group.

"PSI Seminars is an extremely abusive and damaging group." Amen, who was it that suggested that PSI is a turd wrapped in a candy wrapper?

Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: April 27, 2009 05:01AM

I found this on another website:

“Attend a PSI seminar with eight of my closest, newly-converted PSI buddies. While I’m at it, why don’t we refinance the house to pay for their upper level seminars too? ***, let’s just give them the house for their weekly PSI meetings. That would seriously be the lamest thing I think anyone could ever do.

People whose loved ones got involved with this group said after the person in question attends the big seminar (its like a week long retreat) they usual break up with their significant other 30 days afterwards then go and do really crazy poo poo - like buying houses and cars they have no way to afford, quit their jobs, and its really common they hook up with someone they met at the retreat or start dating people they met on internet dating services.

They commented that the "core group" that they were with at the seminar become their support circle and they have constant contact for awhile. They support each other through all the radical decision they make after the seminar. Then after everyone's life goes haywire due to the batsh*t behavior they lose contact and everyone spins off in their own orbit of crazy. They then just promote and staff the local events (that are just recruiting new members) so they can go to the next level retreat. (I think there are 3 major levels of retreats and you are not allowed to contact any outsiders during it (no phone calls, cell phones, email, nothing) totally isolated from your normal circle and surrounded with fellow recruits and members only.

That about sums it up. Want to Join this Batsh*t Now?”

Then I was checking out PSI on FACEBOOK and found a perfect example of what happens when your so brainwashed by PSI Seminars:

Heather wrote at 3:44pm on March 4th, 2009
Hey Everyone! I am so driven in life now that I have graduated WLS. I did the Basic Seminar Jan 29th, four days later went to PSI 7, and then five days later went to WLS. I see the vision. I have felt the urgency needed to make changes in my life and my true vision came to me at WLS. My vision and purpose in life is to be of service to those all over the world. I will create and cause some kind of change in this world. PSI Seminars has a great vision, but it needs to be taken a step further or the vision will die. I will be a part of creating the first of many expansions of PSI all over the world. The first step for me, is getting to principia, so that I may also become a facilitator. With that being said, I am asking for support from my fellow PSI graduates. I exhausted my credit cards and bank account just doing what it took to get through Basic to WLS this last month. I need to raise $3800 to go to principia by March 6th, this friday (to get the discounted price anyway).

Now tell me this is “Normal.”

Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: May 15, 2009 01:32AM

Check this out.

"Mad Mike
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Message me

Deanna Carlock
Friday, May 02, 2008


My name is Deanna Carlock and I work for PSI Seminars. I was browsing the web and found your website because it has a link for PSI Seminars on it. We are working on a project to take control of what is found about PSI in Google Yahoo and the internet!

We are trying to do is essentially trail Google to pay attention to pages that we know are good pages for the search "psi seminars" so that the negative pages do not appear high on the results. This is what we need your help to do! Essentially, because you have a website or blog you have a "Vote" on what is important out there, our job will be to send in the votes to the pages that are going to do the most good in terms of presenting a positive message (or at least an accurate one) to people when they search for PSI.

Since you already have a link on your blog for PSI Seminars, would you be willing to add a few more links to help optimize out position on the Google search engine? Please let me know if this is something you're interested in helping with.

I look forward to your response.

Thank you,

Deanna Carlock

"We are working on a project to take control of what is found about PSI in Google Yahoo and the internet!" Isn't that something. They are trying to take "control." I wonder if that means they are losing new recruits? Good Luck with that Deanna.

Re: PSI Seminars: Rules for the Couch's "playing" PLD with the Victim's
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: June 18, 2009 12:23AM

This was just posted on another site: I didn't get the reference to "The possibility that you could be potentially a dirt bag hasn't been discussed." But again another PSI grad steps forward and denounces PSI SEMINARS.

the Demons
"It is my belief that the company as a whole has some positive aspects. After having completed the Basic I did leave with a higher plane of awareness. Some of this has to do with me being aware of how they were trying to negatively manipulate me. I did enjoy my facilitators ability to call me out on my BS. For some this can be a monumental discovery of their true self, or it could be an embarrassing moment that leaves them traumatized. This duality is has not been addressed properly.

There is nothing new to what is taught. I had learned most of what was presented at the seminar during college. The major dilemma has to do with some large jumps in logic that are made. Usually these large leaps are attributed to 'universal laws'. None of which are properly explained. I felt like i was back in church all over again. These laws create shortcuts to thinking. It is always a program, or that we are operating from victim. The worst thing about psi is the rhetoric they use. The high pressure selling tactics are not endearing at all, either. The use of psi grads to recruit new members is the most appalling thing about the organization. There may be truth in owning up to ones actions, but it is exploded into an excuse to disqualify someone's opinion.

Overall, i can see how good can come from the company. It is most definitely not for me. I can see how it can potentially ruin marriages, and strain families as the self is exploded and the rest of the world is tuned out.

although one major trend on this site are individuals whose relationship failed, soon after their significant other got involved with the company. The possibility that you could be potentially a dirt bag hasn't been discussed. This may not be the case but it definitely looks like a possibility.

ultimately, do your homework before signing up. unfortunately PSI figured out that it is easier to have someone sign up while at the the event. once the papers are signed, one loses their ability to back out or do research. So it seems like once you realize what you actually signed up for it is too late."

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