Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Wiser Aussie ()
Date: February 20, 2006 12:13PM


How would you like to see him pay?

I think it's important to gather as much information you can should you ever decide to approach the law or the media. It's better to be very prepared and informed.

If you want to know more how his seminars operate read other posts in this thread, Large Groups Awareness Trainings titled - [b:dd7d739341] Excellerated Business Schools - Money & You Seminar Scam[/b:dd7d739341]


Take care.


Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Towest3 ()
Date: February 21, 2006 12:35PM

Hello Wiser. Thanks for your replay. I will like to see whole mess to be shut down and people to be protected by law from such scams. R, kiyosaki and simmilar greedy drones are responsible for dammages to big number of people and families. They dellivering misery , financial, emotional and moral disaster and on top of that scamers riping of people for good money?? Obviously same category of "business" as drug dealers indeed. My hope that those croocks will not last forever, they will last as much as corrupted goverment oficers and departments responsible for those activities close one or both eyes on destructive shemes.

Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Concerned Oz ()
Date: February 22, 2006 04:50AM

CAUTION: Kiyosaki is on the road again doing a 2 day seminar:

[b:6c1636f303]Scottsdale, Arizona 18 March-19 March 2006
Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center - Scottsdale, Arizona Saturday - 8.30am to late, Sunday 9.00am to approx. 6.00pm [/b:6c1636f303][/color:6c1636f303]
The cost is $2,500 for the 2 days and is open to his graduates of Robert Kiyosaki's 3-Day Investing programs.

(Pow Wow Events is the old Money & You Busiess Franchise Called Business Plus - the director and his partner did Money & You with me back in 1990-91).


Notice the Saturday Night is late & will be past midnight. A technique used to cause sleep deprivation and assist thought reform - thechniques used in his Money & You seminars akin to Landmark Education.


Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Wiser Aussie ()
Date: March 05, 2006 12:28PM

Concerned Oz,

I've been so absorbed in matters that I've forgotten to make a point of thanking you properly.

I read all your posts for the second time recently, concerning Robert Kiyosaki. Obviously you know how he operates having done his seminars. What you wrote about [b:9115260ca4]"The Effects of Kiyosaki on My Life"[/b:9115260ca4] is originally what motivated me to tell my personal account in this topic[b:9115260ca4] Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed [/b:9115260ca4]and [b:9115260ca4]Excellerated Business Schools - Money & You Seminar Scam[/b:9115260ca4] on this forum. Alot of what you wrote is true for me also.

Up until then it was all locked away like a BIG DARK SECRET for more than a decade. It was an unhealthy state.

I appreciate your initiative and foresight in beginning these posts (and process) in 2004. The relief I felt when reading them has been instrumental to the following :-

1. Validation (so important)
2. Greater Acceptance with the reality of what really happened in Robert Kiyosaki's Money & You Seminar.
3. Shifting from a position of Victimised/Exploited to beginning a new life with greater strength.

This is an invaluable gift!

Eventhough many questions are still unanswered about my breakdown in Money & You - the 'blocks game', the healing that happens with exposing lies has resolved much in the process.

Your posts have given a voice to a soul that was crying in the wilderness, alone. I needed to say, [b:9115260ca4]"I am hurting!" [/b:9115260ca4]These posts have allowed me to do that.

Thank you very much! [b:9115260ca4]Thanks to everyone else for providing all the other invaluable information[/b:9115260ca4]!

Wiser Aussie

Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Wiser Aussie ()
Date: March 06, 2006 12:10PM

[u:4bd3995519][b:4bd3995519]MORE ON ROBERT KIYOSAKI[/b:4bd3995519][/u:4bd3995519]

There is more information on the following Steve Braun website that exposes Robert Kiyosaki -



Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Concerned Oz ()
Date: March 07, 2006 09:57AM

Wiser Aussie,

Thanks for your kind words.

I'm glad my research and expereince with Kiyosaki and Money & You are in some way helping you to heal from the affects. Your writings have helped me too as I now remember things i had forggoten and can now debunk the disinformation that I was exposed to through his manipulative techniques now over 15 years ago.


Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed
Posted by: Wiser Aussie ()
Date: May 28, 2006 01:11PM

[u:28d0549159][b:28d0549159]ROBERT KIYOSAKI "RICH DAD POOR DAD" LINK[/b:28d0549159][/u:28d0549159]

Here's another link and what others are saying about Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad".



Re: "Money and You Expose"
Posted by: Wiser Aussie ()
Date: October 18, 2022 11:58PM

Hi Everyone,

The Money and You Expose was titled,

"Blinded by the Light"

It was an ABC Four Corners Documentary and the reporter was Rev. Dr David Millikan.

It featured the Boston Movement and Money and You.

If anyone can locate the link it would be very helpful to others researching the group since the seminar is still running in Australia and overseas.

Wiser Aussie

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