My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: jp27 ()
Date: June 10, 2008 10:47AM

This subject has been on my mind for some time. My friend Matt has been in landmark for 3 years.

He now wants to get his 22 year old girlfriend into landmark. He signed her up for her bday. She takes the forum this June.

I'm scared that everything is gonna change even more now that his girlfriend is getting into landmark. She follows him around like a puppy dog. He controls her to a point that it's scary. He thinks she will be "the perfect girlfriend" after she takes the forum.

There relationship is bad. They both act like they are 18.

In the end i'm scared that the both of them in landmark is gonna make me walk away from him. It's gonna be too much to handle hearing them go on and on about how perfect they relationship is, and hearing all the landmark bs.

I'm caught between a rock and hard place.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2008 10:48AM by jp27.

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: June 11, 2008 03:19AM

please tell his girlfriend to do some searches on google about landmark. Just tip her off. Don't tell Matt about this.

You have to do it gently.

Just say that you have some info about landmark that may seem "not very good".

Use your own judgement. Be a friend to Matt and his girlfriend. Try to be a secret agent. If you save his girlfriend from going to the forum you will have entered my friends list :-) ...just kidding- you are already my friend by posting here.

the entity known to be very committed to bringing landmark down

and they will go is just a matter of time...and a matter of people joining my cause

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: jp27 ()
Date: June 11, 2008 07:40AM

please tell his girlfriend to do some searches on google about landmark. Just tip her off. Don't tell Matt about this.

You have to do it gently.

Just say that you have some info about landmark that may seem "not very good".

Use your own judgement. Be a friend to Matt and his girlfriend. Try to be a secret agent. If you save his girlfriend from going to the forum you will have entered my friends list :-) ...just kidding- you are already my friend by posting here.

the entity known to be very committed to bringing landmark down

and they will go is just a matter of time...and a matter of people joining my cause

She tells him everthing. It will be hard to do. I'm behind your cause 100% Nettie.

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: June 11, 2008 11:12AM

and keep in mind there is a possibility that she will become his
"perfect girlfriend". if that is what he wants from her and if she
goes there with that in mind.

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: jp27 ()
Date: June 11, 2008 09:12PM

and keep in mind there is a possibility that she will become his
"perfect girlfriend". if that is what he wants from her and if she
goes there with that in mind.

She has no idea about the "perfect girlfriend" motive he has for her going to landmark. He hears these other couples at landmark saying how wonderful everthing is with them. He wants the same. In the end we wants her to "get" everything he says without her using her brain.

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: Sulalee ()
Date: June 12, 2008 07:29AM

Ugh! Having lost a good friend to LM, I sooooo feel for you. I don't know that there's much you can do. I decided I needed to go get some other friends. The woman I lost I was best friends with in HS. I miss her (or who she was pre-LM) but I had to grieve and get on with my life. Now I'm in the fight to expose LM for the bullshit that it is.

Recently, I've connected with my best friend from grammar school, and for some reason, things are starting to feel right again in my life.

I guess all this is to say that you may lose this friend, but there are possibilities to connect with other people who you probably have more in common with at this point in your life.

Good luck!

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: Zorro ()
Date: June 12, 2008 08:31AM

and keep in mind there is a possibility that she will become his
"perfect girlfriend". if that is what he wants from her and if she
goes there with that in mind.

She has no idea about the "perfect girlfriend" motive he has for her going to landmark. He hears these other couples at landmark saying how wonderful everthing is with them. He wants the same. In the end we wants her to "get" everything he says without her using her brain.

It might blow up their relationship, but I would outright tell her about his "perfect girlfriend" motive.

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: jp27 ()
Date: June 12, 2008 09:32AM

and keep in mind there is a possibility that she will become his
"perfect girlfriend". if that is what he wants from her and if she
goes there with that in mind.

She has no idea about the "perfect girlfriend" motive he has for her going to landmark. He hears these other couples at landmark saying how wonderful everthing is with them. He wants the same. In the end we wants her to "get" everything he says without her using her brain.

It might blow up their relationship, but I would outright tell her about his "perfect girlfriend" motive.

If i do, she will run and tell him. How did you think it will blow up?

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: June 12, 2008 11:12AM

do u think he loves her or is he looking for basically a "stepford wife" type
relationship ?

Re: My landmark friend and his girlfriend
Posted by: jp27 ()
Date: June 12, 2008 09:17PM

do u think he loves her or is he looking for basically a "stepford wife" type
relationship ?

Stepford. He admitted last night he has not even told her when or where the forum is. She told me she thought it was june, but i guess she might be wrong. We shall see. He's being very hush hush about her going.

BTW, last night he said he and his landmark pals have "what can we create phone calls" what the heck is that? He was not very good at explaining the calls.

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