Landmark ~Technology~ In Action
Posted by: elena ()
Date: May 27, 2008 11:22PM

Check out this response from a Landmarker to some wag who posted unflattering comments on Amazon about the DVD "Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard." It's a hoot. Notice how he manoeuvers around what he's found with his attempts to use what he's learned at Landmark to diffuse, dismantle, and dismiss what he's read. This is as good an example of any of Landmark-type brain and thought damage and the amateurish attempt to use dumbed-down psychology in an attempt to dominate or intimidate. Pity his poor wife.


Jay Teitxxxx says:

Dear Mr. Bzzzwax: Opinions are like posterior orifices, everybody has one and I'm not going to dispute your opinions just because they are childish and insulting. I'm not going to criticize your opinions for their lack of critical thinking and the substituting of petty name-calling. I will, however, point out that anyone who would express an opinion about something unknown to them has an investment in being right or proving something. Now, there's nothing wrong with being solely motivated by being right... it's just inauthentic (a lie) if you're not up front about it. May I suggest being completely honest? I'm not suggesting you change. Just try this on, like a suit coat. Just try it on to see if it fits. I promise you can take it right off again. Instead of the defensive insults, try expressing your opinion by saying, "I have always been afraid of things that seem strange and unknown to me. I feel threatened by someone or someone's so-called educational program that professes to enlighten people or transform them... because there is a palpable part of me that is terrified of change... a part of me that would much prefer living a predictable, mediocre life of repetitious mistakes and quiet desperation over taking the risk that some of my lifelong assumptions and beliefs might have steered me wrong." Can you hear that your naïve opinions are grounded in the same human knee-jerk reaction to things different from you as is racism, sexism, even fascism? Listen to yourself for just a moment. Can you hear it? C'mon, we all fall back into our human heritage of the knuckle-dragging animal thug from time to time. I'm no exception. In fact, I do it all the time. The only difference is that I'm honest about it and you are pretending to be thoughtful and insightful as you attempt to club that which scares you out of existence. I'll be even more honest: I've worked with Werner Erhard. I met him with a what I feel was an open mind and objective attitude and my impression was that he sincerely wants to make a difference in the world. I've participated in many of the programs he brought forth. With what I feel is an open mind and objective attitude, expressed with serious critical thinking, is the impression that the programs have made it possible for me to have a life I truly love, to be unchained from a past that feels littered with mistakes and mistaken assumptions. The programs he created are all just talking. Days of talking. How threatening could that possibly be? With absolutely no feeling of having been brainwashed or "cultified" in any way, I can say that I, too, am committed to making a difference in the world. What are you committed to? Being right, perhaps? I apologize if I'm giving the impression that I feel "right." I also apologize for my patronizing tone. The truth is I DO feel right. I'm just not going to use it to deny the possibility of other opinions such as yours. Is my opinion possible from your point of view?

Re: Landmark ~Technology~ In Action
Posted by: Sulalee ()
Date: May 28, 2008 12:27AM

elena, reading this stuff just literally turns my stomach. blech!!!

Re: Landmark ~Technology~ In Action
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: May 28, 2008 01:40PM

Small quote "I can say that I, too, am committed to making a difference in the world. What are you committed to? Being right, perhaps? I apologize if I'm giving the impression that I feel "right." "

standard landmark jargon - it means nothing...just a way to try to make a person feel worthless.

To be right is considered a racket - but what what the guy is doing is running his racket so he has to apologize so he can get out of the vicious circle to become his possibility again. That is the day of a true try to be free of your rackets but you cannot help yourself.

The "being right" is only working within the thought system of the landmarker and when they talk to a non landmarker it just sounds really offensive and stupid.

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