Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: aware ()
Date: February 08, 2009 05:13AM

I have been following this forum for 2 years, part of my 'homework'...yes, it can appear tyhe same few people are on here...although over time some new ones show up and others drop out, maybe because they have said all they came to say and are moving forward or maybe because the few who are willing to take their time to reach out and help other victims and warn potential victimss...just like the same handful of people are the 'doers' worldwide...we all like to complain but few actually get out there in the public and do the work on making the changes...I have said I got on this because of my boyfriend's involvment but as I began to investigate to my utter shock ALL 5 of my closests friends had, at one time in thier llife, been sucked in to one of these LGATS( M3,Lifespring, Landmark and even EST)...why, as close as I am to all of them had they never shared that with me? All gave the exact same answer..."It is a time in my life, and experience I want to bury and never think about again"..all of these people come from differents walks of life..and they are all smart successful individuals...but all had, at one time, a vulnerable moment in their lives..and each one of these programs are one in the same as far as how they manipulate and even the formats theey how many people have been harmed by these money and power hungry bullies? countless...

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: Bullet317 ()
Date: February 08, 2009 11:09AM

Well, I certainly sparked a lot of excitement! Wow. No, I am not a true believer, nor do I believe that these programs are for everyone. Know yourself; these are self improvement courses. They are not stealing your mind. If people experienced that their free will was being taken, they probably should not have been there in the first place. Both the participant and the M3 personal are to blame for letting that happen. That being said, those that had such a bad experience need to let go of all that hate and anger and move on. You know the expression, "Hate only damages the vessel that holds it" is also true about anger. Let it go....find something more productive on which to focus!

No, you couldn't possibly have sparked any "excitement". It's more to the tune of, "Gee, what an ignorant, blind, sadly manipulated fool". Evidently by your own words you DO believe that these programs are for everyone and that they are a "one size fits all or should!" Where do you get off by guilt tripping people by telling them that they need to let it go? Do their experiences count for naught? These programs DO take advantage of your free will. The inducing music, the lighting, the temperature changes in the room, the long hours to break your will and spirit.....

The M3 personnel ARE to blame for doing what they did. Not only to me, but to others as well. I will hold them accountable. As for letting go of the so called "anger".... I became an ordained non-denominational minister. My life is spent helping others, warning them of dangers and advising them as best I can. My experience with M3 is my own and I will speak of it and I will not be silenced. If you are so threatened about the truth of M3 coming out, why are you here? Were you sent to spy to make sure that only M3's "truth" is being told? Why do you feel the need to ridicule others who have been hurt by M3, just because it supposedly didn't happen to you? Remember, M3 is all about instilling and encouraging the "I'm the greatest thing in the world, I'm so much more "enlightened" than you are, and those of you who don't go don't know what you're missing".It also encourages sociopaths. It all equates to soul murder in the end. No one misses being ridiculed or humiliated just because you won't get into their "program". THAT is what free will really is. No one needs to be in a room full of losers and told that they are "loved". No one needs to hang out with a bunch of losers at M3 in order to be "accepted" then paying them to work for them. Why do you think that they don't advertize publicly? Because it's far easier to recruit and then have those recruits churned out explaining the whole, "I can't tell you about it, you have to experience it for yourself". That alone is highly suspect. And anyone who comes across someone who spouts that malarkey should run away as far and as fast as possible. Preying on the weak and the vulnerable. Giving no thought to whom they hurt in the process. That truly is sickening. What have you made of your life? Have you accomplished all of your goals? I have and my life is very good. WITHOUT M3.

There's a saying by George Fox, the founder of the Quakers. "Let your life speak". I speak my life. You thus far, only speak your opinion.

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: blueskies2 ()
Date: February 09, 2009 02:14AM

My goodness!!

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: DudeNTexas ()
Date: January 04, 2010 04:32PM

M3 appears to be nothing more than an offshoot of Lifespring, which itself had a controversial reputation. Much of the terminology, catch phrases, class heirarchy, and recruiting techniques all appear to be the same as Lifesping. It's amazing that people will commit and take part in it, without doing any prior research. Of course, I'm sure that M3 has changed some aspects of it, so that it doesn't seem so blatantly controversial to it's members.

I had a friend who joined a couple of years back. She's one of those who was on a soul search and looking to belong to something meaningful. Seemed that everything she was trying, including her relationships, didn't quite pan out. Immediately after attending her first weekend seminar, she tried to aggressively recruit me, because she recieved such life changing "break throughs". Here are the things that come across as red flags:

1. She appeared very tired and exhaused - this was due to the cramped long hours of the seminar, which to me, appeared to contribute as a means of mind control. Making someone tired is the first step in preventing them from thinking effectively for themselves.
2. Her eyes were very glossy, as though she was on an emotional high - It's never good when someone brings out such emotions, because they can be manipulated, while ignoring their own rationale.
3. She described a situation where the trainers "break you down" by critiquing you, during the seminars. Of course, my first concern was whether or not these people are certified, trained, and degreed psychology professionals.
4. The cost of the weekend seminars were outrageous - I think the basic semiinar cost almost $400, the intermediate was higher, and the leadership seminar cost over $900. Keep in mind that most single semester courses at a community college don't even cost that much.
5. She kept trying to persuade me that this was something I really needed, even if I didn't realize it. I found it really odd that she was trying to exploit any possible imperfections in my life by attempting to convince me that they were potential roadblocks to my dreams and goals. This is how they try to sell the seminars to you, by pressuring you that it's something you really need, regardless of the cost, because your life's visions are at stake. Plus they make you feel obligated, because they care and love for you so much, and they believe that M3 is so "life changing" for you. In my case, she offered to pay for the basic seminar, which is something I didn't accept.
6. Every time I gave her a rebuttal on why I shouldn't attend, she would go to the next room and call her trainer. And then, moments later, she would come back with a counter argument as to why I needed this. This struck me as really odd and creepy.
7. For months, she kept trying to recruit me. And it was as though her closest friends were suddenly replaced by those people part of the M3 experience. She may have even referred to them as her "brothers and sisters". Even though we still have some contact, every now and then, we are no longer as close as we once were (though we are still on good terms). Most of her time and efforts are now spent on anything related to M3. As a matter of fact, it seems that they keep close fellowship with other M3 members through regular functions and such, almost like something that resembles church fellowship.
8. In order to keep the cash coming in, after a person has taken the initial 3 seminars, it seemed that M3 offers "elective" type seminars that are shaped separately for men and women, to further their own "growth". Once again, these seminars appear to be ridiculously expensive, yet the members don't think twice on dishing out the money for them.

Eventually, I finally gave in and attended one of the hour long meetings, where they attempt to persuade you the benefits of M3. I will admit that I didn't experience any pressure at all, and the people were friendly. They just did some silly exercises with you, showed you a cheesey presentation, and then let whomever brought you speak to you, afterwards. Of course, I had already gone that route with my friend, so there wasn't any need to go in circles again. My mind was already made up that I wasn't going to attend any seminars. It really didn't strike me as anything life changing or special. But after we left the building, she immediately dialed into an M3 conference call, which really concerned me quite a bit. I've never seen her so caught up into anything like that. Seemed to be a way of keeping the people "connected" to the system, because i really didn't see any other purpose behind it.

My opinion is that M3 is huge waste of money. There is nothing ground breaking about their concepts or teachings. For the most part, the concepts their members espouse are nothing short of plain ol' common sense and discernment. It seems to be nothing more than positive thinking and self help. You can pick up any popular self help book, or attend a church, or take certain college philosophy and psychology courses for the same, if not better, experience and benefits with less waste of money. At least with college courses, you can recieve academic accreditation for them. But if you're yearning for a supposed short cut to life changing break throughs, or if your a soul searching individual seeking to belong to something...then beware, else you will be fertile ground for something like Millennium 3 Education.

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: free_heart68 ()
Date: January 05, 2010 11:26AM

Hello everyone,

I am one of the original posters on this particular branch of cults from back in 2005/2006. If you want, search for freeheart68 and you will find where it all started for me. I have been away for a awhile and have been sorting through many things in my life and finally feel comfortable enough to talk openly about all of it after FOUR YEARS of therapy, soul searching, meditation and many, many other things. I can't detail all of it in one post, but I will make myself available to any and all that want information without reserve.

As for the Lifeboat exercise... it was a truly horrific experience in my life, I don't think I have ever experienced anything quite so emotionally traumatic before or since and I am a combat veteran. I was told I was too stupid to even save myself because I did what I had believed was the admirable thing to do... I couldn't condemn someone else to death, even in an exercise, which is exactly what you are forced to do. What happens is everyone stands in a circle and then people step out of the circle and walk around facing each other and are required to state to the person they are facing if they are going to give them a stick. If you aren't going to, you are ALSO required to say that persons name and "you don't go". For me, the worst of this was when my wife stood in front of me and told me that I didn't get to go. I was crushed. When I asked later why, I was informed that I "didn't show up" like everyone else because I opted to "suicide" by giving away all of my sticks. This is the kind of mental tactic they play... they prey on peoples innate weaknesses. I STILL have to cope with the feelings that come from that exercise... no one should ever have to go through that

I have since learned some things that truly sicken me about this whole thing. For anyone that is familiar with "inner child" therapy, there are things that are deep within all of us that create subconscious fears based on things that happened when we were very young... some so tragic that we don't even remember them unless we do extensive work to dig them up, but these buried memories are what they play on. For me, it was a major fear of abandonment. What the "trainers" do, is identify where you are vulnerable and attack that area until you are "open" to what they want to put into that area of your subconscious... it is a VERY aggressive form of mind control and they even tell you they are going to do it, but you accept it because the "ends justify the means".

I have news... the ends don't always justify the means.

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: free_heart68 ()
Date: January 05, 2010 03:12PM

Well, I certainly sparked a lot of excitement! Wow. No, I am not a true believer, nor do I believe that these programs are for everyone. Know yourself; these are self improvement courses. They are not stealing your mind. If people experienced that their free will was being taken, they probably should not have been there in the first place. Both the participant and the M3 personal are to blame for letting that happen. That being said, those that had such a bad experience need to let go of all that hate and anger and move on. You know the expression, "Hate only damages the vessel that holds it" is also true about anger. Let it go....find something more productive on which to focus!

ahh yes, the silver tongued devil speaks... don't mind that man behind the curtain... shhhh... it's ok, no one really needs to know ALL THE FACTS. Get a grip... did anyone else notice that this is the ONLY topic on which he has posted? seems kinda fishy to me... lol, for that matter, EVERYTHING this guy has said is bogus... I will show you why in another post... I am working on it offline because it is so indepth.

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: free_heart68 ()
Date: January 06, 2010 05:04PM

WOW… who wants to hazard a guess that “blueskies2” is Bernie Nathan? The owner of M3/Millenium 3/Millennium 3… he has been known to post in other forums as well under the name of “wizard”… hmmm imagine that! Let me shed some further light for everyone in this point by point.

Before going into all of this, I want to share that I received legitimate counseling, prior to and after, Millennium 3 and am still part of a legitimate group counseling that does exactly what Blueskies2 claims M3 does. It took MANY years of therapy to get where I am and only NOW do I see that what they are bungling through has value… the methods in which they impart it do not… but as Blueskies2 points out, they sort through the people and ditch them when they realize there are issues… but not until AFTER they have cleaned their bank accounts out!

At one point after all the misery I had gone through, but before I had gotten some REAL help, I found myself wanting to go back, I was drawn to the whole ideology and kept second guessing myself thinking that maybe I HAD been wrong. I contacted Bernie Nathan and asked him what it would take for me to be accepted back. I was told that it might be considered if I took down the posts I put up in the forums detailing my experience with M3. I was told that they were hurting other peoples “transformations”… So I went back and I reread my original postings and viewed them from as critical an eye as I could. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find any way to edit them to be less callous or vitriolic towards M3 and STILL be honest about my experience. The fact is, my postings are accurate representations of what I experienced… the fact that he asked me to remove them, well that speaks volumes.

Some of the things that are kind of glazed over are the techniques that are used to create a “mind-rape”, I would like to mention some of them here and try to help others understand how such simple things can be used to pry open the subconscious and “create transformations”… otherwise known as brainwashing.

When you arrive there, you are “prepped” with a simple statement that if you don’t put “your all” into the trainings, then you won’t receive all the trainings have to give. You are then instructed that there are certain things that are expected from you and if you don’t do them, that you will be interfering not only with YOUR “transformation” but with others as well and you are perpetually badgered to do them. Yes, this is all voluntary, but at the beginning, not many people realize what is happening and have no idea what they are agreeing to. You are not allowed to have “closed” body language… this would include crossing arms, legs, having hands in the pockets or sitting or standing in any other way that doesn’t leave you “open”. When standing, you must have your hands visible and open, you may not cross your arms across your chest. When sitting, you must keep your feet flat on the ground and your hands on your legs palms up. You are STRONGLY encouraged to make and keep eye contact, looking away or down would get a quick rebuke and the person was told they weren’t being “open”.

Aside from the forced “open” body language, you are taught a new way to speak, because the words you use are a direct link to the subconscious where all the “transformation” needs to happen. This language that is used isn’t so very different than that of most people and I admit that I still use it in many ways, simply because I have learned THROUGH THERAPY that the words you use DO reflect what you are convincing yourself of.

You are not allowed to take notes, you are required to memorize all of it and while this seems daunting, it isn’t as difficult as one might imagine and it serves yet another purpose… it again forces the mind to be a focused instrument, “open to transformation”.

One of the exercises they have you do at the beginning is to walk around and introduce yourself to everyone and you have to meet EVERYONE. You are asked to state your name and shake their hand. After doing this for a while, you are then require to form a circle and then each person walks the circle stopping in front of each person and either stating their name and a welcome or the only other acceptable response is, “ you aren’t important enough to remember”. This is a profound exercise and I did get value from it, but what I also got without realizing it, was shame… it opened the door to letting them in. Many of the exercises are just like that, very subtle and yet, very strongly connected to the deep subconscious psyche where they can get control.

Another exercise done early on is where you try to convince your group that you were a victim in some way, shape or form. Now, blueskies2 states that M3 shies away from people that they are aware have deep seated issues that the exercises could cause problems for. This is blatantly untrue. I was present when a woman stated that she had been molested and raped, both as a child and as an adult. She was told that those types of things would be covered later on and NOTHING ELSE WAS SAID. Not only did they not EVER cover anything like that, but if they really WERE watching out for issues that would be an indication of instability or possible problem, I would think that these would be at the top of the list!

As for the “victim” exercise… after you have convinced the people in your group that you were a victim, and each person has had a turn, (mind you, we were asked to use REAL situations from our lives, most of which were VERY difficult for people to share) you are then required to find a way to convince everyone in the group that you were actually RESPONSIBLE for what had happened to you. While this is actually a very good concept and a healthy way to look at life, the method used to acquire that knowledge is truly not a great way to do so. After this exercise, the word “victim” was perpetually thrown in people’s faces every time they complained about ANYTHING.

Another one of the early exercises is called the “mirror”. Again, it is a concept that is founded in real psychology, but is very poorly used for the “trainings”. I don’t recall the finer specifics at this moment of how this particular exercise was set up, but it amounted to each person is acutely aware of what they dislike in other people due to those same issues existing within themselves and disliking that part of themselves. This was something that was thrown into peoples faces when they complained about not liking a particular aspect of the “trainings” that was created by personality clashes. An example would be, one of the “trainers” or helpers would be acting in such a way that it was causing emotional strife for someone and the given response was simply to state to the person complaining, “mirror” and you were expected to just shut up and look inside to see what was wrong with you. Interesting side note; Bernie Nathan mentioned to me that he personally had an issue that he disliked in other people… crooked, rotting or missing teeth. I noted that his teeth, while clean and all there were crooked. What makes this so interesting is that it is a common image in dreams when dreaming about a person that is lying that their teeth be dirty, crooked, or missing. Hmmm… wonder what that is a mirror for?

These last two things are wonderful tools when implemented properly, but, as an example, without the proper education and guidance, created MAJOR communication problems for my wife and I. For a VERY long time after the “trainings”, she and I were not able to have a conversation about ANYTHING without it degrading into a battle of “mirror” and “victim” being thrown back and forth. That is another interesting dynamic that was present. When it was found out AFTER we had both enrolled at the same time and were already in the “trainings” together, we were separated and not allowed to be near each other for as much as was possible… we were told that it wasn’t supposed to be done that way, that under “normal” circumstances, they wouldn’t have allowed us to come in together… that we would have had to do the trainings separately. In retrospect, I am not at all surprised, it makes it SO much easier to divide and conquer that way.

There is SO much more but I don’t want to try to cover all of it right now, it would mean writing a book, but I DO want to address this one particular post and the person posting it. If anyone has any questions, PLEASE feel free to ask, I will be more than happy to answer them. The best way I can think of to do this is to post a quote from Blueskies2 and then below it I will respond… enjoy :)

Blueskies2 -
QUOTE “While I can certainly see why some are frightened by these groups, one should not dismiss them entirely. Please note that those that post over and over again on these sites are the same handful of people. They espouse the same complaints over and over, but offer little proof, other than they 'say so'.”

Simply put… I was so mentally distraught by my experience with them that it took me FOUR years to just find enough comfort to talk about it openly… and I am ready to be COMPLETELY OPEN about it. If there is anyone that wants to know, please ask, I will divulge ALL.

Blueskies2 -
QUOTE “If these groups were truly cults and detrimental to society, the criminal and legal system would have shut them down, and they certainly would have been subject to some TV or written media investigation. All I have ever seen are ramblings and rantings from the disenchanted. “

Well, not quite true… there isn’t really any laws on this, and it is pretty much left to the individual to choose for themselves. There is another issue here though… Most people don’t speak out for multiple reasons, shame and fear being the biggest ones. I spoke to an attorney that was hired by the owner and was threatened with litigation for damages if I talked about it… why am I speaking out now? Because I learned something! I can speak about MY experiences with impunity and NO contract of non disclosure, whether it be a legal document or the threat of “loss of integrity” (which btw is a sin of the HIGHEST order with M3’rs) can hold water. The fact is, the silver tongue can manipulate words quite nicely and unfortunately for some, the leader of that place is quite eloquent.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “I have been through Millennium 3's program, and a lot of what is being posted about the program is true. “

The best lies are based in truth. Simple fact and I will show you exactly how below.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “ You do hit a bat on a chair and scream; Note that no one makes you do this. This is a voluntary exercise, just like all the others. To scream so hard that you break a rib (is that even possible?) is ludicrous, and I would seriously wonder why one would continue to pound a bat and scream if they were in pain! That is just crazy! Why would someone wait to go to the doctor if they were in pain....? Things that make you go 'hmmm' “

Well, let’s see… where to start, how about with the ribs… yep, it sure is possible, I know people that cracked their ribs from coughing too hard and yeah, I recall how hard and loud we were encouraged to scream… I lost my voice for nearly a week and it has never been the same since. And yes, it IS crazy, but the basics of this is that you make a COMMITMENT to do something and then your INTEGRITY is broken if you DON’T. While this really isn’t too much of an issue for some “folks” it is the heart and soul of this program. The amount of peer pressure exerted on those that don’t fall in line is incredible. Imagine 80 people that you have just bared your soul to staring shamefully at you and emotionally bludgeoning you for DARING to be “outward focused”… oh, and don’t be late… you can’t even miss a class for a funeral without being “outside your integrity” and shamed relentlessly for putting yourself before the group… YES, this DID happen and blueskies2 is dead on… they are all CHOICES that are made by the individual. Just that fact in and of itself should SCREAM volumes about this.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “You do spend a lot of hours in session but absolutely no one tells you that you can't go to the bathroom, leave the room, or get something to eat. That option is entirely up to you. You can also leave the entire session if you so desire.”

Perfect example of a manipulated truth… well minced there Blue! Now for the TRUTH. No one tells you that you “can’t”. What DOES happen is that it is STRONGLY discouraged and even strongly suggested that if you don’t fall in line with the group that the group will be punished. We had to sit silently for 6 HOURS with NO instruction of what was expected because one person was late. When some of us in the group finally started to take control of the situation and start “self-training” we were admonished like little children. It is all very subtle, but it is there… don’t underestimate the power of fear of rejection. Again, it is all “guided” but ultimately the choice is left up to you… if you don’t mind making waves and “disrupting the transformation of others” or “making it all about you” or “being inwardly focused” or… shall I go on or is that enough to make the point?

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “There is an exercise called LifeboatThe entire purpose of that exercise is to make one realize he is important to others in his life and his life does affect those around him. Breaking the sticks, as discussed by a previous poster, just smacks of immaturity--it is just a game, after all, and cheating in a game just cheapens the outcome.”

Nothing like belittling something to make it seem less than what it really is… Just a game huh? Some game… I always thought games were supposed to be enjoyable… As for the Lifeboat exercise... it was a truly horrific experience in my life, I don't think I have ever experienced anything quite so emotionally traumatic before or since and I am a combat veteran. The “game” is laid out like this… all in the group are asked to close their eyes and imagine being on a wonderful cruise with all of your beautiful loving friends and family, they play music and the sounds of lapping water and get you nice and relaxed and peaceful and then WHAM! Everything suddenly becomes chaos! People are screaming and running around the room, in your face feigning panic (the trainers and staff) The ship is sinking and there is only one lifeboat! There is only a few minutes before the boat goes down! YOU NEED TO DECIDE WHO WILL BE ON THAT BOAT BEFORE YOU ALL DROWN!!!! After this brief bit of mild meditative brainwashing, the next thing you “get” to do is stand up and give a speech trying to convince everyone else in the group why you should get to live while others should die. I tried to do what I thought would be admirable and said that I would give up my seat on the lifeboat for my wife and family. I was told I was too stupid to even save myself because I did what I had believed was the admirable thing to do... I couldn't condemn someone else to death, even in an exercise, which is exactly what you are forced to do. What happens after that is everyone stands in a circle and then people step out of the circle and walk around facing each other and are required to either give a stick or not and tell them, (name) “You get to go” or (name) "you don't go". For me, the worst of this was when my wife stood in front of me and told me that I didn't get to go. I was emotionally crushed and sobbed as if it had been real, because in reality, my wife just told me that she was going to choose another person who she had only known for a very short time to live while I died. When I asked later why, I was informed that I "didn't show up" like everyone else because I opted to "suicide" in my speech. After all of this, everyone holds up how many sticks they have and the three with the most sticks go to the center and “get on the lifeboat”. My wife was one of the three… why? Because she “showed up” by killing me. This is the kind of mental tactic they play... they prey on peoples innate weaknesses. I was made to feel WORTHLESS… I STILL have to cope with the feelings that come from that exercise and while I am writing this, I STILL after FOUR YEARS get sick to my stomach thinking about it... no one should ever have to go through that. Yes, I will agree that I had some abandonment issues that needed addressing and that the problem was there to begin with, but WHO doesn’t have issues? Oh, WAIT! That’s right! The people that DON’T NEED THIS TRANSFORMATION!! So let me ask you this… what kind of game causes PTSD worse than any form of combat? THIS ONE.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “There is a lot of support and communication between participants. That is just a fact of the program; a strong, secure relationship shouldn't be threatened or damaged by the being connected to people outside of that relationship. If it is, then there are issues larger than attendance at LGAT going on.”

LOL, yeah there IS a lot of “support” and communication going on. BTW, “support” in cult speak is defined as; “saying things that other people might be afraid to say” such as “your spouse is getting in the way of your transformation” and in the LIFEBOAT exercise we learned EXACTLY how important it was to not let anyone get in the way of your transformation.. not at ANY COST… Guarantee I will NEVER forget that experience. But let’s just say that he has a valid point here… A strong relationship should be able to withstand a great deal… but, again, people are enrolled in this program, NOT because they are in wonderful relationships or because they have all the answers or even because their life is everything they want… the fact is, from the moment you walk in the door, they are digging to find out exactly what is lacking in your life and where. They have a night where they have an “introductory workshop”… this is where they start to set the hook and it plays lightly on the whole “are you unsatisfied with your life” and “what dreams have you let go and why” psyche. While in theory, it really isn’t a big deal, I somehow find it to be a tad bit distasteful that the spouse and kids are considered “in the way” of a persons “transformation”…

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “Many of the exercises were silly to me, but I am mature enough to understand what I may not appreciate could be meaningful to someone else. I don't care for HipHop music, but does that make it bad? is just a matter of opinion. So play the game....You don't have to buy into it, but why ruin it for someone else. I didn't like the cradling, but many really thought it was cool--who am I to take that away?”

Do I hear the silver tongue singing?? So smooth and silky, just listen carefully and pay no mind to that man behind the curtain… I often wondered why he would go by “the wizard”… now I think I know! This isn’t about “taking things away” from other people… they are just as capable of IGNORING it if they choose to, and you are dead on, it is a matter of opinions… and people have a RIGHT to make an INFORMED decision… so who am I to take that away? LOL, nobody… I am not taking it away, I am offering an ALTERNATIVE VIEWPOINT. Sorry there Wiz, the guilt trips don’t work on me anymore… I am finally in a healthy place in my life.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “These LGAT's do not promise to fix all of your problems; they are simply designed to teach one how to look at life differently, from more than one perspective, and to take control of your life. Sometimes, that means shedding a toxic, controlling relationship, and the person being shed is certainly going to spout off about what an evil program LGATs are....she/he are losing control over the participant....and are scared.”

I guess I can agree with some portion of this statement… just the fact that people are scared when they realize what is happening to them. They are made to be BY THE CULT. The fact is, My wife and I were finally working through things and chose to not go back, we chose to try to make things work between us and when they couldn’t reach us by phone, which btw rang for hours on end every few minutes, they called the police and had them come to our house to “check to make sure my wife was safe” and it was a group LEADER/VOLUNTEER that made that call… not one of our peers. Want to talk about toxic and controlling? LOL…

As for the “design” of these programs… No, they don’t promise anything… that would be something that could be litigated in court and I learned how to look at life differently and from different perspectives because I CHOSE TO. Only a fool goes through life believing that their way is the ONLY acceptable way to see life and there isn’t any help for stupid.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “These programs are designed for those wanting to move ahead in life, not as therapy for deeper issues. M3 is good about evaluating potential participants and turning away those that are too unstable or fragile; they also do not let those that meet that same criteria continue in other programs. If they were truly after just money, this would not matter to them. For someone who discussed having a psychotic break, it would seem obvious to me that deeper issues were at work there and emerged during an exercise. These exercises truly are laughably benign! I am puzzled by some of the reactions posted here!”

I pointed this out earlier in this post, but here I want to go more in depth. M3 isn’t billed as therapy and you do sign a waiver stating you will hold them harmless for any and all trauma. It IS however sold as a means to conquer the things in you life that are “in your way”. Tell me please, how many addicts do you know that, unless they have gotten help, will say, yes, I am an addict and need help? If people could identify the fact that they were mentally unstable, do you REALLY think they would just be ok with it? At the time, I simply thought I was just dealing with “things that were in my way”. But, as it turns out, I WAS unstable and had a great many issues that I needed to cope with. On top of all of this, if what Blueskies2 is saying is true, then how did I manage to get past their “screening” process… 3 times? They didn’t seem nearly as concerned about whether or not I was stable as they were about whether or not I had the money and it wasn’t until the THIRD program, the Leadership Program that comes after basic and advanced that I was forced to leave… and no, I didn’t get any of my money back.

If these exercises are “laughably benign” then how could they possibly have caused a “psychotic break” in someone that was supposedly “evaluated” and allowed to continue?? One last thought here… Bernie’s wife is a licensed, degreed therapist or at least so I was told… I DID talk to her about some of the issues I was having and not ONCE did she seem to think that the program, exercises, games, whatever you want to call them would be an issue or warn me off. The fact that she was there encouraged me to participate, just simply because I made a foolish assumption that her presence was a sign of legitimacy.

blueskies2 -
QUOTE “I am sorry for those of you that have had a bad experience, but ultimately, you controlled what happened to you--no one made you do anything; it was completely voluntary, so I fail to see how you are able to point a finger and say otherwise. M3 teaches to focus outward instead of just inward on yourself--it looks to me that some of the poster on this forum missed that. They are still crying 'poor me' and getting attention by doing so. Time to let go and move on, don't you think?”

I would think that maybe blueskies2, who by the way has ONLY posted on M3 topics, would be able to see that we ARE being “outwardly focused” and trying to help other people make more informed decisions… I am SURE you would be quite content for us to “let go and move on”, that would free you up to just keep on with your VICTIMIZATION and fleecing of the unwary.

I thing you have to ask yourself, what exactly does blueskies2 get out of this posting? Is it a fair warning to others? Maybe he REALLY believes in the mind-rape? Or MAAAYBEE, he is pitching his program!! The rest of the posters here take the time to search for this information BECAUSE they are hurt, you really gotta ask yourself, what would blueskies2 have to gain? How much time did you take to find this? And how much time would you take to post? I am here going through this because I am NO LONGER A VICTIM, I AM TAKING RESPONSIBILITY, I HAVE LEARNED THE VALUE OF MY WORD and I DO HAVE INTEGRITY… I said I would be back when I could make it back and I AM.

And finally… *whew* that was a lot of crap, but well worth it… thank you blueskies2 for providing me with a perfect platform in which to point out how completely ludicrous Millenium 3 Education really is, I couldn’t have done this quite so well without that beautifully eloquent layout you provided for me to respond to.

C’mon “Wizard”/blueskies2/whoever-you-might-be… Let’s see what you got, care to try your hand parsing words with someone more your speed? I am openly inviting you to a discussion where we can lay it all on the line in public… and yes, I am CERTAIN you are lurking and watching… how do I know? Because YOU TOLD ME YOU DO BERNIE. There will be no more hiding in the shadows. In the words of one of my favorite actors playing one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite movies… “I’ll be your huckleberry” :D

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: Bullet317 ()
Date: January 07, 2010 01:10AM

Here's an e-mail that was recently sent to me by Bernie Nathan himself, the owner/founder of Milennium3. <
To: *********************@******.com

Great news!

To celebrate the holiday season, Millennium 3 Education, is offering a discounted tuition for the January 15th Awareness (formerly Basic) Training.

The regular tuition for this class is $450, however the tuition for January is only $295!

This is a terrific opportunity to support your friends and loved ones in taking the first step in transforming their lives!

Please let me know how we can support you in enrolling all the folks you have been wanting to enroll forever!

Either reply to this e-mail, call me on my cell phone (972) 897-9695 or call the Center at (972) 934-9779.

I look forward to hearing from you!!!

Merry Christmas!!


If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please respond to this e-mail and we will promptly and sadly, remove you.

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: aware ()
Date: January 07, 2010 02:05AM

Gee, the bad economy has even hit those who prey on the weak...the only thing M3 did for my boyfriend was to empty his bank surprise only a few continue to post on this blog, most everyone I know who fell prey to M3 or any of the other 'life coach' programs just want to bury this time in their life and never think about it for the comment re if it's so bad whay hasn't the Gov stepped in, they tried but after all it's a choice to join up, no one forces you, pretty sad that the powers that be can't see that mindcontrol should be illegal...maybe blueskies or whomever should do a little homework on the history of these organizations... started by a man who not only beat his wofe and kids but raped his pre teen daughter...boy that's someone to pattern your life aftert...and why do you think M3 is word of mouth? Any business with nothing to hide whould be advertising...duh!

Re: Millenium3 in Dallas Texas
Posted by: DudeNTexas ()
Date: January 08, 2010 01:15AM

ONLY $295???? That's just outrageous. What's even more ridiculous is the regular price of $450.

The supposed discount appears to be nothing more than a sales ploy.

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