I did some searching today on these forums, and found a long thread on the Sedona Method at [
Peculiarly enough, there is a connection between Bayard Barnes and Lester Levenson, the originator of the Sedona Method. I thought some other forum members might find this interesting.
During the mid-'70s, at some point before the founding of Direct Centering, Bayard (then called by his nickname "Gavin") did a course called Mind Freedom in New York City where he resided. This I learned from another assistant at DC who was involved with Direct Centering even earlier than I was and indeed had been a client of "Gavin" when he was an unlicensed primal therapist. He told me that the original Direct Centering System as it was taught back in the fall of 1977 when I took this course had been adapted or taken verbatim from the Mind Freedom course. Mind Freedom is Lester Levenson's baby, and is what eventually was called the Sedona Method.
After I severed my ties with Direct Centering in the fall of 1983 and began my post-cult recovery process, I began to do some research about Gavin/Bayard. I worked occasionally with an exit counselor who had been called many times to work on Direct centering cases, so this research was of practical value as far as encouraging others to leave Bayard/Gavin's cult. I spoke to someone from the NYC Sedona Institute in late 1984. I saved notes and correspondence from back then, and from a letter I wrote to Lester Levenson on 1/29/85, I wrote "He (the person I spoke to at NYC Sedona Institute) said something like that Gavin was an asshole, that he had been teaching Mind Freedom material incompletely and incorrectly and without your permission or endorsement, that you had called Gavin several times in the early days of DC's existence to tell him to stop teaching your material before he hurts somebody,. and that the Universe might wind up giving him a swift kick in the head (my language, not XXX's -I forgot how he phrased it) for what he was doing."
I then asked Lester in this letter:
"What I'm asking you for is information; first off, confirmation and clarification of my recollection of Mr. Hurley's comments. Secondly, any more detailed memories and impressions you have of Gavin that you would be willing to share with me. Thirdly, if at all possible, I'd like to compare what I learned at DC with what Gavin learned from you 8 years ago in hopes of understanding more fully the conceptual roots of Direct Centering."
A month after mailing this letter, I was surprised to receive a long-distance call from Lester, who was then located in Sedona, Arizona. I wish he had written me as I would have had a document to save, but I summarized what he told me to another ex-DC-er in a letter.
I wrote:
"Got a call earlier from Lester Levenson, Founder of the Sedona Institute, which gave the Mind Freedom course that Big G (Gavin) took many years ago, and from which he absconded with what he called the original Direct Centering System. I had sent him a letter describing my experiences at DC and asking him for confirmation of what one of his staff people had told me in NY (that Levenson had called Gavin several times in the early days of DC to tell G to stop teaching his material, since he was doing it without permission, and doing it incompletely and incorrectly with the possible consequence of hurting people), and also asking him for whatever else he might be willing to share with me about his impressions of Gavin from back then. The gist of what he told me in the call was that yes, he did call G several times, that when G did his course (he was not the teacher of Gavin's course, he has several teachers), G had signed a secrecy agreement, agreeing not to teach the material to others (I vaguely recall DC has that as one of the Course agreements, so did the est training, I think), and as we all know, Gav went ahead and did it anyway. He never pursued legal action because DC was so tiny back then it didn't seem like anything important enough to warrant such an action. He considers Gavin to be an unethical person, and now, knowing that DC has grown to its current size, he is considering legal action, either a suit or serving G with something called a cease and desist order. He's going to have one of his graduates here in NY check DC out and get back to him—this guy he's going to contact will speak to me before going down to DC. Also, all of Gavin's talk of unlimitedness and people really being unlimited beings and many other DC concepts that didn't seem to be derived from Scientology were taken directly from the Mind Freedom course. This guy Leveson was talking about Unlimited this and that just like G did. Levenson apparently knew Hubbard in the early days of Scientology, and considers Hubbard, along with Erhard and Gavin to be paranoid personalities."
Lester went on to talk about "light centers"--I guess the Sedona-ish part of the Sedona method--and we got off the phone soon afterward.
Nothing ever came of his interest in pursuing legal action AFAIK, but it was illuminating to me to know that from the very beginning, Bayard/Gavin had no compunctions about using whatever he could swipe to attract a following and gain a reputation.