That's good stuff ... way to go! BTW, hang around and make sure you notch up your first 10 posts so that you are then able to receive Private Messages from other users who may want to contact you.
FYI, I left a review for the Impact Trainings on, and for some reason, when I would link to it or click on my profile (whether I was signed in or not) it was still showing my Yahoo ID as the author, even after I saved a nickname. I disabled my cookie blocker and still had the same result. It is something the Yahoo admins need to look into, but I thought I should say something.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2008 12:52PM by exImpact.
Hi..haven't been on thi site for months, thought I was 'done'..I too have a wonderful guy who has successfully been in recovery(AA) for years but was sucked in by a 'friend' from AA about a year ago...he was jobless at the time and they not only drained his bank account they drained his brain..he is very intelligent but vulnerable..they have a lot of AA people in there I know..I had finally given up on him after 10 months of his 'back and forth' with me...of course M3 was the soon as they figured out I was'the enemy' they kept him confused about me as well as everything else thatw as good in his life..cause if your life is good, you don't need jan his best friend died of cancer(who told him M3 is adamned cult)..his death made my boyfreind think and after several months of refusing him he finally convinced me to give him yet another asking me to meet his could I refuse?...long story short his parents think i hung the moon and for the next 6 weeks things were wonderful..btw, he had also gone back to mention of M3..until some of his old M3 buddies asked him to dinner one night about three weeks ago...downhill I speak he is in Dallas (we live in Austin) attending a M3 'graduation' he could see his 'old friends'..he has been distant the last few weeks again and I assume after retutning from Dallas that will be the end...I'm sick and broken hearted..again...mostly for him..I am a kind, non anger kind of person but I hate these people...I wish there was some way the public could be informed as these LGATs are everywhere...i was shocked to learn how many of my closest friends had at one time been sucked in...they just nver talk abou it...or as all of them have told me 'Just a time in my life I'd like to forget'