Hi all!!
Date: June 05, 2004 10:27AM
Hi Alexis,
Welcome to the board. I did the Forum in 2001, but only after having spent over a year with a doctor who was using their "technology" in his practice (without letting on he was heavily involved in Landmark). I was left with the same feeling you have, the lack of empathy and compassion for people suffering.
I dealt with that by reading a heck of a lot of reputable authors on narcissism, coercive persuasion, LGATS. Many resources can be found by browsing the forum posts here. It just took a really long time, lots of studying, lots of reflecting and looking at what was going on at the time, observing triggers and figuring out what caused them, what the issues were. For instance, when I was with the doctor, three friends and my grandmother passed away. Being the sociopath that the doctor was (no empathy, which I interpreted as professionalism and keeping boundaries), and since he was using thought-stopping techniques, I didn't really grieve completely. Two weeks ago, when another friend died, this all hit me like a ton of bricks.
You were fortunate to have a volunteer hold the door open for you.
I'm enjoying your well-written posts.