I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 02, 2008 08:55AM

Hi everyone,

I've decided to write a piece about what has happened to me, with losing my partner to Landmark. I'm writing about est and it's history, what happened to it and how it was transformed into Landmark.

It's called "Love in the 21st Century: A Case Study." Because I met my partner online, it's another interesting feature of our very "modern" relationship. I'd like to show how LGATs are also very modern, not a thing of the past, and that people need to beware of them. They need to understand them.

Either I can post this piece online for anyone to read, or I can try to sell it to an online or print magazine. I'm not sure what I'll do, but eventually it will be online for everyone. It would be nice to write something great and get paid for it too. Maybe Rolling Stone would take it, that would be great.

If anyone would like to read it and comment and help me a bit with fact checking -- those of you who are experts on this -- please email me privately.

I know Landmark will attack legally anyone who publishes something like this, so I need to know what my boundaries are. If I keep it an Internet piece, I think I won't have to worry quite as much. We can say more, and keep it circling even though LE will try to have it taken down from every site.

Anyway, input it appreciated. I'm a published writer, and I'm fucking pissed. I want to expose these people.

Thanks all

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: elena ()
Date: February 02, 2008 09:04AM

I just found some old stuff that might interest you. I posted it to usenet and you can pull it up on alt.fan.landmark


Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:48AM

Hi everyone,

I've decided to write a piece about what has happened to me, with losing my partner to Landmark. I'm writing about est and it's history, what happened to it and how it was transformed into Landmark.

It's called "Love in the 21st Century: A Case Study." Because I met my partner online, it's another interesting feature of our very "modern" relationship. I'd like to show how LGATs are also very modern, not a thing of the past, and that people need to beware of them. They need to understand them.

Either I can post this piece online for anyone to read, or I can try to sell it to an online or print magazine. I'm not sure what I'll do, but eventually it will be online for everyone. It would be nice to write something great and get paid for it too. Maybe Rolling Stone would take it, that would be great.

If anyone would like to read it and comment and help me a bit with fact checking -- those of you who are experts on this -- please email me privately.

I know Landmark will attack legally anyone who publishes something like this, so I need to know what my boundaries are. If I keep it an Internet piece, I think I won't have to worry quite as much. We can say more, and keep it circling even though LE will try to have it taken down from every site.

Anyway, input it appreciated. I'm a published writer, and I'm fucking pissed. I want to expose these people.

Thanks all

PM me with your legit contact details and what you've published and I may help.

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: elena ()
Date: February 02, 2008 11:21PM

Just a thought,

No one's really picked up on the Landmark aspect of the Darren & Charla Mack case. As you may or may not know, they were both heavily involved and it looks to have influenced their lives to the extent of murder and prison. Nope, Landmark has pretty much skated on this one when they should have been front and center in the press, IMO. It's just so typical. In the public mind Landmark had little to nothing to do with the killing, but from the cult perspective it looms large in the events leading up to the murder and everything else about these people's lives.


Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 03, 2008 03:11AM

Thank you for those who have responded and contacted me and can help with this.

I wasn't planning on a huge expose of Landmark, but this obviously needs to be done with all the LGATs. I hadn't even heard of LGATs before, but I see now that they're huge. They're so damaging it's amazing more isn't being written about them. Why is this? We need to contact news organizations and suggest ongoing research into these groups, their very sinister methods, and the impact they're having on people's lives.

It's interesting that we are also seeing such a rise in fundamentalism in the US and other parts of the world. People obviously need something bigger to belong to, something that offers answers and an "enlightened" life.

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: February 04, 2008 12:49PM

If you think you can stomach it, go to the free introduction. No doubt your Landmark addicted partner will suggest as much. I think if you want to understand, you have to look into the eyes of the beast. You need first hand experience, especially if you want to write about it. This is something I did and it certainly cemented my distaste for this organisation.

I don't say this lightly. From what you have shared, I can only assume that you are strong enough, wise enough, perceptive enough to gain further insights if you had this experience. For example, you'll experience the 'snake oil salesperson' in all their glory; you'll have a chance to be separated from the mob and led into a private chamber with others to learn more; you'll see how the volunteer coach is trained to avoid your most penetrating questions.

Know your enemy!

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 04, 2008 01:12PM

Hi Jack,

Well, for one thing I can't afford it, nor could I imagine parting with that much money to go through a level of hell. I'm also not in the states and there are no LE groups around me.

I agree it would be best to see it since I'm writing about it, but right now I'll just have to go with what I know. I feel pretty confident that I can express an educated opinion, or at least share my perspective as someone on the "outside" who has been impacted by an LGAT. It's the best I can do for now.

And . . . I'm not sure I could stomach it, to be honest with you. Also, I just don't want to expose myself to hypnosis and other coercive techniques. I've done enough LSD in my life, I don't need to mess with the reality I've managed to restructure for myself.

But thanks for the advice, I do agree.

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: February 04, 2008 02:00PM

Fair enough. I did say, 'free introduction'. It's basically one evening when the new graduates are encouraged (coerced) to invite friends and family to show their zeal for and dedication to Landmark. It's a pain in backside, for sure, but it cost nothing but time and a little frustration trying to talk to smiley-happy people. It's just kind of fun when you coax out their sinister side...

I think those who have survived mild-altering experiences are better prepared for this kind of thing (generally). But I'm not suggesting you give up any of your critical thinking, just trust that part of yourself that got you out of the drug scene - the pointlessness of it all (but I'm the first to agree that some mild-altering experiences can be beneficial, in moderation).

Lekkies are almost identical to drug addicts (and I'm not suggesting you ever were...pretty difficult to get hooked on LSD, anyway). For you, now, with your partner being hooked on Landmark, it's not going to be easy. In some ways you have to try and ignore his affliction. A day may come when he 'wakes up' and then it's your choice whether you're there for him. I've lost friends, too.

But, really, fair enough. You don't need to go, especially if it's inconvenient. I do hope that you can move on and write about your experiences.

All the best!

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: vlinden ()
Date: February 04, 2008 02:37PM

Hi Jack,

Sorry, I missed the free part. My head is more than a little fuzzy from two weeks of trauma and non-stop reading about LGATs. My dreams are pretty damn weird these days.

I've already written a lot about this, I'm still working on an article. I thought I was sort of ready to finish it, but even tonight's hours of reading online have taken my understanding to a new level.

I'm reading about the roots of all this, back to Werner and L. Ron, and Jack Parsons and Crowley, the early black magic and sex magic days, the occult roots. I have some experience in that interesting realm as well, so all of this is falling into place for me.

On that note, back to my reading . . .

Re: I'm writing an article about Landmark, need some input
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: February 04, 2008 04:30PM

I can probably answer some questions that others may not be able to. I was a landmark staff member - one of the few paid ones. I also volunteered before going on staff. I trained as an introduction leader and have completed most of their courses.

All the leaders and staff are taught how to manipulate, how to twist peoples concerns into positives. Leaders literally have to learn answers to some of the tougher questions. They also have to learn the introduction off by heart along with many other bits of literature.

you are taught to look out for the hidden fears and address them head on, but in landmark talk... it's like a fish hook with bait on the end.... get the right bait and you wll catch the fish.

If you have specific questions I will try and answer them.

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