"Therapy Coach," Lift-Off, other 3-rd Level "Coaching" and "Coaches?"
Posted by: Impacted ()
Date: November 23, 2007 10:45AM

The following link is to an article about a "Life Coach" was was arrested in Utah for violation of the State's laws regarding the licensing of therapists.


Among other things is says:

>>"We got complaints that (she was) practicing mental health therapy without a license," said Jennifer Bolton, DOPL spokeswoman. "After we looked into it, she came in and signed a cease and desist order . . . (and) admitted to practicing without a license."<<

I urge everyone who has ever received any damage from any "coaching" from LGAT "coaches" to contact your State Attorney General's office. Let them sort out whether any of these indiciduals were involved in such "therapy" or not.

From personal experience, I know many employees and owners of the various LGATs in Utah engage in these practices, and claim to offer better insights than the "field of psychology" can provide. They are "trainers of the spirit, not of the mind."

I'm calling the state's AG's office on Monday.

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Re: "Therapy Coach," Lift-Off, other 3-rd Level "Coaching" and "Coaches?"
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: December 01, 2007 09:41AM

People should be wary of pseudo-professionals like naturopaths, even the ones with graduate degrees from "accredited" universities like Bastyr and National College of Naturopathic Medicine. These practitioners are only licensed in a handful of states, however, they are not licensed psychologists. Many, if not all, believe in mind-body medicine and counsel patients as to underlying emotional, psychological or spiritual causes of physical problems. Some are very Louise Hay-ish in their counselling. The guy I went to, after misdiagnosing me, concluded that I wanted to be sick to avoid having a happy life, all because his therapies were not working and should have been if I really wanted to be better. He didn't mention he was up to his eyeballs in Landmark Education. The AG's office did charge him with practicing medicine without a license and he was banned from practicing naturopathy in my state, but he now has an internet site and offers all kinds of counselling and miraculous abilities that your run-of-the-mill doctors and therapists apparently do not have.

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