Landmark Forum Escapee
Date: May 18, 2004 08:31AM
in my previous posts, I've laid out some steps that I found were helpful with a situation like yours. To really argue it logically and philosophically with the person might seem like a good idea, but can be counterproductive, and here's why: firstly, the subject is probably not interested in philosophy/psychology, really, and was only coachable/teachable for that 46 hours of intense training when they were essentially coerced... and then after that they basically refreeze. Also, they observe the FL constantly put down any logical objections as "philosophizing" or "therapy" or "psychology" etc etc. As soon as you start to "philosophize" they just tune you out immediately because the forum isn't about "logic" --- it's about "transformation" and "getting it".
The subject, however, won't really understand what "transformation" and "getting it" really are, though, because they aren't taught. I definitely recommend to you to approach in an indirect manner. If you observe, you will pick up on subconscious clues (inconguities) in the landmark person's behavior. Example "yes I love landmark" while shaking head "no", or vice versa. Basically, it is hard to get through to them directly because there is a very strong program (racket?) kind of running in the background, which is landmark-landmark-landmark. You HAVE to communicate on the level they are at... get inside the landmark jargon etc., but really connect with your friend... and raise doubts. Believe me I have seen landmark people in social settings and they bang on the things they don't like about the system, too, to an extent... although they tend to be scared of it somehow... almost like it's a religion or something.
The main points I think to subtly get through to your friend are:
1. You don't know the landmark leaders personally and are trusting them
way too fast with your life. SLOW DOWN and value yourself.
2. Landmark is not the only way to create change in your life. There are many other similar type things to landmark, some a lot EASIER and more EFFECTIVE and even FUN.
3. You are not bound to landmark... you are free to go if you so choose.
You PAID for your seminar, you don't OWE them anything, and if you want to leave, then it will be FUN and you will have new freedom and your life will still "work".
4. Emphasize the whole "be free of your programming" logic... get into the discussion of "waking up" to the illusions of your life and that life is meaningless... then turn that back on landmark... ("well, if everything is meaningless, then it doesn't make any difference if you leave landmark. You are free and don't need anything or anybody, you can create your own happiness" etc etc.)
And again, try to find ways indirectly to get the message through to your friend. Like, for instance, instead of telling them LE is a cult, tell them about your "friend" who was in the moonies or something and how they were indoctrinated etc. Anytime you can tell them a story about something unrelated and they say out of the blue "Landmark's not like that" or "well, landmark's not a cult" then you know you just scored, because they're thinking about it. Also, the "hypnosis and beyond" video is a real eye opener, you will definitely hear "LE's not like that" a few times, and just be like "huh? what do you mean? I didn't say anything about LE. I just thought this was an interesting video."
1. suggest/show/reveal indirectly that LE is restricting and that they are not obligated to it
2. teach them about manipulative techniques if you can
3. open their mind to what cults really are and how things can seem so normal but are really highly manipulative. point out the really weird things about landmark (such as the seating, the nametags, the rules, the hours, the lingo ) and the things that they NEVER would've done before (such as sitting in a chair for 16 hours at a time, etc. ). But bring those things up in the form of questions, subtly... questions that require answers. For example, instead of "well isn't it cultish to sit for 15 hours being 'trained'?"
ask "well, did 15 hours get boring? Were you tired? How will I handle it?"
note: if they remember being uncomfortable and bored stiff they will be remembering how it was really like and how they used to think before they "got it".