'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 02, 2007 10:31PM

Hi guys. Am curious.

Someone tried hard to sell me an updated version of a product I

I am totally happy with what I already got. Period.

So I told them that, and that I had no interest in a new version. I thought (ha! ha!) that would be the end of the exchange.

The person then asked, "May I ask what is holding you back?'

I went still, and suddenly wondered if this was some sleaziod strategy taught in an LGAT.

I said, 'Nothing is holding me back. I PREFER to use the version I already have. When I decide it is time to change, then I will be the one to call you up.' Then I hung up.

So...is this 'what is holding you back?' just normal sales-person slang?

Or is this a characteristic turn of phrase one learns in an LGAT?

When my clearly stated preference meets which such radical lack of respect, that pisses me off, big time.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: October 02, 2007 11:42PM

So...is this 'what is holding you back?' just normal sales-person slang?

Or is this a characteristic turn of phrase one learns in an LGAT?

When my clearly stated preference meets which such radical lack of respect, that pisses me off, big time.

Yes. Very much so, very much a part of LE-speak.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: October 03, 2007 12:10AM

It is a major LE phrase. Usually what comes next is something to the effect of, it is your loss\life or your life doesn't matter that much if you say you're not interested.

It is also what my sociopathic Landmarkian naturopath asked when he said I was "stuck", i.e. his "therapy" wasn't working.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 03, 2007 04:38AM

I never (thank God) was processed through LEC or any other LGAT.

As a confirmed introvert, I hate the idea of being cooped up all day in stuffy room, kept past my beddy-bye and being yapped at by a bully with a microphone.

(Went through enough bullying early in life that I do not care to be in any relationship that repeats it. I create my own reality these days by avoiding those kinds of encounters).

Well, after years of reading about LEC and other LGATs on this message board, my BS meter started to screetch when I heard that person invoke the phrase, 'What is holding you back?'

That, plus the utter lack of respect for my clearly stated preferences, stank of LGAT-speak.

After hanging up, I decided to get some validating information and that is why I decided to quiz you guys. Thanks so much!

Ha. There's no such thing as being 'held back' whenits your own preference.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: Zorro ()
Date: October 03, 2007 06:41AM

Could be the person has been through Landmark and is trying to use the "technology" in their sales job. Word to the wise who are in Sales and Landmark DON'T DO THIS!!!!! It will f-up your sales process. Believe me on this one...been there done that!

Also the person was using a sales technique (possibly clouded by Landmark) to get you to the point of buying or the point of him cutting the interaction short. This type of technique is used to find out whether or not the person will buy or not and push them either way so the sales person can get on with business. It is also a feed back mechanism so that the sales person can know exactly why the person isn't buying.....Hope this makes sense.

I use this technique sometimes when I feel like the person is "on the fence" or I sense they are "jerking me around". That way I know if my product is what they need or if they are just "window shopping" me. It works pretty good. If used properly it can cut through the BS. If used inproperly it just comes off as high pressure and cheesy. Especially if the guy is selling a low end product.

This technique can be used along with your BS meter to detect people trying to take advantage on you. It's can be rewarding to flip the question around on someone using it on you....he...he...he!!!

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 03, 2007 10:13AM

Thanks Zorro.


Also the person was using a sales technique (possibly clouded by Landmark) to get you to the point of buying or the point of him cutting the interaction short. This type of technique is used to find out whether or not the person will buy or not and push them either way so the sales person can get on with business.

This is the thing. At the start of the interaction, I TOLD the person, flat up front that I was satisfied with what I had and had no interest in changing anything. It was my intention to let the person know this from the outset so he wouldnt waste an extra minute on me. I figured the person had a list of numbers and told him I wasnt any sort of a sales pitch.

The person refused to heed what I said and prolonged the encounter with this LGAT-y bullshit speak.

Soo... I can indeed see how LGAT training would actually mess up sales technique. That call would've been [u:9b6c71ce03]over [/u:9b6c71ce03]in half a minute if the person had not used that 'What is holding you back?' phrase.


'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: October 03, 2007 12:40PM

corboy's experience brings back memories of the beginning of a very nasty time with a hard selling, totally duped and assimilated landmarkian friend...I very distinctly remember the "whats holding you back" line (which I believe scientoloheads use as well), followed with "I [i:98e4b3f34a]know[/i:98e4b3f34a] whats holding you back..", immediatly followed by the most hollow, belittling, and non-applicable reason for whats 'holding me back'...UGGHHH! If that is a salespitch, then the old saying, "you couldn't sell a hacksaw in a jail" would surely apply here.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: Zorro ()
Date: October 03, 2007 01:01PM

Clearly the guy didn't know boundries and had clouded judgement.

For me in a sale I want to know why he doesn't want to buy from me. That way I can either meet his needs or get the hell out and stop wasting each others time.

Lekkies can't take "no" for an answer....they will keep at you hoping to wear you down.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: October 03, 2007 01:33PM


Lekkies can't take "no" for an answer....they will keep at you hoping to wear you down.

my lekkie friend not only ran after the word 'no' but perceived 'no' to the entire friendship. I sometimes wish telemarketers had the same take on life.

'What is holding you back?' is this LGAT-speak?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: October 04, 2007 02:52AM

What tipped me off was something non verbal that lay behind the
phrase 'What is holding you back?'

I started out assuming the employee making the call was a person, like me. Someone under time pressure. Very likely a person with a long list
of customer accounts to work through.

So, I did not want to waste his time. I made it clear at the outside I wasnt open to buying anything. That way, I figured, it would free the employee up, free him to cross me off the list as a 'no-sale' and go on to the next number.

That was why I said, "I am satisified with what I already have and am not interested in any changes.'

What I did not expect was that my seeing the employee as a person would not be reciprocated.

Instead, I felt that person was not related to me as a person.

The employee was treating me not as a person, but as an object. A gadget
to be twiddled and manipulated until the desired response was elicited.

It is very creepy to regard someone as a person, and for that preson to fail to reciprocate by seeing you as an object, and not as a person.

When your being seen and treated as an object is concealed by an overlay of rhetoric that uses the language of human potential while actually treating us as machines to be reprogrammed, that is crazy making.

Situations where we are used as objects rather than related with as persons are:

*Dealing with very young children. Toddlers are not old enough for empathy. They do not see others as persons, just as extensions of themselves or as objects. It takes a lot of socialization to transform a child in object relations phase into someone capable of experiencing others as persons. Anything that induces regression causes us to go back to using other persons as objects.

LGATs induce exactly this kind of regression.

*Dealing with persons with psychopathic personality disorder or narcissistivc personality disorder. They've become stuck in the small child object relations phase, lack empathy, but are in adult bodies and can speak the adult rhetoric of person hood. But they use others as objects. They can often induce bliss and romance us. But the acid test is--they are incapable of reciprocating our loyalty. One need not feel loyal to an object.

*LGATs. They process subjects to regard all other persons as objects, while hiding this behind the noble language of personhood and human potential. The actual relationships are objectifying, cloaked with the soulful language of person-hood.

Loyalty is unreciprocated. In LGAT land we are all objects, not people. Relationships are a game of chess. Pain is rationalized as meaningless or a mere racket. The bliss is the mere product of diddling people's nerve ends according to a standardized recipe that is copied, pasted and used by many organizations--all claiming to be unique but drearily similar when the techniques are itemized, compared and contrasted in First Amendment protected sanctuaries such as RR.com

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