PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: May 13, 2006 11:34AM

I found it. It was called Con-Text:::: Here is some of the words I found in the script.

Ron Carver: Must be frustrating. A mind that even you can't unlock. (edit) (Pausing from giving background on the murder victim to watch Goren poking the corpse's eyeball.)
Alex Eames: Having fun?
Robert Goren: No, go on. I'm listening. (edit)

Ron Carver: Is it a cult? Mind control?
Robert Goren: Yes.
Alex Eames: No.

Ron Carver: How reassuring.
Robert Goren: They use the same psychological coercion as cults.
Alex Eames: So did the guy who sold me my car. No one forced those people to stay last night. (edit)

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: May 13, 2006 11:57AM

Can you believe this BS???? Denver PSI is "out of integrity." That is so sadddddddddddddddd..... hahahaha. PSI should go out of business, bu I know it will probably start up under another name. I found this in one of the yahoo groups. IT seems the light dawned for someone doesn't? Maybe for COUCH Darren.

From: darrencouch@...
Date: Sat May 6, 2006 2:30 am
Subject: RE: Player and Coaching positions available for PLD! drclight
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I believe the following to be true or I wouldn’t have written it.

I think it would be wonderful to coach PLD!

However – and that’s a $2 but – the PLD that I know is no longer being played in the city of Denver. MLS is no longer MLS it is now WLS with testes, and the question that I have is WHY?

I know that ideas for bettering Denver-PSI were recently solicited from past graduates, and that some who have real and daring ideas were excluded from this round-table. That’s exactly what I have heard from other leaders of business and industry who would love to come back and play, BUT don’t feel welcome because they are dismissed for being ‘anti-PSI’. These people feel the city is out of . Ask us. You know who we are.

And while I am at it, what is this crap I have heard about having to have a paid Principia seat in order to staff Leadership? Is this true?!? Is not 10 or 11 days of my life enough of a commitment to myself or the work? Or what about being required to have a defined (within PSI, of course) next step while staffing the basic? What’s wrong with someone of good heart staffing because they simply want to refresh their use of the tools and give back – and believe me, when you staff with some of these facilitators, you are GIVING baby. I know of no better reason to staff than to for someone to become a better person, father, mother, sibling or friend of our community. PSI has so many capricious and arbitrary rules that make no sense that I am sure you could add more examples.

And here’s what I love even more: facilitators and employees within PSI have admitted to me that these policies are f_ _ _ed up and have no backbone about drawing a line to CHANGE it and make it right. That’s also out of integrity. And they know who they are.

And the reason these employees don’t do anything is that they are pressured by ‘the good old girls club’ who pass off these edicts as being for the betterment of the students. Know this: These ladies would only make a rule or a move when they believe it is their own best financial interests - nothing else. The Clan of Clear Lake are STILL in need of taking the basic themselves. Let me clarify, IN NEED OF TAKING THE BASIC AND APPLYING IT.

I send this to you because Denver was the best PSI city in the company at one time. You and I were a part of something very special because we felt we were contributing to the world – if only our little corner of it. So if you wish to contribute and change this city, DRAW YOUR LINE and STICK TO IT. If you want to play, then play BIG. If you choose to stay away, then let PSI know why you are – Wouldn’t you want to know why your company is wallowing?

These are only part of the reasons I have stayed away: Lack of integrity and honor among the employees and a feeling of condescending management through fear and scarcity.

Denver will continue to dwindle in terms of class size, support and real movement until we take a stance for what is right. And if you don’t know what that is, go sit in on the basic with fresh eyes and ears.

I feel cleansed for baring some of them and hope that good comes of this.

This may seem to you to be a bit harsh and I say that tough love is better than no love.

If you believe this, do what’s right within your heart to change this city and this company.

Peace, Love and Light,

Darren Couch

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: May 29, 2006 12:51AM

HI everyone. I received two email from another PSI 7 Group, which just graduated a short time ago. It appears one had his wife leave him and the other, a woman, feels lost with the decisions she is making and is being couched by “supportive partner, who's been through the Basic, incidentally.” I thought I send these into the board to update and to show apparently PSI 7 how has a new ‘game’ to play; blind mans bluff in the woods.” I really feel bad for these people and wish them the best

From Jess, “I have actually started practicing a similar activity associated with breathing and being thankful. In the book I mentioned there are some exercises that do exactly what you are doing, though this guy with a PhD could not say it quite so beautifully or eloquently. When I listen to people that have had similar experiences to my own, it inspires me and it horrifies me at the same time. Human
beings have such great capacity for love and for hate, for giving and taking, for serving others and serving themselves above all others. Well... lets pray PSI completes its mission even if it is one mind at a time.

During one of our quiet exercises at the ranch with eyes closed, our "angel facilitator" came up behind me and whispered in my ear that I was a beautiful man and that I needed to stop beating myself up. I realized how often I assumed blame or fault for my lot in life and right or wrong – I dwelt on that and let it consume me. Or worse yet, how I have listened to others that lay blame on me and I accept their judgment without hesitation. Suddenly I was remembering others in my life telling me the same thing. On my 5 hour flight back to Hawaii, I wrote a poem that tries to define this life-changing experience I had at PSI. Some degree of self-consciousness prevented me from sharing it before. For Terry Ritter: don't know if this meets the demands of my promised poem for PSI VII... now I'm not certain a single poem could do it.

I did write this poem with my wife in mind and I wrote it before I knew a lot of the truth, but please understand that though now things have changed, I am still honored to know her because I know there is a good person inside and I pray that she will move the mountains blocking her way to more fulfilling and lasting relationships. Though lives are heading in different directions, she did help me discover many glorious things about me.”

From Carolyn; “Hi Everyone,
Some of you will have seen my e-mail of a week or so ago. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and had been struggling with my re-entry. I want to thank everyone who wrote and phoned me to offer support and tell me what your experience has been like. It really helped a lot. I'm feeling much better now. I did a lot of introspection and had the benefit of a few sounding boards from Team 433 to help me work it through. There was a lot going on, as there usually is. I'd been struggling for a long time to find my purpose in life and I think my expectations were that I would come home from the Ranch with a game plan in mind, knowing exactly what I was meant to do and how I should go about getting it done. Instead I came home feeling a bit lost. Fortunately, I have a very supportive partner, who's been through the Basic, incidentally. We sat down and really talked about what I'd been feeling and what I wanted and I feel much more optimistic about my future and my dreams feel much more within my reach. I'm not sure how it's all going to come together, but if I get my intentions clear, I trust that it'll all work out eventually.

In the meantime - I'm taking a lesson from the blind walk through the woods. Again, there was a lot I got out of that little exercise, but the one that really stuck was that I was more focused on what was going to happen when I got 'there', rather than on the journey itself. So, I've decided to learn from that and really enjoy my summer, living in the moment.

With that in mind, I started my horseback riding lessons this past Saturday and I'm hooked!! I've found my sport of choice. Now I just need to find the money to pay for it. Ha! Thanks again to everyone for being there for me during a frustrating time.

BTW, how about "Stop Talking, Stop Talking, Stop Talking" for our granite boardwalk? Just kidding....”

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: ezdoesit ()
Date: June 08, 2006 11:43PM

(previous three posts were repeats on other threads and have been deleted. Originals can be found on thread "Husband going to PSI.")


PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: July 13, 2006 09:53AM

back to the top :wink:

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: PetitChatonBlanc ()
Date: July 29, 2006 01:49AM

Can anyone please describe the "games" and "exercises" that occur during Psi 7 at the ranch?

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: July 29, 2006 10:26PM


What happens at PSI 7? You arrive and stay at a hotel the day prior to attending 7. They pick you up in a bus and drive to the ranch. You arrive at the ranch by bus; you’re not allowed to bring your own car, because they don’t want you to leave before the “program” is finished. You’re set up to sleep in a “bunk house” with 40 men, or if you’re a female, 40 women. You share living quarters, to include the showers. You sleep on bunk beds. You are told when to eat, when to sleep, when to go to the bathroom. You are instructed to write a journal and share your thoughts and feelings with the rest of the group.

They break you down, somewhat like basic training in the military. They do group exercises like climbing 40 foot phone poles, 14-15 foot walls, standing on the edge of a cliff, all the while your “team” is holding the ropes. This is to entrust you to the “group.” You walked across a set of ropes holding onto another person; this builds the group personality. Once a task in completed you do the group bonding, like love bombing, groups hugs. Team building.

Prior to going to the ranch you’re given a list of clothing you need to bring, this includes clothing you would not feel comfortable wearing in public. For the women it’s usually a bathing suit or bikini. Once you’re at the ranch there is one “exercise” where your PSI “Buddy” picks out your clothes for the “barn dance.” Clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable wearing in public. The barn dance included a DJ playing disco music, the mirror ball hanging from the ceiling. This is a breaking down of your defenses to critical thinking.

There is one “exercise” called “the sharing” where the men and women stare into one another’s eyes by candle light and share their feelings with the other person. The question asked in “the sharing” is would you like to have an intimated relationship with this person?

There is another exercise where you gather cow pies (yes cow pies) to symbolize life’s bullshit (sorry) and they place it on a plywood sheet and hang it up on a wall. This is to represent getting rid of the BS in their lives, you know “the BS that’s holding you back.”

Oh, and they have a “store” on the premises, where you can buy the PSI bible, a leather bound book with the “teachings” of Wilhite, Inspirational CD’s, and of course the PSI T-shirts. If you read the book or listen to the CD’s, you’ll find its nothing more than fancy BS with the bottom line: recruit your family and friends to get their MONEY.

And you get all this for $3000.00. And on the last day you’re told you are still not done, you’re told you have not obtained “all the tools” to live a better life and then it’s the hard sell for the “Leadership” course. “And if you sign up today it will only cost you $3600.00;” a discount, as the course is $4000.00. Nice discount, save $400.00 and continue to destroy your life.

They work to destroy relationships and they cause people to detach from family and friends. They encourage people to become emotionally dependent on them. Looking back, I see how my wife tried to recruited me and get me into this, but after seeing the change in her I decided not to go, and because she saw this as being unsupportive she left and we divorced. That was a year ago. I was betrayed by one of my most trusted friends.

I am trying my best to be compassionate and to forgive her with the understanding that she herself is trapped within the lies of PSI. Even from my friend, an intelligent, creative woman who I know to be capable of very subtle critical thinking, I never heard anything from her that ever questioned what PSI is and does. I showed her the research I have done on this group and she said the research was “bullshit.” PSI is her life and she has told me that she never going to give up the benefits of PSI. These benefits include leaving her relationships with her family and friends because she couldn’t recruit, oh, sorry, “enroll” them.

And if you’re thinking of going I have some questions for you; don’t think about the money. Think; “Is this going to be worth the loss of respect of your family and friends? Is it worth losing your own self respect? Is it worth the loss of your sanity? I would say no. But that is my opinion.

This reminds me. I saw a posting on one of the yahoo groups that hit this nail on the head. The posting said

“Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.”

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: July 30, 2006 10:23AM

Steve, that was good. Don't forget the new one; walking though the woods blindfolded with your angel facilitor whispering in your ear.

And I might be off base here but I wouldn't call these people "stupid." I still believe they are smart, intelligent, people who have lost themselves. It makes them gullible, not stupid. It might make me stupid to miss my wife as I do. I guess you could say I lost myself to this too; even if I didn't go.

My best to you Steve, Brad and Dorothy (if your still out there).

And if the PSI office is reading this; How do you live with yourselfs???
How is your conscious???

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: PetitChatonBlanc ()
Date: August 03, 2006 03:25AM

Thank you both, Samuel and Steve, for the explanation. What could possibly be the intended purpose of telling a strange man/woman whether or not you want to have an intimate relationship with them? And what is the purpose of choosing the person one finds least or most attractive? What are these exercises supposed to accomplish? Thanks again for your reply.

PSI Seminars: What happend at PSI 7
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: August 27, 2006 11:00AM

I am sorry that I delayed in answering you, because I simply didnt know the answer. I checked into it and I can only tell you that it further breaks down the defenses we all have to that protect us. The purpose of the "sharing" amounts to breaking down the barriers between these people and make them more of a group or team. Except the effects do not last.

Which brings me to a question. I wonder if anyone can tell me how long after taking these "seminars" the effects last? I've read the "effects" last anywhere from six months to two years. I got that from Singer's book, Cults in our Midst. It this true with PSI?

And to those in the PSI office reading this, I wonder how you all live with yourselfs causing this type of problems for all those families out in the real world.

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