Here is another organization to keep your eye on, the Transformational Leadership Council.
I found out about this organization about a month ago when I was still a member of the Raymond Aaron Monthly Mentor Program (Another good way to waste your money).
I used to recieve monthly CD's from the Monthly Mentor Program which are interviews with different supposedly successful people that Raymond Aaron knows. Anyhow, he interviewed this lady Marcia Martin who is one of his mentors. He was waxing on about this lady and how she helped found an organization that has helped millions of people and is now called Landmark Education. (When I heard that I was so pissed I almost took the CD out my car radio and tossed it out the window :shock: :twisted: ) But I came to my senses and decided to try to listen to the BS to see if I could see what kind of crap they are trying to pull.
I learned that Marcia Martin was one of the founding members of EST with Werner Earhart and that Raymond Aaron had now hooked up with her and Jack Canfield and several others to form this organization.
After discovering this and realizing I had been duped again I cancelled my Monthly Mentor program. I have already gotten screwed once by Landmark. By damned if I am going to let that happen again, even if it is by remote association this time around.
I now question any every person out there that is in the biz of helping people. It's disgusting to think that it seems that all of these people are some how linked up in one way or another.