Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: meditation ()
Date: August 29, 2007 11:12PM

I've escaped from Humaniversity cult, Netherland a while ago. If somebody need information about them...

Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: Regenerate ()
Date: September 01, 2007 06:43PM

Hello Mediation,

As an ex-sannyasin, who was initiated due to a strong desire to do serious therapeutic and spiritual work on myself and who lived in the organisation's communes for a number of years, I would be very interested in an up-to-date account of what's happening in that offshoot of the official organisation - The Humaniversity.

The name seems extremely farcical for a group that demeans and degrates people and all their relationships, while being intent on extracting as much money, as often as possible, for meditation and therapy groups.

Current information made available could help those who've got caught up with this entrapping organisation and also those who are on the verge of involvement, who may then think twice.

I hope your recovery is progressing well and that you post again.


Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: Regenerate ()
Date: September 01, 2007 06:48PM

Sorry, meant to address you as Meditation.


Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: Harry Lime ()
Date: September 03, 2007 04:43AM

I too am interested in current info regarding this cult and how a cult thrives even after it's leaders have been exposed as frauds. How do they carry on without a charismatic leader?

Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 03, 2007 10:20PM

That is a very good question. Even in a non-cultic situation, the demise or departure of a charismatic leader is a vulnerable point.

Just talk to anyone who has had long experience serving on search committees for Anglican and Protestant churchers, and for Jewish congregations--all traditions in which the community can choose its leader.

Then talk to people who have experience in business and ask them what its like when a charismatic, successful and brilliant leader retires.

It is painful and difficult to be the successor of someone who, literally has been 'a hard act to follow.' Some groups do not make it.

But there are groups that do manage to survive a charismatic leader. If that leader has had an abusive track record several things probably happen

* [b:8fe3563871]Accumulate Assets[/b:8fe3563871]

It helps if a group has accumulated subtantial assets. That means they can afford to publish revised, re-written versions of their doctrine and history

* [b:8fe3563871]Re-write History[/b:8fe3563871]

If possible, re-write group doctrine or history. It helps to have the money to publish new updates. In some cases, a group went to considerable lengths to destroy old documents, even pictures. In the case of Siddha/SYDA yoga, this is described in the New Yorker article, [i:8fe3563871]Oh Guru, Guru[/i:8fe3563871]. []

* [b:8fe3563871]Blame the Underlings, Excuse the Guru[/b:8fe3563871]

Assure people that the previous bad behavior of the group did not originate from the guru, but from a corrupt inner circle of disciples who decieved the guru. (Note any member of an abusive guru's entourage ought to know that if anything goes wrong, its the inner circle members who often get scapegoated, socially and sometimes, legally, while the guru escapes. All too often entourage members carry the shadow of the group, and the guru carrys only the positive projections of the group--even when it is the guru who is ultimately puppet-mastering the entire thing.

[b:8fe3563871]Offer a New Menu of Services according to Social Needs[/b:8fe3563871]

Re-emerge by offering services valued by society, such as meditation, yoga (especially yoga. You can sell accessories too), and especially schooling for young children, troubled children. I predict that in a few years, offering elder care will be a gigantic growth industry-and it will attract cults. It'll be perfect. Exhausted guilt ridden middle aged people looking for help with aging parents, and aging people who can be conned into disinheriting their kids. Just watch and see how soon cults line up for this one.

* [b:8fe3563871]Change names[/b:8fe3563871]

If a charismatic leader has ended in disgrace and his or her name has become infamous (eg Rajneesh and his Rolls Royces and sexual excesses) ...change the name of the leader. It is astonishing how many new converts do not bother to fact check. Other's who have changed their names have been Da Free John (now known as Adi Da Samiraj).

The old Erhard Seminars Training (EST, known in its heyday as 'no-pee-therapy' because participants were given infrequent bathroom breaks) was renamed The Forum and now, currently, goes by the name Landmark Education.

Finally, make it seem that anyone who has a sense of history and keeps track of this stuff is a negative minded, loveless cynic.

Historians and fact checkers play an essential role keeping groups and societies honest. And they are the ones who catch heat when a group decides to become oppressive, authoritarian, and lie about its past.

One distinguished historian was murdered by the Bolsheviks because he was a member of the Romanov dynasty. Lenin received a plea for clemency and refused it, saying 'The Revolution does not need historians.'

Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 03, 2007 10:22PM

Another way to re-write history

Eject/Purge those persons who remember how things used to be done.

Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: Sangre ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:01AM

I would be very interested in that as I know someone who is pretty deep involved with them! She has told me some bizar things and now for a while doesn't contact me and other friends at all anymore.

Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: Regenerate ()
Date: October 01, 2007 08:41PM


As you can see, a number of people would be interested in your account of life at the Humaniversity. As it's not possibe to email you or to PM you until the poster has made 10 posts, it would be good if you could share your experience online, if you feel that's possible.

It seems to me that the more information, especially current, that's available about what goes on in 'closed societies', the better. As is said, 'Information is power' and empowerment is exactly what's needed by people who have suffered as a result of involvement in these organisations.

Many thanks,


Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: starry ()
Date: October 01, 2007 09:15PM

I would be very interested in hearing about your experiences as well. I have a very close family member that was (still is) a sannyasin.

Humaniversity (Osho, Bagwan)
Posted by: S_Byers666 ()
Date: October 08, 2007 06:50PM

I've escaped from Humaniversity cult, Netherland a while ago. If somebody need information about them...

Please do tell us what goes on. They have an off-shoot at OshoLeela in England - that is equally abusive of its workshop participants.

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