Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: September 25, 2007 02:54PM

dear Justplanodan,

get a grip!!!


Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Enviro_Cop ()
Date: September 27, 2007 05:34AM

Sane Again,
My sentiments exactly, I was just afraid I could state them that way!

Milton H. Erickson ( used stories that used metaphors to plant ideas or thoughts into the unconscious mind. The stories would typically ramble and allow the subject to go into a trance where certain words were emphasized. I think NLP was developed on his model of hypnotherapy. There is way too much to describe here, but I think most LGATS use this to control victims.

What made me research this was a series on HBO (I think) called Darren Brown, mind control. In the series he would get people to do and say things without their knowledge. I knew there had to be an explanation, and through research found out he used Ericson techniques. I immediately saw similarities with the Discovery crap.
I absolutely believe the Discovery program uses techniques to put the trainees into a susceptible state. Call it a trance, hypnosis, or whatever you want, it softens them up for suggestions. My belief is based on what I observed at the event and what I have read about. They are proven techniques used by North Korea in the 1950s on US servicemen and LGATs of today.
Granted, you had to know what to listen for to pick out the emphasized words, but it was obvious.

I am glad to have this forum to discuss my thoughts. Even with the dumbass LGAT plants it is helpful for me.

Do other LGATS use the same mind control techniques?

Oh, and also Zorro, the 400 people included I think 4 or 5 levels of course graduates. Think about it…………… lets say 300 people spent $200, and 200 spent $500 for a 3 day weekend of training. That’s just shy of $150K for “training” people for 3 days……. Pretty good gig to have if your on top!


Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Enviro_Cop ()
Date: September 27, 2007 05:41AM

one more thing I forgot to mention. The trainers would shout Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna (sp?) at times during the event. My wife said it was just another word for God. It felt kind of weird hearing it. Is it another word for God?


Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: September 27, 2007 05:58AM


I am glad to have this forum to discuss my thoughts. Even with the dumbass LGAT plants it is helpful for me.

LOL! I hear ya!

Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Zorro ()
Date: September 27, 2007 10:01AM

Ditto that!

Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: September 28, 2007 03:39AM

Enviro_cop, thanks for this:


Milton H. Erickson ( used stories that used metaphors to plant ideas or thoughts into the unconscious mind. The stories would typically ramble and allow the subject to go into a trance where certain words were emphasized. I think NLP was developed on his model of hypnotherapy. There is way too much to describe here, but I think most LGATS use this to control victims.

It was definitely used in my lgat, on the first day of the course in particular. We sat in our chairs for eight hours or more, and listend to long complicated stories and theories, all punctuated by the same small set of words, over and over again. To this day I can't remember the stories or the theories, only the slogans:

* looking good vs living
* take a risk
* experience
* powerful people keep their commitments
* integrity
* make a difference

That's about it. Boils down to a recipe for recruitment.

Oh, and I have anomylous memory about a story about a dog called Spot. Probably my subconscious mind still knows what Spot the Dog was about, but the rest of me doesn't :lol:

Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: justplanodan ()
Date: October 04, 2007 03:47AM

Wow...this really aggrivates you guys. And I can completely understand that. Some of these conferences seem crazy. But discovery isn't like that. There is not any hypnosis involved... And YES. I did up on it. Do you think I would comment about something that I didn't have knowledge about? Give me a little more credit than that.

There was zip hypnosis during the weekend. Nothing even similar to that of what you quoted from Erickson. And until you have actually gone, it is hard to see for yourself...and at the same time...hard to defend your point.

I am not trying to argue with you guys. I agree that there are some LGAT's out there that are crazy. what I am that Discovery isn't like what you are talking about.

Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Enviro_Cop ()
Date: October 04, 2007 05:49AM

Dan the man you are absolutely full of bullshit. You say there is no hypnosis in Discovery in the first paragraph, and THEN the next paragraph say there was “zip hypnosis” ……… Does that make any sense to anyone else?
What is Zip Hypnosis?

Discovery is built exactly on the same model as est, Lifespring, … They even use the same activities and techniques.
As far as me not getting it until I attend….. I don’t need to stick my hand into a fire to know its going to burn me, so that theory doesn’t work. That is a typical term used in LGATS. You wont “get it” until you attend, we can’t tell you what “it” is but you need to pay us so we can help you. You are so infected with the same propaganda you cannot even make a rational observation.

Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: justplanodan ()
Date: October 04, 2007 11:00PM

Enviro Cop... No hypnosis and Zip Hypnosis are the same thing. Zip = none. That wasn't hard to figure it out.

And the argument about you don't have to stick your hand in a fire to tell if it is hot... well.. you actually had to do that before. When you were a kid I am sure you burnt yourself. That is the only way of knowing. That is when you determined it was hot and not to ever touch it again.

Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Towest3 ()
Date: October 05, 2007 03:57AM

So we must to use heroin to "get it" what is all about drug user expirience? For LGAT expirience, last years become more and more obvious that "tehnology" is boring and full of crap.

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