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Re: Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Enviro_Cop ()
Date: November 06, 2007 07:31AM

Well there goes another happy discovery convert/recruit.

At least maybe he will honor his contract ha ha and not post anymore. He said most people who attend are in abusive relationships. I wonder if he is the abuser or victim? He sounds like a victim of dicovery to me.
There is no question in my mind discovery is another version of Lifespring.


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Re: Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: November 06, 2007 08:44AM


More like being stuck in a drunk tank with "Otis," a wonderful philosopher from Mayberry (and actually quite harmless, alcoholism aside).

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Re: Recovery from LGAT Discovery in Dallas
Posted by: Enviro_Cop ()
Date: November 11, 2007 09:31PM

Discovery Training has succeeded in destruction of several more relationships through the emotional and psychological abuse they sell.
My wife and I have been having a hard time since she started attending this LGAT.
Yesterday out of the blue she stated I just didn’t get it and the only way she would continue to work on our marriage is if I attended ALL of the discovery trainings. She was sure I would understand once I went, and we could get along better. The choice was clear. I love her and our son but I will not subject myself to something I know to be ethically and morally wrong.
I am amazed at how she and her group can justify ending marriages and still call this a good program.
I think it was Elena that called this several months ago when she wrote that the LGAT will try to isolate and cause pain, and guilt for the spouse so the will attend looking for relief. I didn’t work this time, just ripped apart the lives a couple and a 12 year old boy.
I wish something could be done to stop these groups from causing so much pain. The media doesn’t seem too interested in the DFW area.
Take care all


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Re: Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Hallslm ()
Date: November 12, 2007 03:43AM

The tax exempt status that you speak of doesnt take into account the very high salaries af the folks at the top of the pyramid. Discovery makes over 150 K per weekend and THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE LISCENSED PSYCOLOGIST, PSYCHIATRIST, OR ANYTHING CLOSE IN THE WHOLE BUILDING. It is dangerous and cruel to tear open these peoples minds and basically hope for good results and that no one freaks out and kills someone or themself. I know af at least one case in which a young man went up to his room and shot himsesf after being broken in front of 100 strangers. Not one of them with a degree, of course. Also my investigation leads me to believe that D will lose its tax exempt status next year when the do not file for the third year in a row. They are just under the radar so far. The IRS will catch up with those crooks.
I dont recall threatening anyone, which makes me wonder if you are for real. If you really did attend the Discovery class then the poor souls i am sorry for are your family. Have any of them realized that the lights are on but no ones home? You should really consider your position. If an angry husband chewed you out, mabey he just wanted you to back off his wife. I know when my wife told D to leave her alone, thats when the mind games REALLY started. Try telling one of the leaders you are backing off for a little bit. Thats when the real control starts. They will use all the things you told them about yourself to make you feel unsure and unsafe. My wifes boss fired her because she left the group. THAT NUT IS STILL CALLING WANTING TO 'RESOLVE' HER FEELINGS. Thats crap! When someone tells you to leave them alone and you persist because you havent made your point, thats harrasment- and when that person knows every detail of your personal issues and implies that EVERYONE will know you are breaking the contract you signed (under inhumane deress) thats mind control by people with small minds. This is standard operations for most LGAT. that is a term you should google. Your group is under the radar for now( we're working on that) however they use the same mind games as any other LGAT. These tactics have worked on folks since the 60's. They are just recently making a comeback. Some of us still remember Erhard Werner(another name you should google) and that school of thought. There are no good ideas left, so the people who are scared to work for a livin have revived this oldie but goodie. Get yourself out, while your family is still there for you.
The Union is a group of working people who band against big buisiness for common goals( goals they came into the union with) The union tries to make the playing fieled epual for every working man and woman. there are no hidden agendas, and there are NO SECRETS, because we are not ashamed of what we do. We, sir, are strong, proud, and united.

the reason why Discovery is tax exempt is because they claim to be a Ministry.


This no ministry. It is junk science that hurt people. Discovery is fraudulent and someone at the IRS should investigate them.

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Re: Recovery from LGAT Discovery in Dallas
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: November 12, 2007 04:21AM


You need to write the DFW area media outlets. All of them. You need something else as well. PM me.

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Re: Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Enviro_Cop ()
Date: November 13, 2007 08:17AM

your message storage is full and will not let me PM. Please PM me.

Hallslm, looks like they have changed their classification to an Educational Organization, Offering Personal Social Services even though the name they use is DISCOVERY TRAINING MINISTRIES INC. Wow!
Do you think all of those people know they are supporting a ministry?
Its funny the damn flyers they are sending dont seem to mention being a ministry. hmmmmmm


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Re: Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Hallslm ()
Date: November 13, 2007 10:28AM

your message storage is full and will not let me PM. Please PM me.

Hallslm, looks like they have changed their classification to an Educational Organization, Offering Personal Social Services even though the name they use is DISCOVERY TRAINING MINISTRIES INC. Wow!
Do you think all of those people know they are supporting a ministry?
Its funny the damn flyers they are sending dont seem to mention being a ministry. hmmmmmm


It is all a big fraud I tell ya. Somehow some way they will go down when enough notice by the media or the IRS happens.

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Re: Recovery from LGAT "Discovery" in Dallas
Posted by: Hallslm ()
Date: November 13, 2007 10:30AM

WOW, big time fraud if you ask me. Well IMO, by not telling people what they are coming to, just that they need to come and use their friends and family to encourage that is trickery. I'm sure most people that go through Discovery realize they are being tricked and lied to from the get go on just what exactly they are going to go through.

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Re: Recovery from LGAT Discovery in Dallas
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: November 13, 2007 10:42AM

Discovery Training has succeeded in destruction of several more relationships through the emotional and psychological abuse they sell.
My wife and I have been having a hard time since she started attending this LGAT.
Yesterday out of the blue she stated I just didn’t get it and the only way she would continue to work on our marriage is if I attended ALL of the discovery trainings. She was sure I would understand once I went, and we could get along better. The choice was clear. I love her and our son but I will not subject myself to something I know to be ethically and morally wrong.
I am amazed at how she and her group can justify ending marriages and still call this a good program.
I think it was Elena that called this several months ago when she wrote that the LGAT will try to isolate and cause pain, and guilt for the spouse so the will attend looking for relief. I didn’t work this time, just ripped apart the lives a couple and a 12 year old boy.
I wish something could be done to stop these groups from causing so much pain. The media doesn’t seem too interested in the DFW area.
Take care all

EC sorry, but that sounds like the beginning of the end. I experienced the same thing with my wife when she took PSI. "If you want to save our marriage you'll attend this training." Good Luck to you.

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Re: Recovery from LGAT Discovery in Dallas
Posted by: suspect ()
Date: November 16, 2007 04:51PM

Hi Folks,

I haven't been to this forum since I first found it in early September, and I know my postings upset some . . . so apologies in advance because I know many of you are having awful experiences with spouses or friends who've gone through this training. I just thought that I would share the following, for what it is worth.

My husband and I were separated and really struggling in our marriage. We have a young child. It was tearing us apart. We both have professional careers and had been in couples counseling for a year without much movement. We were very stuck, at an impasse and I was planning to file for divorce in June or July. We'd tried very hard to save our marriage and it just began to feel that nothing would ever, ever change.

In May of 2007, he went to Discovery. Hesitant, I agreed to attend the following month in June. Five or six months later, here's my report...we are the most happily married we have ever been, and communicate better than we ever did before. It has been a long road and isn't all sunshine, but the trainings helped us cut the BS in our life and focus on what was most important. We aren't in touch in any regular way with the people in our training classes, but do get emails from time to time from those with whom we connected. I share this only because, while I accept that trauma and past sadness and newfound boundaries DO get rattled during a weekend like a Discovery training, it isn't necessarily for any mind-control reason. My husband and I went to a retreat where we learned a lot about ourselves. Taking this time away for ourselves and experiencing what we did in a group format gave us empathy and a renewed ability to come back into our marriage, forgive each other for past hurts, recommit and fight for our marriage. While I'm not involved with the TAs or people who run the training, I have heard from one or two of them over the past six months and they were genuinely thrilled that our marriage had been reinforced by our experience. So, I just wanted to share that in my experience, the goal of this training is not to take people away from their families. In fact, many people in my class--their whole focus--was how they were determined to be a better wife/husband/father/mother/daughter/whatever.

The biggest difference I saw in my husband when he returned in May...was that, for the first time in our 10+ year relationship, he admitted responsibility for his role in how things had gone south. This got my attention and began to give me some hope (after years of being afraid to hope), as it was a huge departure from his formerly typical defensive stance. I could tell he was genuine. He was ready to own up to stuff and to stand up for himself in a new way--a way that wasn't defensive, but was definitely firm. I was so surprised that something finally got him to admit his own responsibility...that I did agree to go to Discovery myself. I am glad I did.

Yeah...there were a lot of exercises similar to those used in other LGAT, and the emotional stuff was pretty intense, but . . . for whatever reason, it's made a very big difference in our lives and our marriage. Since so much of what has been written on this forum is the bad side of how participation in this training has hurt or at least crippled some marriages, I just thought I'd share my story. I know I will be bashed for sharing my experience by many of you. But I'm not necessarily writing this for you. Your minds are made up, and I respect that. You've had an awful experience and you're trying to figure out how to recover. I hear that. But I also know that others who read this might benefit from hearing that not everyone who goes to Discovery gets sucked up into some black hole of jargon and emails and CDs. I admit there are some people in my class who attended when their marriage was on the brink, and sadly, their marriages may not have been saved or repaired. But mine was. I had an experience through the training that showed me, pretty clearly, all the ways that I wasn't being the best wife I could be. I got some help from TAs there on how to focus on my commitment to my husband, not run from him. How to own up to my role, forgive him for his and move forward together. Had just one of us gone, I think it would have been rough. But, that we both went, it gave us something to share in a new way, after a long period of not really being able to come together on much of anything.

So, let it be known that not everyone gets ruined in there or brainwashed. We've not given a cent to Discovery since we completed the trainings, we don't try to get others to go, and we haven't replaced our families with people we spent three weekends with. But we do value each other now, respect each other more, communicate more clearly, speak less defensively and ask for what we need in a much better way. This, for us, has been worth it. And that is our story. I'll post in another few months with an see if this is still the effect of some endorphin high...or sustaining. The whole way this forum started was someone named "free" asked for people's experience with this training. So, before you blast me for sharing . . . please accept that I am answering that original post. I'm sharing my experience.

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