Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: February 25, 2004 06:33AM

And it would seem to me, that this would form a "schism" in the victims mind. One one hand, they are TRYING to believe all the Landmark gobblygook, and yet UNDERNEATH, their private thoughts would be racing...
what is wrong with me?
Why don't i "get it"?
Why am i failing? etc...

It reminds me of Christian (Anti)Science.
Those folks TRY to believe that stuff, but life keeps kicking you in the teeth, and then you believe that YOU CAUSED IT.
This has been clinically shown to lead to depression.
Over-internalization of external problems.
Sometimes its healthier to blame external forces for your problems, if they were caused by external forces!


then is that there is nothing "WRONG" with you. The entire forum is about rackets, winning formulas, lack of integrity, not being authentic, but there is nothing really wrong here (because there is no right, no wrong, no good, no bad). Health problems are really about being powerless in some part of life. There are no victims only folks who have difficulty with taking responsibility. Until you do LE, you won't know this (I'm being sarcastic here folks). So they say there is nothing wrong because this is all human nature, but then LE grads won't date non-LEs. Hmm...

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: February 25, 2004 09:05PM

..or less employable.

I've been taking a business communication class at the local city college.

They tell us, again and yet again, that we must communicate clearly, and with as few words as possible.

Other principles:

First and foremost consider the needs of the person or group that receives your communication. Dont just think of yourself.

Stay focused. Stay concise. Construct sentences carefully. Dont over do jargon.

Well..if someone emerges from an LGAT indoctrination session using 20 words where 4 words would suffice, speaks in a peculiar jargon that is appreciated only by other LGAT alumni, and they ignore the needs and concerns of other people...

They'll disrupt any office quite soon.

They will only be able to function in the cloistered world of the local LGAT center.

Economists speak of a phenomenon called 'opportunity loss'.

Its not as easily quantifiable as lost dollars or lost hours.

Opportunity loss refers to situations which consume your time, your attention, your effort and your money, either harm you directly or at least fail to give adequate return for what you ahve invested.

These opportunity loss sitautions also prevent you from accessing resources would have been MORE effective at helping you.

This would set the graduate up for inner conflict and that conflict might be solved two different ways:

1) The dedicated LGAt graduate might have to think/communicate two different ways, one at LGAT functions/at home and conceal the LGAT jargonizing while at work. (Like running multiple open windows on ones computer?)

*This compartmentalization will be exhausting in the long run.

3) The person might completly succumb use LGAT vocabulary at work and loses the ability to be concise when issuing memos, letters etc. This graduate may have more and more conflicts at work. He or she may risk violate the rules that govern business communication and work place culture.

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: February 25, 2004 10:23PM

So given the new dialect Landmarkians use, the possibility (sorry) that they only want to stick with their own, and the inclusion of LE on resumes and use of jargon in the workplace, the result of participation actually limit a grad's dating or employment field. I know two participants who lost their jobs DURING a forum weekend because they decided to reveal their rackets to their employers and coworkers.

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: February 25, 2004 10:34PM

'dating within one's species'.

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: February 26, 2004 02:04AM

Creating a "private language" is a technique of Mind-Control. It is one of the most powerful techniques, as language literally CREATES our internal realities.
I made a post in the Robbins forum about this.


* Create JARGON: (Private words and a "common language" for the group) What the leaders of their group do, is to create a series of words, or acronyms, or give new meanings to old words, to further group cohesion. They create a type of "private language" for the group. There are many reasons for this. It creates a sense of "group cohesion", and it also creates a sense of "us - them". Even little children do this when they start their "own group". One of the first things they do is create some "secret words", so this creates better Social Bonding. So the Group Leader creates a private lexiCon to facilitate group cohesion. (Social Influence)
There are also the Cognitive-Linguistic aspects of this. If the leader has a set of words, and he defines/controls the MEANING of these words and acronyms, then if these "new words" are used a lot, then in a very real sense he is "controlling the thought processes" of his followers, much of the time. If he is able to take a common word, and reframe this into a NEW word, then this is a form of "Thought Control", (Orwellian Newspeak) which allows for greater control by the Leader. (of course the military does all of these things, any non-military person would have no idea even of what military people are talking about).
Robbins has created a massive private jargon. HOP, NAC, NLP, State, Must, alkalize, VAKOG, Reframing, References, Rules, etc etc. Without understanding the meaning of these words and acronyms, a person is lost.

* Voice Anchoring: This is similar to the NLP technique called ANCHORING, which one can learn all about in Tony's book Unlimited Power. Voice Anchoring is doing the same with your voice, like a hypnotist, but without "direct hypnosis". What you do, is to create an Anchor (NLP) using your Voice. So it can contain a Word, or Words, or a sentence, or even a chant.
So if you had your clients in a multi-day seminar, you build them up into the Emotional/Psychological state you want them in, and then you design a Word/Phrase, and using a very SPECIFIC voice tonality, you Anchor it in at just the right moment. You REPEAT this many many times.
Then much later, in an audio-tape, or another seminar, the Leader can use this Voice Anchor, to invoke the same State/Emotion in his clients, and then even stack anchors, or do whatever he wants with it.
Very SPECIFIC words, and voice tones, can be associated with very SPECIAL rites of passage in the group, and these are the most powerful.
Tony does this like crazy.
For those who have done Tony's firewalk, how would they feel if they heard Tony's voice moss...
There are many examples of this in advertising as well.

Live With Passion! (voice-anchor)


EDIT: this is also used in "hypnosis", where literally ONE WORD (or a phrase) can be installed in people, and just saying this ONE WORD can instantly put that person/people into a Trance State that was designed, created, and installed in the person at an earlier time.

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: nycupperes ()
Date: February 26, 2004 10:01AM

The responses provided by the people on this board are extremely revealing and insightful. I've found it incredible to do some of this research on the topic and see how these Landmarkian influenced people have no sense of individuality. The saddest part is most of them are so confused in thier thinking that they can no longer articulate in proper English. There must be some "filtered" layer in their brains that prevents them from using a normal vocbulary and sentence structure.

I deceided to look at a few advertisements on the Landmark Forum website just to verify my results. One of the words that came up frequently was "Possibilities." So, I did a quick search and instantly found a person on the Landmark dating site that used it in thier title (actually almost every Landmarkian used some form of the word). I will post below the advertisement so we can view the language:

Lets Create possibilitys together!

About my Landmark Education experience: Iam creating the possibilty of being happy, and making others happy. I want to make peoples lifes special by showing them that they are cared about and loved. I'am also creating the possibility that I can live in the present and the future and not letting my past dictate my life any longer. My participation has opened up a world of security in myself and that I can at last put my past where it belongs in the past. I also have learned that I can give freely of myself and I'am who I'am.

The first thing I noticed was the word "possibilitys". This in not even a word in the English language. How using the word properly, a.k.a. “possibilities.” If you going to use a word in almost every single sentence then at least spell it correctly. The misspelling just proves that this is a programmed word, because most people that would use a word by free choice and frequently would know how to properly conjugate it in a sentence.

The next thing I noticed was the circular nature of the langage, what exactly was this person saying. It kind of reminded me of saying something like circles are round thefore they are circles. What type of normal person speaks like this? This poor women is obviously very disturbed and confused and screaming out for professional help.

The real world defination of the word [b:ed24419227]"Possible."[/b:ed24419227]
1) Capable of happening, existing, or being true without contradicting proven facts, laws, or circumstances.
2) Capable of occurring or being done without offense to character, nature, or custom.
3) Capable of favorable development; potential: a possible site for the new capital.
4) Of uncertain likelihood.

How about I help out our lady in the advertisement and rewrite her personal in the form of single question: "Is it possilbe that I have a normal healthy relationship with a partner?" NO! (at least not with out DEPROGRAMMING.) Yes, You should go and become a DEPROGRAMMING junkie, it might do you some good.
The next word that seemed to pop up on the radar more frequently then most was [b:ed24419227]"integrity."[/b:ed24419227] Integrity is defined:
1) Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
2) The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3) The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
About Me:
I am happy around people who live their life fully or when involved in making music,teaching,sharing. You can count on me for being my word.I am passionate about the future and the present and knows how to create my life from Nothing. My best friend have faith in everything I times I need to be reminded what I have in me that make them so commited to our friendship. I like to see transformation in life of others and to be part of it somehow. I am fun to be with.I am not a Landmark fanatic but I see how it effected my life and the life of all I have enrolled over the years. Its a fantastic work and I can't wait to share it also in my love life.

About my Landmark Education experience: I am creating life of unstoppability( I don't think it is a word but it is my word).Integrity in all areas of life. I am not leaving untill I live my dreams. I am commited to share non stop my life, ideas,this work and my way of positive thinking. I have the greatest parents/family/friends/students etc to thank for. I am cherishing every moment and creating on going exciting possiblities, one of them is to love and trust a man full heartdly.

Courses I've completed: Landmark Forum, Advanced Course, Seminar Program (one or more), Self-Expression and Leadership Program, Leadership and Assisting Program
The above advertisement is very, very scary. He's a women that is 40 years old living in a large city that has admittedly recruited many new members. This is proof of my original thread topic. She actually makes the statement, "

I am not a Landmark fanatic
". Are these people so far gone that they can't see themselves for who they are? It remindeds me of a quote from Dick Sutphen.


So, to begin, I want to state the most basic of all facts about brainwashing: In the entire history of man, no one has ever been brainwashed and realized, or believed, that he had been brainwashed. Those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators, claiming they have simply been "shown the light" ...or have been transformed in miraculous ways.
Source of Quote

Probably a very interesting topic that I'm sure is covered in another thread, I'd be interested in learning more about how these people don't realize at all they are under the influence, when it's so obvious by those around them.

Back to the personal add and the use of the word "Integrity". This women claims to have Integrity in all areas of her life. You must be kidding, she is Divided and certainly not in a condition of being whole. Can someone tell me what language the word "unstoppability" is from? Or how about the use of the word "EFFECTED." I believe that she meant to use "AFFECTED." Perhaps, it was a freudian slip of her repressed subconcious, screaming to get out.

She also misspells the words "committed", "possibilities", and "heartedly;" which may indicate they were all implanted in her head.

The interesting thing about the ways the Landmarkians use words like Integrity and Possibilities, is that the reality is almost the complete antithesis. As someone earlier in the thread pointed out that they develop their own lexicon, but what's also interesting is how they modify the words in a way that contradicts the reality.

Another word that 16 times more likely to appear in a Landmarkian Advertisement was "PASSIONATE". In this situation the denotation is not as important as the CONOTATION (common usage or meaning). As a single guy looking at personal advertisements, you always look for "PASSIONATE" women. It's an insiders buzz word for "you're going to get lucky." As anyone that's done personals for a while and you'll see that "PASSIONATE " is almost synonymous with sex.

This once again proves my original point that Landmark has now started programming these women to recruit more members via Online Dating Services. I must repeat my finding that a Landmarkian woman is 1,600% more likely to use the word "PASSIONATE " in their advertisements. Below are a few more examples just for fun:
About Me:
I am passionate about music, nature, food, and my work. I enjoy being with friends and family and meeting new people. New experiences and activieties stimulate me. I enjoy discussing many topics. I spend my free time taking walks in nature, working out, reading, watching films, listening to live music, and talking with friends and family. Life is a miracle and I love to discover the wonder in it.

Courses I've completed: Landmark Forum, Advanced Course

About my Landmark Education experience: Right now I am in the SELP. My community project is a fundraiser to raise money for a special education school where I live. The possibility of who I am is the possibility of greatness and inspiration. My participation has allowed me to become fully responsible for my life. During the Landmark Forum I saw how by being authentic love is possible.
Looking for a juicy, loving and committed relationship

About Me:
I am a passionate, loving and energetic woman who is excited about the possibilities ahead in life.

Courses I've completed: Landmark Forum, Advanced Course, Seminar Program (one or more), Self-Expression and Leadership Program, Communication Course: Access to Power, Advanced Communication Course: Performance and Power

About my Landmark Education experience: My participation in Landmark has created the possibility of committed relationships and love with others.
Wow, the above girl is so far gone she can no longer formulate a real sentance. That's what you get for taking over 5 Landmark Course, complete mush for brains.
About my Landmark Education experience: I am committed to being in integrity regarding my health and well being. I am committed to buying an apartment in NYC. I am committed to writing screenplays and novels that touch, move and inspire others, as well as making them laugh. Out of Landmark, I got to see where I was making myself powerless in my life, and transformed my relationship with my job, my family and my friends.
Ok, enough for now you get the point! Can somebody please let me know what "integrity regarding my health and well being" means? Just curious. Perhaps a former Landmarkian could elaborate on the word "integrity" or what the heck this person meant.

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: nycupperes ()
Date: February 26, 2004 10:20AM

I just wanted to thank who ever runs this web site.

[b:92ed2a9a80]Kudos, Kudos, Kudos...[/b:92ed2a9a80]

I can't beleive that Landmak has not tried to shut it down with their legal team. I read all over the web about sites and individuals that were gaged. It's great to be able to not only exercise free speach but also exchange ideas with people of common interests and intellect.

Just curious, has anyone read the excellent play by "Stephen Peace?" Click Here for Play

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: February 26, 2004 10:55PM


Can somebody please let me know what "integrity regarding my health and well being" means? Just curious. Perhaps a former Landmarkian could elaborate on the word "integrity" or what the heck this person meant.

NYC - Great stuff you've posted. Thanks.

As a Forum "grad" and one who was doing LE unknowingly via a Landmarkian doctor, I'll take a stab at the above. LE's view of health problems is that they are rackets - you have them to avoid taking responsibility for living the life you want. So if you are sick or overweight, tired all the time, it's all because you're not being authentic.

In the Forum, they make headaches "disappear" by asking a participant (mine was so obviously a plant) to describe the nature of her pain and where it is. In doing so, she found her pain moved around to various parts of her head. This was all the proof the leader needed to persuade her and others that it was "all in her head." What was really going on was she was tired from sitting for 2 days, she was bored, she was upset, etc. The pain was just another racket which could be used as an excuse to not participate fully.

This is a great little site that shows how this grad is being.


Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: nycupperes ()
Date: February 28, 2004 02:14AM

I know about the main site for Landmark Education on the internet, but has anyone ever visited the Landmark Education Business Development (a.k.a. LEBD). You can do your own search to find the site, I chose not to list it. Landmark Business Development Services claims to have a number of companies enrolled in their Technology:

Apple Computer
Baytown Refinery, Exxon
Bellevue Hospital Center
BHP-Billiton (Australia)
Glaxo Wellcome
Guidant Corporation
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals (China)
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Magma Copper Company
Mercedes Benz USA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
New Zealand Steel
Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO)
Panamco (Coca Cola Bottling Company, Brazil)
Petrobras (Brazil)
Reebok International
SAP (Brazil)
State of Bahia (Brazil)
State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Telemar (Brazil)
UNUM Insurance
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of the Navy

After reading their mission statement:


Landmark Education Business Development (LEBD) is dedicated to creating unprecedented business results. We partner with our clients to design and implement organizational initiatives that produce significant, sustainable change in a surprisingly short period of time.

I am very concerned that the U.S. Department of the Navy is involved in their cult like practices. In addition, they have also listed the "U.S. Department of Health an Human Services." This organization is is coaching such an important and influencial part of the United States Government. I've contacted the Department at the below information to validate this information. It should be interesting what the results are?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
Telephone: 202-619-0257
Toll Free: 1-877-696-6775

I'll also try and contact the US Navy but this may prove to be more difficult. Could you imagine if the US Navy is under the influnce of the Landmarkians. This is frightenning stuff:( :eek:

Landmark Online Recruitment
Posted by: kittypaw ()
Date: March 12, 2004 11:49PM

Oy! I'll watch out whenever I see those keywords in a dating profile...


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