At the bottom of this page he mentions Landmark.
He also tells us he is a Genius.
Frankly, looks to me like a Narcissist, created by his parents telling him he was a special Mormon prophet as a child...
He is selling a "story" and i guess trying to sell his "intelligence-increasing technology".
-----------------------from his website-----------
The Birth of Genius?
Years later I would score at Genius levels on IQ tests, but I do not credit it to any innate "gift" that I was born with. While I was born with above average intelligence, I do not believe I would have ever become a "genius" unless I'd made that decision to place ultimate confidence in my own mind and to walk a path that would test and expand the limits of my mind like never before.
(In fact, that path led me to making new discoveries about the mind, and to creating intelligence-increasing technology. Much more about this later.)
Many times over the years to come, I would have reason to believe I was a genius, but I feared that taking IQ tests would not validate what I hoped were not just grandiose delusions.
I take pride in the Genius label, because I believe I earned it through the countless hours of hard intellectual work on the "Truth Quest" of the years ahead. One IQ test I would later take would use the term Visionary Philosopher to describe my intelligence level.