Maxui.... in the context of the convesation then... I also have a number for a VERY expensive specialist in non-physical domination... just dial 555-Sha-dow... :lol:
*waits to be woo-hoo'ed* :)
Okay Maxui, sorry, no more bad infantile humour from me, I promise.
May I ask, who recruited you into Insight? Was it a friend or family member? Also, did you ever assist / staff?
"Going into effect" means that you react automatically to the world around you, like a machine or a computer, based on your "programming" which is based on past experience. When you are "at cause" you are supposed to be living in the present moment and creating a new experience, rather than living in the past and 'giving away your power' to others by allowing them to 'push your buttons' to get a reaction.
The only way to escape your programming and be truly at cause is by continuously clearing and / or releasing the past and past emotions.
Question lady, I think this is the underlying principle that The Sedona Method is [i:edec033fba]probably[/i:edec033fba] also based on or derived from. It stems from Scientology by the way, where L. Ron Hubbard invented the concepts of "at cause", "going into effect", "the reactive mind" and "becoming (a) clear".
I think the concept of going into effect contributes to people in lgats lacking compassion because when someone shows a negative emotion (eg feeling hurt by something you've said) then it is interpreted as that person "going into effect" and something to be dismissed because its just old programming, the other person's sh*t that they should clear rather than making it your problem.
I think the concept of going into effect contributes to people in lgats lacking compassion because when someone shows a negative emotion (eg feeling hurt by something you've said) then it is interpreted as that person "going into effect" and something to be dismissed because its just old programming, the other person's sh*t that they should clear rather than making it your problem. Obviously its very selective and open to interpretation when a person may choose to be "at cause" for creating pain in another person that they are in relationship with, and choosing to see it as the other person's sh*t caused by them going into effect.
I think I have had my fill of battering from The-Shadow tho :)[/quote
I was not "battering" you, merely "expression my opinion", responding to YOUR eroneous statements, but if you choose to perceive that as battering, well, that's your reality, not much I can do about that!
Then of course, I would invariably come to another conflict in this logic when a trainee with a history of molestation would come to Impact. They would get confused when they were told that they allowed the abuse to happen. And always, some random exception to this “logic” would be given, such as “Well, you are and have been accountable for how you have chosen to respond to the abuse, right?” or something to that effect, but they can never directly address the flaw in their logic. If a little helpless kid is a god and is at choice, how could they be considered a victim in fact? And if they can be, why not everyone else? I mean, we are dealing with universal truth here, right? :roll: I heard it explained this way more than a few times: "not only are we at choice, but we are also in relationship with the choices of others." Isn't that what being a victim is all about in the first place?!? This is their explanation from the Trainer In Training cult perspective: “Well, we make agreements with each other in the pre-mortal life to teach each other and learn from each other. So in fact, you did agree to be molested, you just don’t remember because the mortal veil has been placed over your eyes that you might not see so you can have this mortal experience. With our assistance, you may remove that veil and forgive your beautiful teachers...”. They reinforce this reasoning from a children’s book (that is sometimes read to them in the Summit training) called The Little Soul and the Sun.
Convenient, no? It is no wonder why so many Mormons eat this stuff up…
I think the concept of going into effect contributes to people in lgats lacking compassion because when someone shows a negative emotion (eg feeling hurt by something you've said) then it is interpreted as that person "going into effect" and something to be dismissed because its just old programming, the other person's sh*t that they should clear rather than making it your problem. Obviously its very selective and open to interpretation when a person may choose to be "at cause" for creating pain in another person that they are in relationship with, and choosing to see it as the other person's sh*t caused by them going into effect.
SaneAgain - Great explanation how lgats make people cold-hearted. Lgats substitute the old programming with one that destroys one's humanity. And, yes, application of it is very selective (crazy). Making anything about the other person's old programming gives you license to be ruthless.
The lgat I wasted time & $$ on (CONtext Associated), while programming us to be UNcompassionate, had us memorize & recite 10 tenets, one of which was, "I am compassionate with myself and others. I remember we are all wounded." So, as we used the "teachings" to dismantle our humanity, we had this handy thought-stopper (gospel) implanted in our minds which assured us that we were not what in reality we were.
The Shadow
It is frightening that the LGATs are producing a whole breed of these people. What I am curious about is how they even manage to relate to each other!