Michael's picture on the internet . Is there one..?
Posted by: private eye ()
Date: February 23, 2007 11:45AM

I was wondering if there is a picture of Michael on the internet...?Now Brugh Joy a former owner of most of all the land before Michael changed it to Royal Way Ranch has all kinds of Pictures on the internet under Brugh Joy .com .You can go to a link on his website and see members of RWR. Now that Brugh Joy is weird, He speaks to rocks asking them to dance..? weird, and a picture of Brugh "between two worlds...? what the heck..and another picture of Brugh "looking for self" .Now Michael hides too much why...? because he is full of .......

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Michael's picture on the internet . Is there one..?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 23, 2007 08:21PM

Shouldn't this be posted at the Royal Way thread?

The title isn't very specific.

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Michael's picture on the internet . Is there one..?
Posted by: The Real Deal ()
Date: February 25, 2007 02:53PM

Why do you want Michael's picture?

Also it would be better if you posted on the Royal Way thread and not start new topics. More people will view the original thread and your questions and comments will not go unnoticed.

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