Cult, NOT
Posted by: gremlinuk ()
Date: December 15, 2003 09:23PM

Although the previous contestants and talkers may appear pushy, its because they really want you to do the course. I understand they may be too pushy, but i've been advising everyone i know to do it, because it is the most amazing life changing "self realisation" experience i have ever taken hold of.

There is no cult about the landmark forum, no one bangs anything into your head, theres no burning of strange objects and smelly things, just self realisation and shoulder chip removal.

Almost everyone has a chip on their shoulder about something, it seems logical to remove this, i had a great experience and when i got back my mum had a go at me about being part of a cult. Im sure it sounds like a cult, but there are no dodgy goings on- in my opinion and view.

The shoulder chip removal process rubbs off on others, im not pushy, i dont tell people to go to the forum, i wish they would for their sake.

Amazing, if anyone is sceptical or negative, then its their loss, but chip removed humanoids will have to put up with their negativity, so mayby they should do the forum...


Cult, NOT
Posted by: dutch ()
Date: December 15, 2003 11:16PM


When I got sucked into the LEC abyss several months ago I remember thinking, "I don't see any dodgy cool-aid or apocalyptic messianic maniacs. These are just regular people, like me. This can't be a cult."


In reality, the discussion about 'is it or isn't it...' is somewhat irrelevant. After all, most cults aren't illegal. What's really significant however is that you (like me) think you're getting tremendous benefits or, as you put it, "having chips removed." (?) The sad truth is, while you think 'chips' are being removed, they're actually being implanted. And they will serve the company, leaving you to sweat it out alone, every single time.

If you're one of the lucky ones, you'll do your courses, then go back to your life unharmed (always being careful not to 'push' anyone to do the Forum). If, however, you're like me and several others here, the memes/thoughts that are being implanted in your brain will follow you for a very long time.

They've got you right where they want you!

Consider the possibility that your mum is right. It is a cult, treat it like one and stay the hell away.


Cult, NOT
Posted by: elena ()
Date: December 15, 2003 11:57PM

It would appear you are quite young.

Some of us are old enough to remember the beginning of the LGATS, Large Group Awareness Trainings, and have watched the disaster from the beginning, more than 30 years ago.

You are basing your assumptions on recent, partial, and distorted or contrived information and experience. Landmark is in the business of tricking and fooling people. No matter how good you think you feel or how much progress you think you've made, there is a hidden cost. It would do you well to consider what that might be. Landmark's main goal is to turn people into unpaid sales representatives who need to take more and more classes and seminars. The part of your mind that they target, in order to do this, is where the most important part of your personality is located. Most people wouldn't allow an untrained or uneducated person to do surgery on them. That is the emotional or intellectual eqivalent of what people allow Landmark seminar "leaders" to do, unwittingly.

Some things deserve to be viewed with a jaundiced eye. Anyone who uses certain tricks and tactics to take advantage of other people fall into this category. Any group that uses the same methods that groups like Landmark have devised falls into this category. Earlier adherents used to make jokes about the Kool-Aid. They were certain that because they didn't resemble Jim Jones and his People's Temple they were not a cult. How many of his, Jim Jones, followers thought they were members of a cult, do you suppose?

Please ask your mother to read the information about Landmark on this website. It will help her.


Cult, NOT
Posted by: Kember ()
Date: December 16, 2003 12:03AM

Am I missing something?

First you said, "i've been advising everyone i know to do it"

and then

"i dont tell people to go to the forum"

In a matter of a few sentences you managed to contradict yourself.

I'm not quite sure I'd like to be referred to as a "chip removed humanoid."

Aaron, not all cults burn things.

Let us know how you're doing in a month...


Cult, NOT
Posted by: Templar ()
Date: December 16, 2003 01:23AM

Have you ever looked at a painting? I mean studied and REALLY looked at it. Got to know that particular painting as the artist intended. Even if your answer is "no' my analogy will help you.
I think it is safe to say that most of us have seen a painting hanging on a wall or what have you, and Im sure even a few people have even taken a great deal of time to study their particular painting to really ge to know it. Thats what being a lover of the arts is all about. Now the analogy gets tricky: Do you think you would have a better view of that painting if you were a part of it? ( I know it makes no sense in literal terms) Often times, in order to see "The Big Picture" one must take a step back not forward. In my analogy the painting represents 'The Forum' (because it is a creation and an end result of someones idea becomming reality). This mesage board is the art-gallery in which the painting is hung. Having attended and completed any amount Forum education would remove you from the gallery concourse and put you IN the painting thus altering and limiting your perspective. It is impossible to see the big picture when you are in it.

Cult, NOT
Posted by: Guy ()
Date: December 16, 2003 02:24AM


Is this a game show?

Gremlin.....that's like a troll, n'est pas?

Cult, NOT
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: December 16, 2003 02:49AM

People should NOT do the forum.
They don't need some rip-off pitch about "Self-Realization".
Its a scam.
Its a trick.
Its Post-modern Nihilism.

You want personal growth?
Take a university philosophy course.
The Great Thinkers of history have thought all this stuff through.

You want personal growth?
Study every word in this FREE online book.

People do not need all these silly, dangerous, rip-off courses to take your money, and screw up your life.

Think for yourself.
Run your own life.
Tell Werner Blowhard, and the other Guru Cultists to GET LOST.

Be a leader in your own life, not a follower.


Cult, NOT
Posted by: gremlinuk ()
Date: December 16, 2003 06:00AM

Im moaning about nothing, im not unsuccessful, i love life and have loved it more since doing the forum. I agree the marketing tactics are strong, but listen to the negativity between the critics and the positivity between the sceptics.

I love life, i love not blaming myself for things, i love not hating people, i love doing what i always wanted to do without holding back, i love not having a chip on my shoulder like so many people i have met.

A few notes:
$400 was a tiny amount, it was a hard 3 days, but brilliant, and long lasting.

They are definitely too pushy with the sales tactics, you'll find those pushing others get nothing monetery out of the persuasion.

Cosmophilospher -youre really negative, i bet youre really unhappy inside.

Theres no dehuminisation, i am a lay man, no philospher or scientist, im just glad i tried it.

I took the forum in 1998, that was a while back.

I love life!

Cult, NOT
Posted by: Guy ()
Date: December 16, 2003 06:05AM

Geez Aaron=Gremlinuk,

You're posting under two names and agreeing with your other post as if you're replying...
It would've been a little slicker if you hadn't signed Gremlinuk's post as Aaron and then posted a reply as Aaron.


Come on you can do better than that.

Cult, NOT
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: December 16, 2003 06:31AM

smooth move, Gremlin/Aaron!!!

Although the previous contestants and talkers may appear pushy, its because they really want you to do the course. I understand they may be too pushy, but i've been advising everyone i know to do it, because it is the most amazing life changing "self realisation" experience i have ever taken hold of.

There is no cult about the landmark forum, no one bangs anything into your head, theres no burning of strange objects and smelly things, just self realisation and shoulder chip removal.

Almost everyone has a chip on their shoulder about something, it seems logical to remove this, i had a great experience and when i got back my mum had a go at me about being part of a cult. Im sure it sounds like a cult, but there are no dodgy goings on- in my opinion and view.

The shoulder chip removal process rubbs off on others, im not pushy, i dont tell people to go to the forum, i wish they would for their sake.

Amazing, if anyone is sceptical or negative, then its their loss, but chip removed humanoids will have to put up with their negativity, so mayby they should do the forum...


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