The Oprah show on The Secret on Friday is going to be a complete joke, I psychically predict. At best, they will have an incompetant, non-professional skeptic on, who will not be able to get a decent point in. (she had a bogus "scientist" on selling his book, who blatantly told a falsehood, that the journal Nature had articles proving psychic ability, when they only have articles on "entanglement" which has nothing to do with it).
Oprah may do good charity works, but I have lost basically all respect for her when it comes to this type of stuff. Maybe she doesn't know any better, maybe its just about giving the public what they want.
I'm going to write a book one day, it will be called "102 different ways to DELAY gratification, and LIKE IT!" It will be found in the not-yet-invented section of 'anti-self help' sections in book stores.
Your book and the section it will go in are needed NOW. I did a quick check of my neighborhood bookstore self-help section (to see if The Secret is there) and saw Sedona Method, L. Ron Hubbard and others. Where can one find books that examine and dispute that crap? That crap needs to be challenged - loudly! Anyone wanna start a (counter) movement? Get on Oprah, cruise the circuit, exposing and discussing all the crap. Start a discussion, stimulate some critical thinking.
Oprah: So, you are a skeptic and propose to reveal the true nature of life.
You: Why yes, it's really quite simple. Be a decent human being to your fellow humans, work hard, focus on your goal and be prepared for setbacks. But most of all keep at it."
You: Simple, really.
Oprah: Our next guest will tell us how they can manifest chocolate from the recovered hair of their housepets...
Till then we have Michael Shermer, The Amazing Randi and others. Too bad Sagan is dead.[/url]
The Anticult
There are just a tiny minority of people fighting against this, and this is one of those sites. Thank goodness for that.