The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Gemini ()
Date: June 14, 2007 12:05AM

There is nothing condescending about skeptic's post.
hi hope,
tks for sharing, as the esties would say.
i don't agree with your view.


He is pointing out legitimate discrepancies and absurdities in "lgat" thinking.
who defines the "legitimacy"?


"LGAT" stands for the forum topic you are posting under.
good to know, hope.
still, i do not know what this abbreviation stands for.


The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Gemini ()
Date: June 14, 2007 12:18AM

Hi Gemini,
Well, I'm curious, do you think Katie's criticism of the Secret makes sense?
yes, the 4 lines of her on the 4 lines she'd picked from the secret make all sense to me.


Is she someone who makes sense to you?
she does.
though, i have decided not to see her, when i was invited to.


she teaches complacency and powerlessness.
i don't think so. she does not engage in implementing force.
and acceptance of what is, is not complacency.

i'd rather engage in The Secret than sidetracking on BK.


The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Gemini ()
Date: June 14, 2007 12:23AM

what do you think about that article with the producer of TS Rhonda Byrne?



The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: June 14, 2007 01:57AM

pls explain the term lgat. i'm not familiar with that term.
Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT)
[/quote]btw, logic is not the 'god' for me.

Why did you come to this website then. Here is a thought. The Law of Attraction may be at work here. The deeply buried God given logic deep within you that has been denied access to your brain is being attracted to a site where logic reigns. Logic is what finally surfaced for many of us who became entangled for years in LGAT's which are just platforms for this so called "The Secret" philosphy. All these companies operate on beingf a platform to this messed up philosphy. Just with variations to make it seem different on the outside. On the inside, its the same garbage.
i'm not impressed with the condescending tone of your post, skeptic.

If you choose to remain on this website and engage in posting? Get used to it because LOGIC does reign on this site. So, the condescending tone will be in many posts on this site for you.

Logic is what is condescending to you. Not what is being said.

So, you may consider very strongly. Do you want to be on a site that operates on logic, and thus you will feel condescended in replies?

Your at choice gemini. Logic or not.

The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: June 14, 2007 02:00AM

Oops. I tried the quotes tool. I need to learn how to use better.

Hope you will sort out last post.

The second quote was my reply to the part of gemini's post that I tried to quote. My reponse and quote got inverted.

The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: June 14, 2007 02:12AM

quote="Gemini"]pls explain the term lgat. i'm not familiar with that term.[/quote]
Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT)
quote="Gemini"]btw, logic is not the 'god' for me.

Why did you come to this website then. Here is a thought. The Law of Attraction may be at work here. The deeply buried God given logic deep within you that has been denied access to your brain is being attracted to a site where logic reigns. Logic is what finally surfaced for many of us who became entangled for years in LGAT's which are just platforms for this so called "The Secret" philosphy. All these companies operate on beingf a platform to this messed up philosphy. Just with variations to make it seem different on the outside. On the inside, its the same garbage.
quote="Gemini"]i'm not impressed with the condescending tone of your post, skeptic.

If you choose to remain on this website and engage in posting? Get used to it because LOGIC does reign on this site. So, the condescending tone will continue for you in many posts on this site for you.
Because Logic is what is condescending to you. Not what is being said.
Gemini, I challenge you to consider very strongly. Do you want to be on a site that operates on logic, and thus you will feel condescended in replies? My hope is for your inner logic to win out, and let logic be attracted to you versus what you are currently to attract.
So please Gemini. Let the logic that is in the fibre of your beingness out, let it attract the logic it is desiring. Your logic that attracted you to this site is trying to safeguard you from harm.
Please stop ignoring the logic that is buried deep within yourself. Let out of its cage. Let it be free as it is meant to be.
Gemini, your at choice here. You don’t have to interact with logic on this site.
I do challenge you to look deep within yourself and ask what has drawn you to this site? I believe it was what is deep within you “LOGIC” crying out within yourself to be set free the way it should be.

The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: June 14, 2007 02:14AM

I tried to clean up my post, and resubmit it with a few added addtional comments to Gemini.

But, it did not format in the manner I was intending.

I will figure it out yet.

Logic will figure it out for me.

The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Gemini ()
Date: June 14, 2007 06:11AM

pls explain the term lgat. i'm not familiar with that term.
Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT)
tks for your reply.



btw, logic is not the 'god' for me.
Why did you come to this website then.
why would you ask.
i came to discuss on "the secret".


The deeply buried God given logic deep within you that has been denied access to your brain is being attracted to a site where logic reigns.
i'm a rather mental person. and don't see any neccessity to be answerable to another user of this forum.


Logic is what finally surfaced for many of us who became entangled for years in LGAT's which are just platforms for this so called "The Secret" philosphy.
"many of us" - there you go. your post is written in the air and perceived back-up of an in-group, an us-group.


All these companies operate on beingf a platform to this messed up philosphy.
i don't believe in generalisations. (words like 'all', 'never' ...)


If you choose to remain on this website and engage in posting? Get used to it because LOGIC does reign on this site.
what does that mean?
a declaration of war?


So, the condescending tone will be in many posts on this site for you.
first i'll see what is evolving in this thread.


Logic is what is condescending to you. Not what is being said.
the tone used (yours too) appears condescending to me.

there are certain kinds of logic.

you might consider this quote
>>>If someone says that he can think about quantum physics without becoming dizzy, that shows only that he has not understood anything whatever about it.<<< Niels Bohr


The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: June 14, 2007 06:27AM


Wanna use Katie's four questions to find out if it's true that I was being condescending?

1. Is it true? Is it true that skeptic was being condescending? (the correct answer per Katie is "no")

2. Can you absolutely know that it's true? (she instructs that if you answered "yes" to the first question, you need to ask it again)

3. How do you react when you think that thought? Notice all the effects of thinking that thought.

4. Who would you be without that thought?

Bonus step: Turn it around = I, Gemini, am condescending.

The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Gemini ()
Date: June 14, 2007 06:35AM

Wanna use Katie's four questions to find out if it's true that I was being condescending?
no, i don't wanna. it's off topic.
what about the possibility ''to get kicked out by the us-group'' if you dare to change leagues and play LGAT-therapist. :cry:

and sure enough: anything that comes up, i take responsibility for.

best, Gemini

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